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  • Hi i am Rekha Ganguly. I am a fitness trainer.In this video I will be showing you the correct

  • way to warm up before starting your exercise routine. I'll now be showing you how to do

  • dynamic chest stretch. Stand straight with your legs slightly apart. Extend your hands

  • straight in front of you. Palms facing each other. Move both hand outwards and then inwards.

  • Do this 8-10 times. I'll now show you how to do dynamic back stretch. Stand straight

  • with your legs slightly apart. Extend your hands straight and then move them up till

  • they are by the side of your head. Move up and down 10-12 times. Lets do some buttups.

  • Lay back on the mat with your hands by your side. Lift your legs up at a 90 degrees angle.

  • And we need to lift with our lower abs and lift your butt off the mat. You will really

  • feel this in your lower abs. I'll show you how to do vertical jump. Stand up straight

  • with a slight bend in the knees. Then using your arms to propel you upwards bend the knees

  • and jump up while extending the arms towards the ceiling. Do 15 to 20

  • counts. I hope you guys enjoyed this video. Do hit

  • the like button if you wanna get fitter then subscribe to our channel.

Hi i am Rekha Ganguly. I am a fitness trainer.In this video I will be showing you the correct


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鍛鍊前的4個快速熱身運動|如何鍛鍊? (4 Quick Warm Up Exercises Before Workout | How To)

  • 68 5
    Nitika Awasthi 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日