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  • [music]

  • But why say some the moon?

  • Why choose this as our goal?

  • And they may well ask,

  • "Why climb the highest mountain?"

  • We choose to go to the moon!

  • [applause]

  • We choose to go to the moon in this decade

  • and do the other things,

  • not because they are easy,

  • but because they are hard.

  • There is no other industry where competition has driven

  • more technological achievements than this,

  • the Hypercar world.

  • McLaren, Porsche, Ferrari, Pagani, Bugatti.

  • The big 5.

  • The modern day Hypercars as we know them.

  • These cars are the meanest, baddest, fastest,

  • and most expensive production cars to ever be built.

  • They're the direct result of one thing and one thing only: competition.

  • The direct rivalry between all the major carmakers

  • is what created these cars.

  • And today we finally put them all to the test around the track,

  • and also in the quarter mile to find out which one is the fastest.

  • We're gonna do this with all five cars and just one pilot.

  • All of these cars are regular customer cars,

  • none of the cars have been modified.

  • And they're all running on stock tires.

  • There's one thing no one can deny:

  • Bugatti created the original Hypercar as we know it today, with this:

  • the Bugatti Veyron.

  • About 12 years ago,

  • VW set themselves to make history

  • by creating the most mental and crazy car to ever exist.

  • A car that would be able to do 240 miles an hour

  • without a single effort.

  • That is, obviously, the Bugatti Veyron.

  • [music]

  • The Veyron actually ended up being expensive to VW and Bugatti.

  • Each unit that they sold cost them about 6 million dollars

  • and that was a loss.

  • Making it a bargain for those filthy rich

  • that can buy one of those bad boys.

  • And now we're inside of the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport,

  • the craziest thing I've ever driven.

  • That W16 engine on the back is beyond huge

  • and you can feel it.

  • You can hear it.

  • Yet the car is so comfortable.

  • Bugatti made 450 of these during the 10 year course

  • that they produced these cars.

  • This one being the Super Sport,

  • I believe they only made 42 worldwide

  • and only 8 examples were delivered to the US.

  • As you can see, Bugatti created the original Hypercar,

  • but not the last one.

  • Every single other car maker wanted a piece of the pie.

  • So they dumped all of their resources into creating their own Hypercar

  • to compete against Bugatti's very own.

  • And the results are astonishing.

  • Which leads us to this.

  • [music]

  • The Huayra is what really put Pagani into the competition

  • for the Hypercar space.

  • Horatio didn't have the money that Bugatti had,

  • so he had to work really really smart.

  • Although the car only has 730 horsepower-

  • and I mean "only has 730 horsepower,"

  • the car is extremely light.

  • It weighs only 1350 kilos,

  • making it one of the lightest cars here today.

  • The power to weight ratio

  • is exactly what's putting the Huayra

  • in that competitive space to say

  • "I'm here. Get ready, Bugatti."

  • The Pagani Huayra might be the best looking one in the group.

  • However, this wasn't Pagani's first attempt in the Hypercar space.

  • But this was the car that took the world's attention.

  • My favorite thing about this Huayra is that engine.

  • Even though it doesn't have battery assistance

  • and it doesn't have assistance,

  • a very fancy 16 cylinder engine,

  • it gets the job done.

  • It's got quite a lot of torque.

  • The car is very light and nimble.

  • The suspension is absolutely unbelievable.

  • You can't believe how the car grips on stock tires

  • without anything at whatever speed you put it through.

  • I really hope the Huayra wins today because that's my baby.

  • And what are you here for

  • if you're not here to win, right?

  • But unfortunately, there's a lot of competition.

  • And the next one that we're about to show you

  • comes from a small place called the UK.

  • From a brand you've barely heard about.

  • McLaren.

  • [music]

  • I'm Paul Woodman

  • and this is the first of the modern age Hypercars

  • to have battery assisted power.

  • It's the McLaren P1.

  • All right, Paul. Let me just stop you right there.

  • What are you doing?

  • It's a British car. I'm a British guy.

  • No, no, no. What? It doesn't work like that.

  • There's no Mexican car, British car.

  • Hey, let me show you how to do this properly, son.

  • This is the first of the Hypercars that is battery assisted.

  • This baby is the McLaren P1.

  • Huh?

  • Much better.

  • That sounds- eh, I like yours better.

  • [music]

  • McLaren has been pushing the envelope for years

  • with their F1 racing team,

  • but now everything is translating into street performance.

  • McLaren has always been known for pushing the envelope

  • and they totally did with this masterpiece of a car.

  • Did you hear that?

  • Yeah.

  • Holy crap! It really does sound like a spaceship.

  • All right. We're inside of the P1 right now.

  • This right here is what dreams are made out of.

  • I love everything about McLaren.

  • They made my most favorite car of all time,

  • which is the McLaren F1 LM.

  • But that's 30 million bucks and uh, I'm a little shy.

  • So the P1 might be a good second one.

  • This one doesn't have a gold plated engine,

  • but I don't think any of the owners are gonna feel cheated about that

  • with the performance that this thing puts out.

  • [music]

  • The Porsche 918 Spyder is exactly a showcase of evolution.

  • An evolution that happened within ten years for Porsche.

  • From their Carrera GT.

  • This has two battery motors,

  • one on the front, one on the back.

  • And that produces about 287 horsepower.

  • Just by that alone, you have instant full torque at idle.

  • That means the moment you step on the gas,

  • the car is giving you all of its power and its leaner.

  • It still goes, goes, goes, goes, goes.

  • There's no stopping to the power.

  • The acceleration is intense.

  • The braking is formidable.

  • And the battery regeneration system that it has is absolutely stunning.

  • You just put that thing in race mode

  • and the car will charge up faster than you can possibly imagine.

  • Giving it full boost at all times.

  • One thing I love about this thing is how easy it is to engage in launch control.

  • In every other car,

  • either you're pressing a button and you're gonna have to wait a little bit,

  • or if you wait too long, it's gonna disengage it.

  • Or you're gonna have to go through a seven step process

  • like in the Bugatti Veyron, which is not an easy fit, honestly.

  • But the 918, everything is just so simple.

  • The results are amazing

  • and that's what made it my favorite car.

  • [music]

  • Whoo! And that right there is the Ferrari LaFerrari.

  • The most sought-after Hypercar ever made.

  • And in Ferrari tradition, of course, they only made 499 of them,

  • making it one of the most sought-after cars of all time.

  • And no other car makes that noise because this one has a loud V12 engine.

  • A massive engine Ferrari put in there just to stay true to their roots

  • and on top of that they added a battery motor to that

  • to add instant torque.

  • And the combination as you can see is absolutely ridiculous.

  • This thing is ridiculous!

  • How, how is this real?

  • How are these brakes so large?

  • The active air on the back, just looking at the wind.

  • Grabbing the corner right here.

  • Getting out, ready for the straight line.

  • And the car just moves.

  • I'm not even a good driver and it moves. Look at this!

  • Sorry, it's actually pretty hard to drive this fast

  • and talk at the same time.

  • God, I can't wait to see the numbers that this thing pulls.

  • This is gonna be, like, the bar setter right here.

  • [music]

  • So which one of these 5 Hypercars is the best?

  • There's only one way to find out.

  • Guys, I'm here with James Sofronas.

  • He's going to be doing all of our driving today, from GMG.

  • James, how are you?

  • I'm great. My pleasure.

  • James has more trophies than I have space in my house for them.

  • We're putting all these cars to the test,

  • and I'm going to ask you a couple questions.

  • I need you to answer fast, though.

  • We don't want any slow answers.

  • Whatever comes out to mind. So let's do this.

  • Which one's gonna win?

  • Porsche.

  • Porsche? OK. What about in the quarter mile?

  • P1.

  • P1 is gonna take the quarter mile.

  • Which one is gonna be the hardest one to drive?

  • Bugatti.

  • Bugatti. Which one is your favorite car in here?

  • LaFerrari.

  • Now, have you ever driven these cars before?

  • Any of them, on the track?

  • Zero. None of them on the track.

  • So it's a first, first, first for everything here.

  • James, thank you so much.

  • We're really looking forward to you putting these cars to the test.

  • Lap time does not lie.

  • [laughter]

  • Thank you so much, bud.

  • Ah, thanks, man. - Let's do this.

  • You bet. - Get on it.

  • All right.

  • [music]

  • Putting this together was a dream of mine,

  • but it wouldn't be anything or wouldn't mean anything

  • if I did it without my friends.

  • But luckily, the Cupgang guys are here with me.

  • And now that shizzle's about to get real

  • and we're gonna put the cars on the track

  • and we're gonna test them around the track

  • and also on the quarter mile.

  • Let's ask every single guy in Cupgang

  • which one is gonna be the fastest in both categories.

  • Whoever gets it right is not paying for dinner.

  • Whoever messes it up is paying for dinner.

  • And we're going to an expensive place, okay?

  • Sizzler?

  • So we have an agreement? -Sizzler?

  • No, we're not going to Sizzler! Do we have an agreement?

  • [in unison] Yes.

  • All right, let's go! Paul?

  • Quarter mile is the 918 for me.

  • Okay.

  • And around the track, the P1.

  • All right. Rodrigo?

  • 918 around the track and the Veyron in the quarter mile.

  • Okay.

  • Stole my answer, Rodrigo. It's gotta be the Veyron Super Sport on the quarter mile.

  • Balls out torque. 918 with the mechanical grip

  • and the wiz bang electronics on the track. All day.

  • Junior?

  • 918 all around.

  • And the quarter mile to the McLaren P1.

  • That was underwhelming after Gordon. [laughter]

  • Carter?

  • I'm gonna go with the 918 around the track

  • and then the LaFerrari on the quarter mile.

  • Ooh! What?

  • Wow!

  • Hey, Gold and Juicy?

  • 918 around the track.

  • Okay.

  • And I'm gonna go with the Super Sports in the quarter mile.

  • Okay. - That's right.

  • Dean-o?

  • I'll stick to the short man group.

  • P1 around the track. 918 on the quarter.

  • Dude, that sounds like a terrible group to be a part of. [laughter]

  • He's the only short one.

  • I am personally gonna say 918 around the track

  • and 918 quarter mile.

  • [in unison] Oh! - Throw down.

  • All right. Here we go.

  • Short people stick together.

  • Let's see what happens.

  • And up first, the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport.

  • This is not only the most expensive car out of the lineup here,

  • but it's also the heaviest one.

  • What really makes the Bug fast is that massive

  • 16 cylinder engine with 4 turbo chargers

  • and its all wheel drive capabilities.

  • This car also has the biggest brakes in here.

  • But we all know that it's really hard

  • to stop that much weight before entering the brakes.

  • And that is gonna be James' biggest challenge right here.

  • Anyways, I'll let you guys enjoy the race

  • and let's see James rip some concrete.

  • And since we don't want to finish too early today,

  • [laughter] if you know what I mean,

  • we're gonna hide the lap times

  • for a dramatic reveal at the end of the show.

  • And next up is the Pagani Huayra.

  • It is beyond me how Horatio was able to put this car

  • in the same space as the Super Sport

  • and especially with the little money that he had

  • to develop the piece compared with the Bugatti.

  • But he did it.

  • And he did it by doing the next big thing in the car world.

  • By worrying less about a horsepower

  • and fitting there the most badass suspension you can possibly get.

  • The greatest brakes ever and the proper aero.

  • Obviously the Huayra's biggest challenge

  • is that is has the least amount of horsepower

  • out of all of the cars here.

  • But it makes up for it by being one of the lightest.

  • And also, did I mention that this is the best looking car

  • in the world? [laughter]

  • [music]

  • Let's cut the clock.

  • And here we go. The McLaren P1.

  • This car has the smallest engine in here,

  • yet a huge power output.

  • There's a lot of high expectations for this McLaren.

  • And how could it not be that way?

  • This is the car that carries the legacy of the legendary F1,

  • which still today is one of the fastest cars on Earth.

  • I think James is gonna have a little bit too much fun with this car.

  • It's got great power to weight ratio,

  • rear wheel drive, and it's one of the most exciting

  • driving experiences anyone could ever hope for.

  • This right here is a proper track weapon.

  • Now, I'm gonna shut up

  • and I'll let you enjoy James rip the hell out of it.

  • [music]

  • And ladies and gentlemen, I give you

  • the Porsche 918 Spyder.

  • On paper, this car's probably

  • one of the most underwhelming ones out of the Holy Trinity,

  • simply because it's the heaviest.

  • It's all wheel drive and it has the least amount of power.

  • But, the 918 has proven itself over and over again

  • to be one of the fastest production cars to ever be made.

  • Normally the extra weight is a huge disadvantage,

  • but I believe that Porsche has found the exact amount of grip to weight ratio,

  • giving the 918 the most explosive speed coming out of turns.

  • Now I'm gonna shut up

  • and I'm gonna let you enjoy James doing what he does best,

  • driving expensive cars.

  • [music]

  • For the first time here, you'll see the lap time here,

  • and I'm kidding.

  • Charlie, please cut the clock now.

  • Bum-bum-bum.

  • The moment that everyone's waiting for-

  • the Ferrari LaFerrari.

  • And just like in a Mexican soap opera,

  • let's make things a little bit more dramatic

  • and cut the clock right now.

  • The Ferrari Enzo was the clear winner

  • of the Holy Trinity back when they came out about 10 years ago,

  • crushing the living souls of every single

  • SLR and Carrera GT owner.

  • And now Ferrari is back for more

  • with their new flagship Hypercar, the Ferrari LaFerrari.

  • It comes to no one's surprise

  • that this machine is powered by a massive V12 engine

  • and the battery motor that combined produces an astonishing 950 horsepower.

  • Yeah, you heard that right, 950 horsepower.

  • The car is fitted with the latest in Ferrari F1 technology,

  • making it one of the biggest threats in this race.

  • [music]

  • And who's gonna be the fastest around the track?

  • We're gonna find out next week.

  • And now that the lap times have been set

  • and the information is being processed,

  • let's jump into the drag races.

  • But this time around, let's make things a little bit more interesting by doing elimination rounds.

  • We're gonna face two cars against each other

  • and the overall winner is gonna face the Bugatti,

  • which held the fastest drag record for a production car for about 10 years.

  • First off, the Porsche 918 and the Pagani Huayra.

  • Three, two, one, go!

  • Well, that was an easy win for the 918,

  • which moves on to the next round, eliminating the Pagani.

  • Throttle, three, two, one, go!

  • And here we go. The LaFerrari against the P1.

  • Wow, that was a close one.

  • But the P1 took the edge at the end

  • and eliminated the LaFerrari and it's moving on to the next round.

  • Throttle, three, two, one, go!

  • Throttle, three, two, one, go!

  • All right, everyone. The results are in for the fastest lap.

  • But before that, we already did the drag racing,

  • and who won, guys?

  • 918. - 918!

  • So I'm one for one. Now let's go with this.

  • Who do you guys think came in in 5th?

  • [in unison] Huayra.

  • No.

  • I'm gonna say the Bugatti.

  • Not a chance. The Bugatti?

  • Yeah.

  • All right, let's see. Let's see who came in in 5th place.

  • I feel like this is Miss Universe

  • and I'm just like the shittiest host they've ever gotten. [laughter]

  • Here we go. And on- oh no!

  • Number 5, it is the Pagani Huayra with a lap time of 23.76.

  • Aw. Driver error.

  • I think it's a driver error here.  [laughter]

  • Goddamn it.

  • My car is the best looking car. Damn it!

  • Best looking car, my friend.

  • Now. Who are we gonna go to for 4th? What's 4th?

  • Veyron. Gotta be Veyron.

  • Veyron? Veyron, all right. I want to say Veyron, too.

  • Damn it, I just didn't expect the Pagani to be 5.

  • Here we go. Veyron, Veyron.

  • You already messed up, so you're gonna say Pagani right now.

  • Nah, no. [laughter]

  • Here we go. And in number 4

  • comes the Bugatti Veyron.

  • Not a surprise with 23.006.

  • That is pretty impressive, actually.

  • I really thought the Veyron would come in 5th.

  • That's hard core.

  • Yeah. Damn. All right.

  • On to the most important one, not really.

  • [laughter] 3rd place.

  • 3rd place. Who got 3rd place? This is for real now.

  • [in unison] P1.

  • Uh, LaFerrari. P1.

  • How many of you guys are saying LaFerrari?

  • LaFerrari.

  • One, two, three, four. Okay.

  • P1.

  • We get it, Dean. P1. Everyone else says P1. [laughter]

  • Let's see. And on number 3 comes- drumroll.

  • The McLaren P1! Whoa! [groaning]

  • I knew it.

  • 18.822. Holy crap! [groaning]

  • Now we're going to the most important one. [laughter]

  • And you're wondering why I don't have a second place here?

  • It's obvious why.

  • So I'm gonna open the envelope right now

  • and announce the 2nd place, which means,

  • whatever I didn't say is number 1.

  • Which one's gonna be number 2?

  • Who's saying 918 number 2?

  • Hmm.

  • Wow.  [laughter]

  • What?!  [laughter]

  • I think we're all gonna say 918 here.

  • I wouldn't. I want it to win!

  • You're all gonna give me dinner! [laughter]

  • Shit, oh wow. - Yeah, exactly, oh no, no.

  • You already made your bet, buddy.

  • Oh!! The number 1

  • is the Porsche 918!

  • Whoa! - Yeah.

  • [applause] All right.

  • Porsche 918.

  • The 918 came in at 1:18.44

  • and the LaFerrari came in 2nd with 1:18.46.

  • Ooh!  - By two tenths of a second?

  • No, by two one hundredths of a second!

  • Wow!

  • Holy crap. Hang on, just one second.

  • Can I just say, "You all owe me dinner!" [laughter]

  • [music]

  • And we just finished one of the most epic races

  • anyone has ever seen.

  • I'm out of here. I hope you guys enjoyed this.

  • My name is Alejandro Solomon.

  • These guys are Cupgang. And I'm going home.

  • [applause and cheering] Wooh!

  • I'm going out in style.

  • [laughter]

  • [music]

  • Well, that was Hyper 5.

  • We put this together so please don't judge us, right?

  • We put this together in six hours.

  • We only had 6 hours to shoot this whole thing.

  • We had 2 weeks of prep before that.

  • So it was the most challenging thing I've ever done in my life,

  • but one of the greatest feelings,

  • because you guys loved it, or at least that's what the comments say.

  • You better not be fucking with me, guys.

  • And, uh- [laughter] hang on.

  • We're ready to make more of these for you guys.

  • So, get ready, and I'm very excited for what's coming up.

  • And enjoy! Thank you, Cupbangers!



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A2 初級 美國腔

HYPER 5 - LaFerrari vs Porsche 918 vs McLaren P1 vs Bugatti Super Sport vs Pagani Huayra (HYPER 5 - LaFerrari vs Porsche 918 vs McLaren P1 vs Bugatti Super Sport vs Pagani Huayra)

  • 67 12
    Wang Huang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日