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  • (piano playing)

  • Commander Hadfield (singing): Ground control to major Tom

  • Ground control to major Tom

  • Lock your Soyuz hatch and put your helmet on

  • Ground control to major Tom

  • Commencing countdown, engines on

  • Detach from Station, and may God's love be with you

  • (piano playing)

  • (music swells)

  • This is ground control to major Tom, you've really made the grade

  • And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear

  • But it's time to guide the capsule if you da-a-a-are

  • This is major Tom to ground control, I've left forever more,

  • and I'm floating in a most peculiar way

  • And the stars look very different toda-a-a-ay

  • For here am I sitting in a tin can

  • Far above the world

  • Planet Earth is blue, and there's nothing left to do

  • (acoustic guitar riff)

  • (music swells)

  • Though I've flown one hundred thousand miles

  • I'm feeling very still

  • And before too long I know it's time to go

  • Our Commander comes down back to earth and knows

  • Ground control to major Tom,

  • The time is near, there's not too long

  • Can you hear me, major Tom?

  • Can you hear me, major Tom?

  • Can you hear me, major Tom?

  • Can you...

  • Here am I floating in my tin can

  • Last glimpse of the world

  • Planet Earth is blue, and there's nothing left to do

  • (acoustic guitar riffs)

  • (instrumental)

(piano playing)


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B1 中級

Space Oddity (怪異空間) David Bowie 大衛鮑伊

  • 635 37
    VoiceTube 發佈於 2013 年 05 月 17 日