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I try to make it look cool in here but this dead plant is just sucking the life out of the room
Hey guys, so it was recently mentioned online that I have OCD which stands for
I've definitely said that in a video before, but apparently no one knew until now
So since that most recent post I've been getting a ton of messages asking me to talk about my OCD
So that's what we're gonna do
I thought I would answer some of the questions that I got so you guys can learn a little bit more about me
and maybe feel a little more comfortable about yourself, if you have OCD
or if you don't, like I just want you to be comfortable
just all the time
I put a lava lamp in here so you would be so comfortable
Are you comfy?
It's getting darker isn't it?
My god, this video is gonna just
Alright, let's go
The first question is
What kind of OCD do you have? And what exactly do you do?
So there are a variety of different types of OCD and I happen to fall into multiple categories
I might not experience something every single day that triggers each specific type of OCD that I have
But others are an everyday thing for me
The first type of OCD that I have which is one that I experience everyday is considered "touching"
I have to touch things multiple times until my brain feels like it's right and my body feels like it's even
There's no number of times that I need to touch something so I don't fall under the "counting" category
I just need to touch things a certain way however many times that may be until it feels right
This is something that unless I do it for an extended amount of time in a situation where people are looking at me directly like at dinner table
That people not normally notice, which is good because it's the ritual that I do the most
If I have something important going on, like a meeting that I'm about to go to or a video that I am about to upload
The need for me to properly touch things becomes way more frequent
Another type of OCD that I have is considered "checking"
For me, I usually need to check that the doors of my car or my home are locked
and then I need to check them
and then I need to check them
and then I need to check them
An example that always comes to mind is when I lock my front door, got in the car, got out and relocked my front door
then got back in the car, then got out, went to my front door , unlocked it when inside, locked it from the inside and then went out the back door
which has two locks and locked that one instead
And then I got in the car
Also when I'm in Tumblr or Instagram I have to scroll up and down a lot to
and the only way I can describe it, make sure I saw the photo and that the top and bottom of the photo is on the screen in the right place
I honestly have no idea how to accurately describe that to people, but you get the picture
and when you get the picture I'm gonna make sure that I see the entire picture and that parts of the picture like the top and the bottom
Another type that I experience is a little bit different from the usual behaviour of people in this category
but I will still say that it falls under the category of "order"
So most people with this type of OCD want things to be in order, wether that be everything facing the same way
or everything lined up properly
But for me, I needed to be in the order that I found it in
So if I see something in the store and one object is turned in a completely different way from all of the others
My girlfriend will pick it up, look at it and then put it back to face the "right" way
But to me that's no the right way, so I need to turn it around to where it was before
Even if that means disrupting the entire pattern of all the other objects
The last type of OCD that I have is thankfully a rare occassion now, but was triggered a lot before and that is
"intrusive thoughts"
I would have a lot of thought flashing through my mind of something bad happening to somebody I knew
Something that I would never want to have happened to them
And I would repeatedly have to tell myself that I didn't want that to happen
until the thought went away
I started talking about this part of my OCD once to my girlfriend and if I had told her the actual thought
She would've been the only person ever to have known
But I couldn't bring myself to say the thought out loud because it made me feel like a horrible person
This is the only part about my OCD that ever made me feel bad about myself, but once I learned it was actually a category in itself of OCD
I felt a lot better because I realized that it is something that out of my mind's control
and that the thoughts weren't something that I truly believed in
That was a lot, let's move on
Next question
How did you find out that you had OCD?
When most people say they had OCD, they're referring to them being a clean and neat person
Oh my gosh, if my papers aren't all organize on my desk I just FLIP OUT
I'm so OCD. Am I RIGHT?!
A lot of times people just throw the term of OCD around when they want people to think they're neat and tidy
And because it's used in that context so often, I thought that I didn't have it
After looking to it a bit more, I found out that's not what it's all about
It's not a label to just be used as the punchline of a joke
and there are many categories to it
It was later that a doctor diagnosed me with OCD and that's when I actually knew
So do some research on it first
And if it something that you feel like you really need to address and get it under control,
then professionals and the people around you can help you get to the next step
Next question!
Are you medicated for your OCD?
Currently I'm not being medicated for my OCD but I have been twice in the past
When I was medicated for OCD I was also diagnosed with anxiety and depression which are commonly linked together
and there are medications that can help with all of those things at once
Everyone has a different views on how to cope with or manage this kind of things
so it's something that I can't decide for everyone
Last question
How should you go about having OCD while in a relationship?
Luckily I'm in a relationship with one of the most understanding and patient people that I know,
so she goes out of her way to make me feel comfortable when or if she notices anything
It took me a while to tell her about my OCD because I'm TERRIBLE.. at sharing things about myself
but being upfront with anything makes for a stronger relationship
Once your partner knows how you work, they can work on doing things to make the relationship work
hashtag WERK
Werk it
OCD is not something to be ashamed of
and you should not be shamed for it
especially in a relationship
Well that's it for the questions
Hopefully you know a little bit about me now
or maybe hearing somebody else talk about it, helped you
or maybe if you have OCD, you find something that you can relate to
Thanks for listening to me ramble
And I'll see you later suckers!
I might not experience something everyday...