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  • Hello, I’m Craig and this is Crash Course Government and Politics and today were finally

  • gonna talk about a topic I know that you've all been waiting for: Monetary and Fiscal policy. Hurray!

  • You haven’t been waiting for monetary and fiscal policy? Are you sure? I’ve been talking

  • it up for weeks, you know? Well, let me see if I can’t convince you to be as excited

  • as I am. Monetary Policy! Wooo! Fiscal Policy! Yeah! I want to get fiscal, fiscal.

  • Come on and get fiscalokay let’s start the show.

  • [Theme Music]

  • Let’s start with monetary policy because it’s not at all controversial.

  • Well, it kind of is controversial, but it’s less contentious than fiscal policy.

  • Monetary policy is basically the way the government regulates the amount of money in circulation

  • in the nation’s economy. Controlling the money supply is the primary task of the Federal Reserve

  • System and since it’s a little bit complicated, I’m going to talk about the other things that the Fed does first.

  • The Federal Reserve System was created in 1913 to serve as America’s central bank.

  • Before then, there were state and local banks as well as a Bank of the United States, which

  • was a much more limited central bank.

  • The Fed is made up of 12 regional banks, and two boards. The Federal Reserve Board of Governors, who are appointed by

  • the President, and the Federal Open Market Committee, which is partially appointed by the president.

  • The Fed has two primary tasks: to control inflation and to encourage full employment,

  • and it has four basic functions, but one of them is way more important than the others.

  • The Fed is responsible, ultimately for clearing checks, and for supplying actual currency,

  • most of which is kept in highly secure facilities staffed by robots. With laser eyes.

  • I don’t know if they have laser eyes.

  • The Fed also sets up rules for banks, although these can also be set by Congress. But the

  • most important thing that the Fed does is loan money to other banks and set interest rates.

  • That’s why when you hear about the Federal Reserve, nine times out of ten it’s about

  • interest rates, because that’s the main way the Fed controls the money supply.

  • The Fed loans money to banks, sweet, sweet money, which they in turn loan out to businesses

  • and individuals and, like all loans, the Fed charges interest. The Fed sets the rate on

  • the interest, called the discount rate, and this determines, mostly, how much money banks will borrow.

  • The lower the rate, the more banks will borrow and the more money goes into circulation.

  • Other banks peg the interest rates they charge to the Fed’s rate, charging slightly more,

  • so in this way the Fed determines, or sets, interest rates in the economy as a whole.

  • The Fed also creates regulations that control how much money circulates in the economy.

  • One of these is the bank reserve requirement, or the amount of money in cash that a bank has to have on hand.

  • Now the amount of money that a bank holds in reserve is only a fraction of the total

  • amount of money held in deposit at the bankthat’s why it’s called fractional

  • reserve bankingbut the reserve requirement is there so that you don’t get catastrophic

  • bank runs like we saw during the Great Depression when so many frightened depositors took their

  • money out of banks that the banks failed.

  • Raising the reserve requirement reduces the amount of money in circulation and lowering

  • it pumps more money into the economy.

  • The Federal Reserve also sets the interest rate banks charge to lend money to each other,

  • which again controls the amount of money that circulates.

  • If banks are charging each other a lot of money to borrow, they won’t borrow as much,

  • and they won’t lend as much to firms and individuals and there will be less money in the economy as a whole.

  • There’s at least one more important way that the Fed influences the money supply in

  • the U.S. and that’s through Open Market Operations.

  • This is a fancy way to say that the Fed buys and sells government debt in the form of treasury

  • bills, or government bonds. When the Fed sells bonds, it takes money out of the economy,

  • and when it buys them more money goes into the economy.

  • This is the idea behind what was known as Quantitative Easing, which is really complicated.

  • To be honest, I’m not crazy about wading into economics here, and thankfully there’s

  • a whole other series to do that, but I have to mention inflation at this point.

  • Inflation is a general rise in prices that can be caused by a number of things, but one

  • of them is the amount of money that circulates. If there’s more money around, there’s

  • more that can be spent and this makes it possible for prices to go up.

  • But this isn’t an absolute rule, as of 2016 weve had years of basically zero interest

  • rates, which means it’s really cheap to borrow money, which means that there should

  • be a lot of money in circulation, yet inflation remains quite low.

  • Hey, it’s real cheap to borrow money. Can I borrow two bucks? No! [punches eagle] He never has any money.

  • Usually low interest rates tend to cause inflation and reduce unemployment, and high interest

  • rates are expected to cool down an overheating economy, but that hasn’t happened much in

  • the past few years. I’ll say again, I glad this isn’t an economic series.

  • It’s important to note here that the Federal reserve is an independent body, meaning that

  • its board of governors and chairperson are not elected or really subject to much regulation

  • from Congress. And they throw the best parties. That’s probably why.

  • This is intentional and probably a good idea. Ideally, you want people in charge of the

  • money supply to be able to look after broader interests than their own re-election, and

  • this is why the Fed is supposed to be insulated from politics and remain independent.

  • Ok, so that’s monetary policy, which is one lever that the federal government can

  • use to influence the economy. Increasingly it’s the only lever, because in America

  • we have a hard time with fiscal policy.

  • What’s that, you might be asking? Fiscal policy refers to the government’s ability

  • to raise taxes and spend the money it raises. Since I know that by this episode youve

  • been paying a lot of attention to American politics, you know that in the past 20 or

  • 30 years, at least, Americans have generally been reluctant to raise taxes, and somewhat

  • reluctant to have the government spend money. The difference between these two goalsspending

  • money and not raising taxeslargely explains why we have deficits.

  • Before we get into tax policy, which I know is what youve been waiting for, calm down,

  • I need to point out that the way the government can spend more money on programs than it takes

  • in taxes is by borrowing it, which the government does by, you guessed it, selling bonds.

  • Good thing we talked about Open Market Operations.

  • Let’s tax the Thought Cafe people with a lot of work, by talking about taxes and spending in the Thought Bubble.

  • First, ever since Ronald Reagan came to office there has been a hostility towards higher

  • taxes and government spending that is theoretically based in an idea called supply side economics.

  • I’m not going to discuss the details of the theory or even whether it’s right or

  • wrong or somewhere in between, but the basic thrust is that if you lower taxes on businesses

  • and individuals, the individuals will be able to spend more, the businesses will be able

  • to invest more, and the economy as a whole will grow. It’s a simple and politically

  • powerful idea and has set the terms of the debate for a generation.

  • In general, over the past 30 years the trend is for there to be lower federal taxes and

  • for them to be less progressive, meaning that wealthier people pay a lower percentage of

  • their income in Federal taxes. The wealthy still pay the largest share of federal taxes

  • overall, though, so it’s not completely accurate to say that they aren’t paying.

  • Since Reagan, and especially during the presidency of George W. Bush, income tax rates on the

  • highest earners have fallen, as have taxes on estates (although they did go up again)

  • and on capital gains and dividends. President Obama did raise tax rates, but primarily on

  • people earning above $450,000 a year.

  • Corporate tax rates have also declined and Social Security taxes have gone up, which

  • is important because this is the federal tax that most of us are most likely to pay.

  • Overall the percentage of revenue that the federal government receives from taxes has held pretty

  • steady at between 43% and 50%. If youre interested in the numbers, for 2013 the government

  • received almost $2.8 trillion in tax revenues. And it spent $3.5 trillion, which math tells

  • us means a deficit of around 700 billion dollars.

  • Thanks, Thought Bubble. When people say that they need to cut spending and balance the

  • budget, this is what they are talking about, but it’s not quite as simple as just spending

  • less, because there are some places where the government can’t cut spending even if they want to.

  • There are certain items in the federal budget that must be spent because they are written

  • into law by Congress. These are called uncontrollables, or mandatory spending.

  • One uncontrollable that relates to monetary policy is interest payments on federal debt.

  • The government can’t not pay its interest, otherwise no one would lend us money.

  • That's just how lending works, or it's supposed to work.

  • Farm price supportssubsidiesare also counted as uncontrollables, and they

  • are important, but not nearly as important as the two big-ticket mandatory spending items.

  • These are social security and Medicare, and they are paid for with dedicated federal taxes.

  • They provide income and health insurance for elderly people and it’s unlikely that the

  • amounts the government spends on them is going to decline anytime soon for three reasons.

  • First, is that the population is aging, meaning that the percentage of older Americans is

  • rising in proportion to younger Americans. This means that more people will be receiving

  • Social Security payments, which leads us to the second reason they are unlikely to go down: people like them.

  • The third reason is more political: older people tend to vote more regularly, so a politician

  • who wants to keep their job is unlikely to vote for cuts in Social Security or Medicare.

  • So, here’s the thing about the Federal Reserve and economics: The American economy is really

  • huge, and really complicated, and has some issues that need addressing.

  • Whether you care a lot about budget deficits or don’t think they're a big deal will depend

  • a lot on your feelings about economics in general, but there are a couple of things to keep in mind.

  • First, there's only a limited range of programs on which the government can choose to spend

  • or not spend. These are called discretionary spending and when people call for cuts in

  • government spending, this is what they mean.

  • By far the largest chunk of government spending goes into defense, over $600 billion in 2013,

  • but the next largest item is healthcare for the poor, Medicaid, at $498 Billion.

  • Nothing else even comes close.

  • Spending on the Department of Education, for example, was $41 billion in 2013.

  • The second thing to bear in mind is that in addition to cutting spending, the government

  • could balance its budget by doing what everyone loves - raising taxes. It's done this on occasion,

  • but the political consequences can be pretty tough. Just ask George H.W. Bush.

  • Finally, the combination of Americansaversion to raising taxes and the government’s limited ability

  • to cut spending means that monetary policy becomes its major lever in broad-based macroeconomic policy.

  • That’s why we paid so much attention to the Federal Reserve system at the beginning

  • of this episode, and why you probably should too.

  • Thanks for watching. See you next time.

  • Crash Course Government and Politics is produced in association with PBS Digital Studios. Support

  • for Crash Course: U.S. Government comes from Voqal. Voqal supports nonprofits that use

  • technology and media to advance social equity. Learn more about their mission and initiatives

  • at Crash Course was made with the help of all these broad based macroeconomic

  • policy makers. Thanks for watching.

Hello, I’m Craig and this is Crash Course Government and Politics and today were finally


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貨幣和財政政策。政府和政治速成班#48 (Monetary and Fiscal Policy: Crash Course Government and Politics #48)

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    Jane 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日