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  • Good Saturday morning! It is officially cheat day but because of all the driving that I'm

  • going to be doing and to be quite honest the beers that I drank yesterday both at lunch

  • and then hanging out with Mikey I am going to not be drinking a ton of beers. I may pick

  • up a six pack tonight for the gaming session with the boys but yeah it's going to be one

  • of those things where I am not going to be drinking today. But all that said, I am going

  • to start the day with something that is completely unhealthy and therefore totally appropriate

  • for today which is I am starting with an egg McMuffin, hash brown and a large soda.

  • It will be delicious.

  • Well that was simple enough to grab. Now it's time to get back over to

  • the house so I can do the editing on the vlog before I go and meet up with my dad.

  • Well,I just finished up with my parents and my niece and my nephew. They were a handful and

  • a half and I'm very happy that I don't currently have small children 'cause they are loud and

  • they are messy and wow but they can be a ton of fun at the same time as well. So I decided

  • to stop over at BevMo! real quick in order to grab beers for the game night that's happening

  • a bit later online. So at this point I am driving back to join some friends for dinner

  • if I can make it. It looks like the freeways are an absolute nightmare though so I may

  • actually end up canceling on them which sucks. But yeah it's gonna be what I do for right

  • now so I am going to head home if I don't meet up with them for dinner.

  • Oh southern California freeways. I do not miss you nor do I enjoy being in this mess right now.

  • After I got home I ended up starting to play the game with the boys and we've had a ton of

  • fun doing it so far. It's just been a lot of fun and a lot of jokes and a lot of valentine's

  • day jokes. It's just a good time to hang out with the boys and it looks like that I may be

  • hanging out in person with a couple of them somewhere in the next couple of months.

  • So it's super exciting but I'm going to continue to play and enjoying the food that I am giving

  • myself and then I'm probably going to hang out and do something else.

  • I'm sorry that today's vlog is very, very short. That's a function of me driving for more than 3 hours

  • today in order to hang out with my dad, my stepmom, my niece and my nephew. There's just

  • no two ways around that. The four hours that I spent in the house, I'm not allowed to shoot

  • and that's not anything that I would change.

  • Giving my niece and my nephew 100% of my attention was fun and warranted.

  • At this point though after hanging out with friends and having

  • a few beers and setting up plans for me to hang out with Ben and Kami when I get back

  • to Phoenix here in the next week, week and a half which I'm really excited about. I'm not going to lie.

  • It's time for me to go to bed because I've got an early start tomorrow

  • even though I don't have a workout, which is nice, I have to close caption today's episode,

  • produce tomorrow's, closed caption that all before I head out to brunch with my dad and my sister.

  • We're all meeting up in Corona, California in order to just kind of get an

  • opportunity for the three of us to hang out. Because I can't remember the last time it

  • was just the three of us.

  • I really can't remember. I'm thinking of opportunities where we could

  • have and either there was my aunt, my uncle, my cousins, my stepmother, somebody was involved.

  • It's been a long time since the three of us just hung out together so I'm really looking

  • forward to it and I can't be tired. I can't be late for that. My sister and my dad would

  • totally, totally hang me out to dry if I got there and showed up late to that.

  • It is what it is.

  • So I have to say this though, thank you for watching. If you've stumbled upon

  • this video, please subscribe. I've got some awesome, awesome things planned for this week

  • and it's going to be very interesting so I want you to stick around for it.

  • But I've got to end this video, I've got end the vlog and I have to say,

  • bye for now!

Good Saturday morning! It is officially cheat day but because of all the driving that I'm


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A2 初級

在路上和家人一起度過的Cheat Day...(第106天--2015年2月14日) (A Cheat Day Spent on The Road and with Family... (Day 106 - 2.14.2015))

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    謝嘉庠 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日