字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hi. I'm Ronnie. Do you have a problem? I do. [Laughs] I got loads of problems, 嗨~我是 Ronnie. 你們有問題嗎? 我當然有. (笑) 我有一堆的問題, but maybe a problem that you have, I can help you with. So, one of the most difficult things about 但你可能也有同樣的問題,不過我可以幫你。 那麼,在學習英文時會遇到的其中一個瓶頸 learning English is how to conjugate the verbs. In English, we have millions... Not millions. 就是如何正確運用動詞形態。在英文中, 有數以百萬的.....沒那麼多 We have a lot of verbs-42-and we need to know, you need to know the present tense, 英文的動詞有很多 ~42~ 然後, 我們需要知道..,你必需知道「現在式」, the simple past tense, and something that's called the past participle. 「簡單過去式」,然後還有一個叫「過去分詞」的東西 So, the simple present tense we use for things that we do every day. For example: I eat breakfast, 「簡單現在式」用在我們每天都會做的事. 例如: 我吃早餐 I go to the bathroom; I am a human. The simple past we use for things that we talk about 我去上廁所; 我是人類。「簡單過去式」則是用在我們談論過去所發生的事。 in the past: I ate breakfast, I went to the bathroom. Yes. I was a human. The most difficult (例如):我吃過早餐了;我去上過廁所了。喔對,我曾經是人類..... one, and the one that frustrates everyone so much is the past participle. Now, instead 在來就是最困難的一個,也是讓很多人都感到頭痛的「過去分詞」, of me saying past participle all the time, I'm going to tell you p.p. Woo. It's kind 但從現在開始,我不會一直重覆說"past participle",我會用 "P. P." 來代替。哦~ of like having to go to the bathroom; p.p. 就是像在說要去上廁所那樣;"P. P." So, what I'm going to do is I'm going to teach you the past simple and the past participles. 所以,我接下來要教你的是「簡單過去式」 和 「過去分詞」 But the problem is there are so many of them, and they have very different structures or 但問題是有太多了,而且它們有非常不一樣的結構和形式。 styles. If your life was easy, we would just have one or two different ways to conjugate 如果人生是這樣簡單,那麼我們可以就只學1、2種運用動詞形態的方式, the verbs, but no. Learning English is going to be difficult for you, but not when I'm 可惜並不是,學習英文對你來說還是很困難的,但現在有我在 here. I can help you out with this. So, if you are frustrated or you just don't know 我可以幫忙解決你的疑問。所以,如果你在學習 「過去分詞」中的不規動詞時遇到挫折 how you are going to learn the past participle of irregular verbs: Sit back, relax, and do 又或是完全不知道該如何下手,坐好,放輕鬆, some mind mapping. If your verb is a regular verb, so it ends in "ed", you got no worries 然後試著用大腦去構圖(心智圖法)。 當你的動詞是規則動詞時,就是"ed"結尾的,你不用去想太多 because it's going to be simple past, it's going to be "ed", and the past participle 因為,它就會是「簡單過去式」,結尾就會是"ed", 然後「過去分詞」也會是"ed" is going to be "ed". So we're not doing that. These are all going to be irregular verbs. 所以,我們不是要學這個。接下來的這些都是關於不規則動詞 So, what I've done is I've tried very diligently to put these into groups for you, to help you 在這白板上,我已經為了你們很認真的先將它們分類了, remember them when it comes time for a test. So if you're learning grammar, if you're learning 可以幫助你在考試時記住這些。所以,如果你正在學習文法、 passive voice, or if you have to do present perfect or past perfect, you have to know 被動語氣、又或是正在練習 「現在完成式」或「過去完成式」,你必需要知這 the past participles of the verbs. 這些動詞的「過去分詞」。 So, what I've done is I've tried to split the verbs, the irregular verbs into three 所以我把這些動詞,這些不規則的動詞, 區分成3個類別; different groupings, because there are so many of them. So, this video is the most difficult-bear 因為真的有太多了。還有,這段影片也是最難的..(忍耐住)... with-and also, the last one in our group. So, if you go to the resources section on 另外也是分段中的最後一個。 所以,你如果到Engvid網站的資源區, www.engvid.com, we have all of these groups in a list for you to make your learning easier. 我們有列出所有的分段,讓你選擇更適合自已的難易度 What we're going to go over today is group three. You probably have seen the videos I've 這影片是第3段; 你們可能之前已經看過我前2段的影片 done on group one and two. This is the follow-up for group three; brace yourself, the most 這個就是接續的第3部份;打起精神來,這段是最難的 difficult. So, let's dive right in. 那麼,該進入主題了 The first group has one verb change. Sorry, one vowel change. So, if you guys look at 第一組是一個動詞的改變。不好意思,是一個母音字母的變化。所以你們看這些單字, all of these words, we've got an "i" running through them. So, we have: "begin", "drink", 它們之中都有一個 "i",這裡有 "Begin" (開始),"Drink" ( 喝) "sing", and "swim". When we change this group to the past tense, the only thing that we "Sing"(唱) 和"Swim"(游)。當我們要把這些轉成過去式時, have to change here is we're changing the vowel "i" to an "a". So, "begin" becomes "began". 我們只有一個要修改的地方,就是把母音字母的 "i" 改成 "a"。所以,"Begin"就會變成 "Began" And then when we make the p.p.-I have to go pee-pee, never ends-we're going to make it 然後,當要改成P.P.(過去分詞)時-我要去上"小號",老梗... 我們會把它改成 "u" a "u". So, it's going to be: "begin", "began", and "begun". All of this... All of these verbs 所以就會是這樣"Begin"、"began"和 "begun" 。在這裡的這些... in this group follow the exact same pattern. The present tense has an "i", the past tense 在這一組裡所有的動詞都是同樣的形式。「現在式」母音字母是 "i" ,「過去式」變 "a" has an "a", and the past participle has a "u". You. 然後「過去分詞」變 "u"。 So, let's look at the next example: "drink", "drank", "drunk". "i", "a", "u". "Drink, drank, drunk", 接著來看下面的例子:"Drink"(喝),"Drank","Drunk","i" 、"a"、"u"。喝~喝~喝~ it's also a song. The next one we have is-la, la, la, la-"sing". So, if you 也是一首歌。 下一個是,啦~啦~啦~啦~啦~"Sing"(唱) follow my pattern, what vowel would I put here? "a". Oh, good answer, it is an "a". 所以,如果你照著我的模式,這裡的母音字母是什麼? "a" 對~標準答案,就是"a" So we're going to say: "sing", "sang", "sung". Now, "sang", "sung" is very similar to Samsung, 所以念出來就是 "Sing" 、"Sang"、"Sung"。"Sang sung"和"Samsung"發音非常相似, so you can remember the electronics' company Samsung. Please give Ronnie money, Samsung, for mentioning 所以你可以把它記成三星電子公司。 三星,可以請你為這廣告付費嗎? you. In this... It'll help you remember it. "Sing", "sang", "sung", "sing", "Samsung". 在這裡會幫助你記憶, "Sing" 、"Sang"、"Sung","Sing Samsung" Good. But be careful. It's not "Samsung", it's "sang", "sung". Don't mess that up. Remember 好,但是要注意,並不是"三星", 是"Sang"、"Sung"。不要搞混了。 the rule: "i", "a", "u". And the last one in this group is "swim", and of course "swam" 記住這個規則:"i" 、"a"、"u" 。然後,這組的最後一個是 "Swim"(游),接著當然是"Swam" and "swum". Even I get these confused. Eww. "Swim", "swang", "swum",swaaa swoo, whaaat. So, I 和"Swum". 我也常搞不清楚...那個...游, 遊,由,"一ㄡˊ","一ㄡˇ?",啊??? find this rule very useful. You should, too. Group number one is "i", "a", and "u". We're 所以我覺得這個規則很好用,你應該也是。 第一組就是 "i" 、"a"、"u" going forward. We only got three more groups to do in this lesson. 我們繼續下一個,這段影片我們還有3組要學 The next one, we're going to change the vowel "o" in the present, the past tense is going 下一組,我們要改變「現在式」母音字母的 "o" to have an "e", and the past participle is going to have an "o" and an "n" in it. So, 在「過去式」會變成 "e" ,然後 「過去分詞」會變成 "o" 和 "n" 。 our first example is: "blow", the past tense would be "blew", the exact same pronunciation 那麼,我們第一個例子就是: "Blow" (吹),「過去式」就會變成 "Blew", 和"Blue"(藍)的發音完全一樣 as the color, mm-hmm. And... Oh no. The past participle is "blown". So, we have "o", "e", "o-n". 沒~錯,然後...喔,不。「過去分詞」就是"Blown". 所以這裡就是 "o"、"e" 、"o-n" So, it's: "blow", "blew", "blown". Ready for the next one. 所以就是"Blow"、"Blew"、"Blown"。繼續下一個 "Grow" means to age, "grew", and "grown". "Grow"(成長) 意思是變老,"Grew" 和 "Grown" "Blew", "blew", "grew". Good. The next one: "know", "knew", "known". "Blew","Blew","Grew"。 好,下一個是 "Know"(知道),"Knew" , "Known" So, where's my green marker? We're going to put an "e" and an "o" and an "n". What about 所以,我的綠色馬克筆呢? 我們在這裡填上 "e"、"o" 和 "n"。那這個呢? this one? You do this one. So, we have: "throw". What's going to go here? 你來試一下。這個是"Throw"(丟) ,這裡要填什麼? "e". Oh, good job. "e", "threw", and the past tense or the past participle: "e", 喔~非常好, "e","threw" 然後「過去分詞」呢? "thrown". Awesome. So, we have: "Thrown", 太棒了! 所以這裡就是 "throw", "threw", "thrown". Set two, done. The "o", the "e", the "o-n". "Throw","Threw","Thrown"。第2組完成,就是 "o"、"e" 、"o-n" You ready for set number three? I am. The next one we have in the present tense an "a" 準備好繼續第3組了嗎?我好了。下一組是「現在式」母音字母裡有的 "a" and an "e" vowel together, we're going to change that to an "o" and an "e", and in the 和 "e"在一起的, 我們會把它更改成 "o" 和 "e" , past participle, it's going to be an "o" and a devious little "n" on the back, there. So, 然後「過去分詞」會轉變成 "o"然後字的最面後加上一個陰險的 "n" we have: "break", "broke", "broken"; "swear", "swore", "sworn". Do you know what that verb 所以這裡是 "Break"(打破),"Broke","Broken"。 "Swear","Swore", "Sworn" 你知道"swear"這個字的意思嗎? means: "swear"? Two meanings. The first one is if you say a bad word, like "shit", that 2種解燡:其中一個就是當你說出不雅的字,像是"靠", is considered a swear word. So, I can say: "Ronnie swore." 這就被認為是"Swear word"(說髒話)。所以,我可以說:Ronnie罵了髒話 We have another meaning to swear, you might see people in a courtroom: Swear 還有另一個意思,你可能在法庭上看過有人這樣說: "I swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth." "我發誓所說的全是事實,除了真話沒有其它" Shit. 靠 The second meaning of "swear" means you pledge to be honest. Are you Swear的第二個意思就是 你許諾會很誠實。 going to be honest? So: "swear", "swore", "sworn". Like, we have an expression: 你會很誠實嗎? 所以 "Swear","Swore", "Sworn" 像..有一個經典的句字 "I was sworn to secrecy." "我要誓守諾言" That means I promised not to tell a secret, so "swear" means you promised 意思就是我保證不會把秘密說出去,所以swear 意思就是 to do something or not to do something. The next one with clothes: "wear", "wore", "worn". 你承諾會或不會去做某件事。下一個和衣服有關 :"Wear"(穿),"Wore","Worn" "Speak", you might know this, you might know this: "speak", "spoke", "spoken", and you "Speak"(說) 這個你應該知道~這個你應該知道 "Speak","Spoke","Spoken" you guys get to do this one: "steal", 然後,接下來這個給你們做練習.."Steal"(偷) "stole", oh, good job, "stole", and then this one we're "Stole" 喔~不錯喔,"Stole", 然後這一個 going to put "o" and "n". So it's: "steal", "stole", "stolen". Whew. Don't worry, we're 我們要在這填"o" 和 "n", 所以就是 "Steal","Stole","Stolen". 呼~不要緊 almost finished. 我們快要結束了 The last one. These ones are fun because they're going to change an "a" to a double "o", to 最後一組。這些很有趣,因為它們是從 "a" 變成2個"o", an "aken". [Laughs] "a", "k", "e", "n". Two of the words are quite similar, too, so it's 最後是"aken",(笑) A-K-E-N. 其中的2個字會長的很像, a little bit easier. So we have an "a" and an "e", or just if you want to look at the 所以比較簡單一點. 所以,這裡有一個 "a" 和 "e",或者你只注意 "a" "a", so the "a" here will change to a double "o" and we drop the "e", so we say: 所以這裡的"a"會轉變成2個"o",然後去掉 "e", 所以念出來就是 "mistake", "mistook", "mistaken". "Mistake"(錯誤),"Mistook","Mistaken" We have... Shake it, shake it, whoa! "Shook", I'm all shook up 接著是...Shake~搖啊~哇喔! "Shook", 我超興奮的!(All Shook up也是貓王經典名曲) - Elvis is in the building. And then we have the past participle of "shaken". You maybe 貓王就在這裡。再來「過去分詞」就是"Shaken"。 know this one. Can you do this? "Take", "took", "taken". Woo! All right, so we're going to 你應該知道這一個。要試一下嗎?"Take" (拿),"Took","Taken" 哦!很好 put a double "o" here, and an "aken" on the last one. 所以,我們要在這填上2個"o",然後最後一個是填"aken" What we've done today is really quite amazing. My mind is blown, 我們今天到這真的非常令人驚奇,我也感到非常驚呀 because learning the past participle and the simple past of verbs is really, really hard work. Up until now, the 因為學習「過去分詞」和「簡單過去式」的動詞要花很多很多的心思。到此, only reason or the only way I can suggest to you is just to memorize a list of them. 我唯一能給的建議就是去熟記這一系列的單字 Here's a list of them, the resources section on engVid, we have a list of these verbs. 這裡是一份清單,在Engvid網站的資源區, 我們有提供這一系列的動詞 This one is group number three. Also, we have group number two and group number one; also 這個是第3段,另外,還有第2段和第1段,影片中有連結 in the video, so check those videos out, group one and group two. And I hope that learning 所以有興趣的也可以去觀看第1段和第2段。然後... the past participles and the simple past of irregular verbs becomes easier for you. You've 我希望學習「過去分詞」和「簡單過去式」中的不規則動詞對你來說有比較簡單了 got the list, you've got a new technique, you can do it. 你有這份清單了,也有新的方法,你一定可以的 'Till later, have fun. 我們下次見囉~加油!
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 動詞 過去式 母音 字母 規則 簡單 英語中的不規則動詞 - 第3組 (Irregular Verbs in English – Group 3) 263 120 HQQ 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字