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Hi, my name is Massimo Banzi
and I like to make things.
And welcome to another Arduino
tutorial video.
Today we're going to learn
how Arduino can control software
running on your computer.
We are going to use
a very simple circuit
as you can see here,
where we are going to read
the position of a potentiometer
and sending that data over
the USB connection to your computer,
where a small program
written in the processing language
is going to be used to change
the color of the Arduino logo
depending on the position
of the potentiometer.
So, how does this work?
Well, if you noticed it,
the Arduino has two chips.
One main processor here,
that is the one that execute
the code that you program
in the Arduino IDE.
And this other smaller square chip
that lets the Arduino processor
communicate with the USB
bus over to the computer.
So, we are going to use
for this project
something that is called,
Serial Communication.
Because the Arduino
will send data
over to the computer
one bit at the time
at a certain speed we will define
in software, and then,
the square chip that you see here
will convert that into
USB data
that travels over to the computer.
We have used the serial communication
in the past
in order to visualize the data
that comes from the
Arduino board with the Arduino IDE.
There is a button on the Arduino IDE
called serial monitor.
If you press that,
a small window opens up
and then you can see
all the data that comes
from the Arduino board,
visualized scrolling down
the small window.
Then there is a little menu
at the bottom
that says normally 9600,
and that's for example
the speed of communication
used by the Arduino
to send the data
so, the Arduino speed of
sending and the Arduino IDE speed
of receiving have to be the same
in other to keep the data readable.
In this case
we are going to do more
with the data that comes
to the computer.
Instead of just visualizing it
on the screen,
we are going to use
another software
to capture the data
and use it to do something
and control the software
from the Arduino.
In order to do this,
we are going to use the processing language.
Processing is a great software
that was a major inspiration,
and one of the bases
for developing Arduino
and it is a great way
to learn how to program.
You can download the processing IDE
for free from the
prossesing.org website.
After you download it,
you should install it according
to the instructions you find on the web site
and you should go through a couple of
tutorials like the overview tutorial.
After that,
you can load the processing code
into the processing IDE,
and you can load the Arduino code
into the Arduino IDE
and then transfer
the program on the Arduino board
and after the code is loaded,
you will see that the TX LED
will start to blink
signaling that the Arduino is sending data.
You can open the serial monitor,
see the data scrolling on the screen...
after you see that,
the Arduino part of the work is done.
You can close the serial monitor,
then you switch over to the processing IDE,
you press the button to start
the code on the processing IDE.
That will read the data
coming from the Arduino
from the serial port
and then it will use the number
to change the background color
of the Arduino logo.
Now, we should go through the code
and see in detail
how the two different applications work.
Let's build the circuit first.
Here you can see that we have
a potentiometer
plugged into the breadboard
and we have
one wire going from the potentiometer
to the analog input zero,
in order to read the value
coming from the potentiometer.
Then we have two wires
connected to the potentiometer
going to the plus and minus rail
on the breadboard
and then we have
a red and black wire
going from those two rails
to the 5V
and GND signals
on the breadboard.
When I change
the position of the potentiometer
corresponding voltage is
coming out of this wire
and going into the analog input zero
and that data
gets converted into a number
that gets sent down the USB cable
over to the computer
and then to the processing code.
We will start with the Arduino code,
so here you will see
that the code is very simple.
In the setup()function
we have a Serial.begin() command
with 9600 as a parameter.
This opens up
the serial communication between
the Arduino and the computer
at the speed of 9600 bits
per second.
Then in the main loop
we read,
from the analog input zero,
using analogRead(A0).
The value that we read
is between 0 and 1023
and we divide that by 4.
This is because Serial.write(),
which is the function
we are using to send the data
over to the computer
only accepts bytes
that have a value
that goes between 0 and 255
as a maximum value.
So, by dividing the result of "analog read"
by 4 we go from a value
that goes between 0 and 1023
to a value that goes from 0 to 255.
Serial.write() sends the data
from the Arduino onto the cable
over to the computer.
After that we've the delay of
33ms just to avoid
overloading the serial communication
with too much data that can actually
create some problems
on some slower computers.
Once the data
is reaching the computer,
then we have to explore
what the processing code
is doing in order to read that data
and visualize it
So, switching over to the processing code.
At the beginning we have this "import"
statement that imports
the library "prossesing.serial
this one
is the twin library of
our Serial.begin()
a serial library on our Arduino
There is a corresponding serial library
in processing that we are using
to open the communication and
read the data from the board
Then we have an object called
"Serial" that defines the serial port
we want to use to communicate
with the Arduino
And then we define a "PImage" object
called logo
that will contain the logo image
that we want to tweak.
Finally, we have an integer value
called "bgcolor"
that starts at 0
and that defines the color
of the background.
Let's look at the setup() function.
At the beginning
we use colorMode(HSB)
to define that the colors
that we are going to specify later,
are using this HSB convention,
and you can read more about this
in the processing documentation.
we use the loadImage() function
to load the "logo.png" file
into the "logo" object.
Then, the size() function
defines the size
of the processing output window,
that is going to be the same as the size
of the Arduino logo.
Then here,
there is a tricky part.
There's a println() statement
that will print a list
of all the serial ports
that are present
on your computer.
This is because
we need to know the name
of the serial port
in order to open the correct one.
Now, for a strange number of reasons,
on a Mac,
the Arduino board port
is always the first one on the list.
So, if you look at the code
we have here,
my port is defined
as a new serial object
that picks the element zero
in the list of ports,
so the first port in the list.
So, on Mac and Linux
this generally works out of the box,
while on windows
we get a list of
COM1, COM5, COM3, COM19, etc...
The actual COM ports
you get on the computer
change depending on your computer,
on where the Arduino is plugged in
and a number of others factors.
You will have to use
the output of Serial.list()
and what you see
at the bottom of the screen
on processing to determinate
witch one is the port
that you need to use,
and then you change in your code,
you change the 0 here,
that I'm highlighting,
with the number of the port
from the list that corresponds
to your Arduino.
After you have done that
the processing code is configured
in order to talk to the Arduino
and we can then,
look at what happens in the loop.
In the loop we start
by setting the background to white,
by doing background(255),
that cleans the window
at the beginning of each frame,
then, there is an "if" statement
that says if myPort.available()
is greater than 0,
this basically is used by processing
to check if that particular serial port
has data that has come in
recently and that can be processed.
If available() returns a number
that is larger than zero,
there is data available that we can read,
so we say,
"bgcolor", which is the variable
that defines the color of the background
equal to myPort.read().
You can see now,
by looking at the code
side by side,
on the Arduino side
we've Serial.write()
that send the data,
and then on the processing side
we have myPort.read()
that reads the same number
into the bgcolor variable.
After reading the value
that comes from the Arduino
into the bgcolor variable,
we use println(bgcolor)
to print the value
contained inside bgcolor
at the bottom of the processing IDE window.
After that,
we use this function call background()
where we use the value of bgcolor
to define the hue
of the color that we are going to use
behind the Arduino logo.
And then finally, by saying:
we tell processing that we want to
overlay the Arduino logo
on top of everything else on the screen,
starting from coordinates (0, 0)
the top left corner of the window.
If I now run the processing code
by pressing on the run button,
I get a small window
and you can see that at the moment
the color of the logo
is light blue
and there is 128 printed
on the bottom of the processing IDE.
If I move the potentiometer,
you can see that each value
corresponds to a color,
so, zero is red here,
then it become orange,
71 represent green for example,
the we get to blue,
and then purple and back to red.
So, we have seen that we are able to
capture the value of a sensor,
here on the Arduino board,
convert that to a number,
that gets sent over the USB connection
to the computer
and then there is a piece of software
on the computer that can capture that number
and use it to control something
that happens on your computer,
so now,
this new thing that you learned today
opens a huge amount of possibilities,
because there are literally thousands
of softwares on your computer
that can actually read data
from the serial port.
Anything that can read data
from the serial port,
can then be controlled
with your Arduino
and circuits as simple as this.
I hope you have enjoyed the tutorial,
and remember: you have to build it,
hack it and share it,
because Arduino is you!