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  • In this video we'll be discussing noun clauses with wh words. This is the

  • second type of noun clause. noun clauses with wh words are again

  • dependent clauses, but with these types of noun clauses we don't start the noun clause

  • with 'that' instead we start it with a wh word such as when how and so on. so noun

  • clauses with wh words look like questions because they use the WH words. when we

  • write these noun clauses we use statement order instead of question order in other

  • words we start with the subject and verb and then sometimes object. we don't

  • use question word order and we also do not use a question mark at the end of

  • the statement. so let's look at a couple of examples so we'll start with a wh

  • question a very simple one. when is the test? we want to change this into a noun

  • clause with the WH word, so we need to start with an independent clause. Here's an

  • example. the students know so our independent clause is the students

  • subject know verb and here's the question, but we've changed it into a wh word now

  • clarence so we started with the same W H word when we switch the verb and subject

  • around so that it's in statement form or statement

  • word order and we end up with when the test is so we have the students know when the

  • test is here's another example what will she do tomorrow

  • this is the WH question. now you want to change it into a WH noun clause so we can

  • say she knows the subject and verb

  • we put in the WH word the same WH word "what" she will do tomorrow so again notice

  • that the helping verb and the subject they switch back around to statement word order here's

  • one more example When did he write the essay?

  • we turn it into a noun clause. "He remembers when he wrote the essay." so here remember

  • that when we write a question we have to add 'do' 'do' has the past tense but we change

  • it into a statement the past tense goes on to the main verb and it turns into 'wrote'

  • Here are some more examples. Here'r three WH questions and you guys can try to change these

  • into WH noun clauses and I'll give you some example answers.

  • so as you can see in all of these answers we start with the independent

  • clause. We build the independent clause. make sure you have a subject and verb then

  • we start the WH noun clause with the WH words and we chang the question word ordered

  • into statement word order so that we have, for example, subject verb object now

  • we're going to talk about some common errors two common areas the first common error

  • is using that and a WH word in the same sentence so for example the student

  • wants to know that how people learn languages so we see right here THAT is

  • for a statement type noun clause and HOW is for a WH type noun cause we can't use

  • both. So, to fix this error, we have 'The student wants to know that how people

  • learn languages' We just need to get rid of one of the words that start the noun clause

  • So I'm going take out THAT and we have 'The student wants to know how people

  • learn languages.', so we have a WH question turned into a noun clause. The second common

  • error is using the question form in a noun clause. So we can see for example 'The

  • teacher explained why did they need to study.' So, you see right here this WH noun

  • clause, it's still in question word order so again

  • it's incorrect. We need to change this. We start with The teacher explained why did

  • they need to study.' And, we switch the verb and subject into noun clause or

  • statement word order. So we end up with 'The teacher explained why the needed

  • (remember it's in past tense DID)

  • to study.

In this video we'll be discussing noun clauses with wh words. This is the


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A2 初級 英國腔

含wh-詞的名詞性從句 (Noun Clauses with Wh-Words)

  • 170 19
    Cai Xin Liu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日