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  • The London newspaper The Daily Mail listed the top ten problems experienced

  • by couples on vacation together.

  • And topping the list was: The man looking at other women in bikinis on the beach.

  • Now, in another Prager university course, I explain the sexual power of the visual on men.

  • And as I show, and as anyone readily understands unless they've been misled

  • by a politically correct college course the power of the visual to excite men

  • has no analogue in women.

  • Women don't get excited by virtually every male body at the beach.

  • Male legs don't turn them on like female legs turn men on. Etc. etc.

  • It takes massive willpower in fact for a heterosexual man not to look at bikini-clad women.

  • And few men -- even the nicest, finest, and most monogamously faithful and loving --

  • have such willpower.

  • So, the Daily Mail notes, this frequently causes problems when a couple's itinerary

  • includes a visit to the beach.

  • And what exactly is the problem?

  • The problem is that the wife or girlfriend feels threatened by his looking.

  • And why does she feel threatened? Because she thinks he is comparing her to those women.

  • And why does this disturb her? Here are three reasons.

  • First, virtually every woman, no matter how attractive, thinks that when her man is looking

  • at other women -- other women in general, and in bikinis especially --

  • he is finding them more attractive than her.

  • Second, she thinks that he is therefore dissatisfied with her, which in turn arouses the unspoken

  • but primal fear that he might leave her.

  • And third, she is sure that her man will continue to think about these women

  • long after they have disappeared from sight.

  • So now, let's analyze these reasons.

  • First, does the husband or boyfriend find these women on the beach -- or for that matter

  • anywhere else -- more attractive than he finds his wife or girlfriend?

  • Well, since I believe that only honesty works in the long run, the answer is sometimes, yes.

  • He may very well find some of those women more physically attractive than his woman.

  • But, here's the point that most women, again understandably, don't know:

  • with very few exceptions, it doesn't matter!

  • You heard me right. Of course, when looking at these other women, he may find some of

  • them more physically attractive than the woman he is with. But -- and here's the good news

  • -- SO WHAT??

  • Presuming he is attracted to you -- and if he isn't, it doesn't matter if you're vacationing

  • in a monastery and all he sees are monks -- he wants YOU. I repeat, he wants YOU.

  • And if he does, all these other women don't amount to a hill of beans.

  • There's another thing women need to know. Within seconds of her disappearing from view,

  • he has no memory of any of these women. When in sight, they can take over his male mind.

  • But out of sight, they are out of mind. It's as if they never existed.

  • Yes, the visual gets men's total attention in a matter of seconds, but as soon as the

  • woman he was focused on vanishes, most men forget what they saw in an equal number of seconds.

  • Why does this come as news -- and hard to believe news, at that -- to most women?

  • Because you, the woman, remember the women your man looked at.

  • And you therefore think that he, too, remembers them. But let me assure you he doesn't.

  • Most men under torture couldn't identify the women they looked at that the hour before, let alone the day before

  • if they were shown photos of them along with photos of women they had never seen.

  • And more good news! His seeing women who he thinks for that moment are more attractive

  • than you has no bearing whatsoever on his being "dissatisfied" with you.

  • Men find other woman attractive in large measure just because they are other women.

  • Men are programmed by nature to want variety -- indeed endless variety. That's why God-fearing King

  • Solomon had 700 wives and another 300 concubines, and secular Hugh Hefner had at least that many lovers.

  • In sum, then, when your man looks at these other, perhaps even "more attractive" women,

  • he is: A) Not comparing you to them B) Not in any way becoming dissatisfied with you,

  • and C) Certainly not thinking of them later.

  • He looks at them because they are other women, whether they are more attractive,

  • just as attractive, or less attractive. They are women in bikinis. So he looks.

  • Where there is basic domestic harmony and mutual physical attraction, more than anything,

  • your husband wants you. When he looks, he isn't comparing, he isn't getting dissatisfied,

  • and he won't have a clue later as to who he saw. So when you're back in your hotel room,

  • put on your own bikini, and tell him you want him.

  • Because again, more than anyone else in the world, he wants you.

  • And if you don't believe me, ask him. You'll be glad you did. And so will he.

  • I'm Dennis Prager.

The London newspaper The Daily Mail listed the top ten problems experienced


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他想要你 (He Wants You)

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