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  • So, I'll ask you again, Mr. Bond. How shall we execute you?

  • You are aware of the penalty for terrorism in Russia.

  • Who's the traitor in your government?

  • What do you know about the Janus group?

  • Why did you set off the GoldenEye?!?

  • Stop it! Both of you! You are like... Boys with toys.

  • It was... Ourumov.

  • Hmpf... General Ourumov. Why would he do such a thing?

  • There were two GoldenEye satellites. He set off one to steal the other.

  • General Ourumov...

  • Minister Mishkin.

  • How dare you interrogate this man without my presence?!?

  • This man is a spy.

  • He killed minister Mishkin...

  • With his own gun.

  • Move!

  • Good luck, Mr. Bond.

  • "Good luck, Mr. Bond."

  • Welcome to the parallel universe of GoldenEye.

  • A world in which all the characters had their faces changed.

  • A world in which the French voice acting

  • reminds you of old 70's soap operas.

  • A world in which the stages, with a lot of imagination,

  • might make you think you're in the movie,

  • or in a remastered version of the game of '97 on the N64.

  • But it takes a lot of creativity.

  • To sum it up,

  • welcome to a game that shares nothing with GoldenEye but the title.

  • Except for a few nods here and there,

  • like this opening sequence you just saw,

  • which is a copy-paste of the scene in the movie.

  • A dialogue between the general Ourumov,

  • the russian defense minister Dmitri Mishkin,

  • and Natalya, which looks a bit like Natalie Imbruglia.

  • I don't know, but it makes me think of Natalie Imbruglia,

  • but I'm surely the only one.

  • I'll be honest with you: you never feel like you're in the movie,

  • or even in the original game. Never.

  • Except for a few nods, or some sequences that remind you of the movie,

  • because they directly refer to a specific scene from the movie.

  • They're the only sequences that make you think:

  • "Holy shit, I'm in GoldenEye! I had forgotten!

  • We're in GoldenEye, guys! Whoohoo, it's GoldenEye!"

  • And what I'm saying now is nothing.

  • What really bothered me isn't the fact that I didn't feel like in GoldenEye,

  • in spite of what you're watching on your LCD screen.

  • What's the worst is that you never feel like you're James Bond.

  • Either Pierce Brosnan, or Daniel Craig, or Sean Connery, or Roger Moore,

  • or George Lazenby, or even Timothy Dalton.

  • And I didn't have to look for these names, because I'm a big fan of 007.

  • My father was a big fan himself, and we bought all the VHS.

  • I watched all the 007 movies, and I know them inside out.

  • So I didn't have to look for these names.

  • But what matters is: as a James Bond fan,

  • I can say that this game doesn't recreate a 007-like atmosphere.

  • I could hardly imagine I was taking control of 007.

  • There's no atmosphere.

  • Why? Why... I don't know...

  • Because this FPS is insipid. Because this FPS is classless.

  • The characters are two-dimentional...

  • The characters look like shit. You've seen their faces.

  • You've seen how Ourumov looks.

  • You've seen Dmitri Mishkin, who looks hopeless:

  • a cheap bureaucrat with glasses and a tuxedo.

  • What's that?

  • Only Natalya looks decent. All the others are pathetic.

  • Boris isn't even there anymore. Exit Boris, he's taking a nap.

  • Really, it's a total disaster.

  • Some of you might think that it's not important,

  • or that the copyright caused some issues.

  • Well, that part is true, but it doesn't justify everything.

  • First, nobody knows if it was a problem with the copyright.

  • We don't know whether they couldn't,

  • or didn't want to use these characters.

  • Well, I also think that it's a copyright issue,

  • that would be logical.

  • But it doesn't justify everything.

  • The artistic direction (that includes the characters),

  • is a total disaster.

  • And it's not because they don't look like the live actors.

  • They really are catastrophic, because of the screenplay,

  • and because of the voice acting.

  • It's pathetic, hopeless.

  • And what about the story?

  • The player never feels concerned by the storyline.

  • And it's messy as hell, you don't understand shit.

  • There's a briefing at the beginning of each mission,

  • but sincerely, you don't give a damn.

  • Actually, the player plays a FPS

  • that should've developed its storyline, but hasn't.

  • Eurocom guys couldn't care less about the storyline.

  • So I was sorely disappointed,

  • because I thought the scenario would be developed,

  • but not at all. GoldenEye on the Wii

  • is a very plain FPS that can be played in stealth mode,

  • or in slaughter mode.

  • The problem is that the stealth is extremely repetitive,

  • with an enemy A.I that is, to tell the truth, mediocre.

  • And when you want to play in open fight,

  • the game turns into a poor man's version of Call of Duty.

  • Because the gameplay is really poor,

  • you can't even throw grenades,

  • and Bond doesn't have any gadget whatsoever.

  • You play as James Bond, and there's no gadgets?

  • It's unbelievable! Unbelievable!

  • Where are the mines, the proximity mines, the remote mines, the timed mines?

  • Not even grenades! What's that?

  • You can throw grenades in every other FPS in the world!

  • Here, there are grenades, but only in multiplayer mode.

  • But for now, let's focus on the Solo mode.

  • In solo mode, there are no gadgets,

  • no grenades, nothing at all.

  • That's simple: when you want to be stealthy,

  • you equip the Walter P-99 with a silencer.

  • "The silencer!" That's right!

  • So, you try to take the enemies down with it.

  • And when a soldier triggers the alarm,

  • all the guards in the whole level come down to get you,

  • they all go apeshit!

  • When it happens, you grab your automatic gun,

  • and shoot everything up.

  • That's how it works, from the beginning to the end.

  • There's absolutely nothing else.

  • Sometimes, there's a special sequence,

  • you saw it in the Direct Live, like when Bond gets in a truck,

  • but this kind of sequences is extremely rare.

  • Sometimes, there isn't a single one in a whole level.

  • The overall game is really generic.

  • I thought there would be a lot of phases like that, but no.

  • But since there's only a few of them, so much the better.

  • Because these shoot'em up sequences

  • that have no other purpose than pacing the game

  • tend to annoy me, so that's a good thing.

  • And just in case you hadn't noticed it yet, this review's in voice-over.

  • I thought about it, I tried to do it while playing, and...

  • It worked, but I played poorly,

  • and it was laborious... It actually sucks.

  • I won't review every game in voice-over,

  • but sometimes it's better this way, I'm calmer.

  • This way I can really tell you what I have in mind.

  • So, this GoldenEye... Well, I told you my opinion.

  • What I liked the most is the overall gameplay.

  • Stealth-like, or slaughter-like.

  • However, I just told you it was shit.

  • Yes, but it's the core gamelay,

  • that's what you do 75% of the time.

  • Roughly speaking, when you start a level,

  • you try to be stealthy.

  • By the way, I think that half of the enemies are free kills.

  • Some of them flat out give you their back.

  • They ask for it!

  • They don't even look at you, so you can sneak behind them,

  • and kill them in no time, by snapping their neck, for example.

  • Half of the enemies do that. Maybe they're looking for stuff?

  • And the other half does rounds. And when I say "rounds",

  • I mean they're litterally going circles.

  • So you plan your approach, you see how the rounds work.

  • You try to get behind the enemies, or shoot them in the head,

  • hoping that it won't screw up, because the hitbox is poorly made.

  • Sometimes you're sure that you'll reach your target,

  • and the soldier isn't even hurt.

  • He turns back, fires at you, and calls all his buddies.

  • That's absolute bullshit. It happened to me several times,

  • and I think all the players faced the same problem.

  • It's horrible! You aim between the eyes,

  • and the guy isn't even hurt! He could at least be stunned for a moment,

  • like on the Nintendo 64 game. The soldier should at least get hurt.

  • But here, he gets shot in the head and fires back in a split second!

  • And the damage recognition system was better on N64,

  • which is a shame, considering that this game came out 13 years ago.

  • Here, the damage recognition only works for the head.

  • It barely exists for the other body parts.

  • To sum up, it's this infiltration side of the game that I liked most.

  • So, what happens when you get spotted?

  • You can get spotted because of a camera,

  • you basically need to shoot them to avoid that.

  • You also can get spotted by a guard,

  • and that's where it becomes nonsense.

  • They don't even have a... How can I put it...

  • A walkie-talkie or anything like that.

  • They spot you, and they say:

  • "I have a visual on the target!"

  • and all the guards are instantly warned.

  • There's even an extra squad that comes out of nowhere.

  • It's lame!

  • Even if the guy is alone with nobody in a 50 yards circle!

  • Actually, if you miss your headshot, you still have some time to kill the guy.

  • I mean: you have two seconds to take a guard down.

  • Let's say it's three seconds.

  • No matter which body part you hit, you have two or three seconds.

  • If you can't take him down within this time limit,

  • which includes shooting him four times,

  • he'll call every guard in the area, and some more reinforcement.

  • And at this point, you're basically screwed,

  • and you enter the "slaughter mode".

  • You take cover to regenerate your health, then take cover etc...

  • And what I'm telling you now is actually the core gameplay.

  • So why did I like it?

  • Well, because the game difficulty is coherent.

  • I beat the game on Agent mode, the intermediate difficulty level.

  • After that, there's the 007 level, and the Classic 007 level.

  • And on Classic 007 mode, your lifebar doesn't fill up automatically.

  • The enemy A.I doesn't change, but when you get hit,

  • there's the same HUD as on the N64 game.

  • There's the lifebar on the left, in a quadrant,

  • and on the right, the bulletproof vest gauge.

  • And the bulletproof vests only exist on Classic 007 mode.

  • But it's an interesting challenge. And I don't even consider the time attack!

  • The time attack is the last difficulty level.

  • It's the same as the Classic 007 with a time limit.

  • Like 5, 10 or 15 minutes to complete the whole level.

  • And it's a totally crazy challenge.

  • Only the hardcore ones can complete all the levels on time attack mode.

  • It's extremely difficult.

  • I managed to beat some levels, even though I struggled a lot,

  • but I gave up on the other ones, it's extremely hard.

  • But the Classic 007 mode alone is very difficult.

  • Sometimes, you can't avoid getting hit.

  • You can't avoid it, and it forces you to find bulletproof vests.

  • If you don't, it's nearly impossible to finish some levels on Classic 007.

  • Anyway, since the levels are pretty long,

  • it takes 30 minutes to get through some of them.

  • The first time you explore them, it takes like 45 minutes.

  • So, since the levels are that long,

  • don't even bother trying to beat them stealthily.

  • It's almost impossible.

  • Even if you know the level by heart...

  • You'll always screw up a headshot at some point,

  • or be spotted by a patrol you didn't see,

  • or trigger an alarm for some reason.

  • It always gets messy, you can count on it.

  • You'll always trigger the alarm, and you'll be forced to switch on "Slaughter".

  • And on slaughter mode, you can't avoid getting hit.

  • I mean...

  • Technically, you can dodge everything,

  • but you need to be really good at it.

  • And I played with the Gamecube pad!

  • And God did I try with the Wiimote...

  • But seriously, I find it's unplayable.

  • Really, it's unplayable.

  • But I take back what I said during the Direct Live.

  • I said that not being able to move your wrist was a shame,

  • because it allowed the player to shoot in every direction

  • without changing positions.

  • Actually, it's possible to do it, but only with the Wiimote.

  • If you play with it, the wrist is independent,

  • and you can aim wherever you want.

  • But with the lag... Forget it.

  • It's horrible.

  • Playing with the Wiimote and the Nunchuk is a handicap.

  • It's outrageous. You're on the Wii,

  • and playing with the main controller is a handicap.

  • Can you believe it? I think it's outrageous.

  • I can't believe it. I'm not saying it's unplayable,

  • maybe it's even better than the Gamecube pad with a lot of practice.

  • But I tried for 30 minutes, and it was horrible.

  • Aiming is twice as long as with the Gamecube pad.

  • The lag is horrendous, it takes one second to move the cursor.

  • And one second means getting your ass kicked!

  • And if you move too fast, the Wiimote cursor goes away,

  • and you have to get it back by aiming at the center of the screen...

  • Actually, you're obliged to go slowly.

  • It doesn't bother me in games like Resident Evil: the Umbrella Chronicles,

  • or Link's Crossbow Training Zelda, or something like that...

  • It doesn't bother me, because you're not obliged to go fast.

  • The game is meant to be played slowly.

  • That's why it works just fine.

  • But in GoldenEye 007, you need to be fast!

  • And you can't be fast with the Wiimote.

  • That lag doesn't allow it.

  • So, that's why I beat the game with the Gamecube pad.

  • And I really think that the Wiimote-nunchuk combo is unplayable.

  • It's time that Nintendo releases a new console without any lag at all, in HD.

  • Why HD? Because...

  • Let's say it: this game is rather beautiful.

  • It depends on the levels, but the outdoor levels are beautiful.

  • The jungle, Severnaya, or even the train station,

  • they're all really beautiful. Not only decent: beau-ti-ful.

  • The only thing that's missing is HD. This game would be really beautiful in HD.

  • But some indoor levels, especially the dark ones,

  • look horrible, because you can't see a thing.

  • I've read a couple of reviews on the net, and none of them mentioned it.

  • However, it's a very serious flaw, and one of the things I blame the most.

  • There's a kind of graphic effect...

  • I'm not talking about the blur effect when you reload, which is horrible.

  • Each time you reload, and you reload a LOT,

  • every five seconds during the gunfights.

  • And when you reload, the only thing that's neat is your weapon.

  • The background is blurred, which makes your eyes bleed.

  • So, not only is the game in SD, which means that it looks horrible on a HD TV,

  • but the developers also made a blur effect! They got it all wrong.

  • But it's not the real problem: when you're in a dark environment,

  • there's a kind of grainy graphic effect.

  • It looks terrible, it's like an interference.

  • To be honest, I thought my TV had a problem.

  • You know, it's like twenty years ago,

  • when there were only cathodic TVs,

  • and if you wanted to use the indoor antenna to pick up the signal,

  • it either didn't work, or there were serious interferences.

  • Well, it's the same here: it looks like interferences.

  • And half of the levels are dark. Many levels are dark.

  • And in these levels, there's a terrible graphic effect.

  • It's not only too dark, it's also graphically horrible.

  • There are these interferences, and also some smoke effects,

  • which are 2D effects and look horrible too.

  • The rain is also horrible, which you see in the dam level,

  • and in the statue level, later in the game.

  • But it seriously pissed me off, because the game is beautiful!

  • The jungle and the mountain both look fantastic!

  • Even the archives, which are indoors, are beautiful!

  • It's the first level you saw in the video,

  • when Bond's in this kind of library with a cell.

  • It's really beautiful, with a good colorization,

  • and it's not dark, for once!

  • But plenty of levels look terrible, with that shitty graphic effect.

  • There's another technical aspect I need to mention:

  • there are framerate drops.

  • The framerate is basically pretty low,

  • which allowed the developers to make beautiful graphics.

  • But the framerate is okay, it's high enough to be comfortable.

  • However, when there's a lot of action,

  • there's something wrong.

  • But it's not the game that's badly optimized,

  • it's the Wii that's not powerful enough.

  • Let me explain: I had never heard such loud disk accesses.

  • It makes: "Dvuuut! Dv-v-v-vuuut!" all the time.

  • It makes noises like that all the time.

  • Like on the Dreamcast. When you play Shenmue:

  • "Dvuuu Dvuuuut! Dvu-vuuuuuut!"

  • It's like the console can't take it anymore.

  • It's as if the Wii hardware weren't powerful enough to run the game.

  • At least, that's how it feels.

  • For everything and anything.

  • Sometimes, you want to...

  • You want to attack a guard in hand to hand combat,

  • and it triggers a disk access.

  • It should normally be included in the main loading,

  • but it's loaded on the spot.

  • And it's like the Wii has to load a lot of things on the spot.

  • That's why there's framerate drops all the time.

  • That's why, whenever there's a lot of things on-screen,

  • there are serious framerate drops.

  • And that's why the time attack mode is horrendous.

  • Of course, you need to go fast,

  • and sprint all the time, and that's where you see the technical flaws.

  • That's where you see huge framerate drops.

  • Sometimes, the game freezes for a second!

  • I'm not kidding! And you hear the Wii next to you that goes:

  • "Dvuuu Dvuu Dvuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

  • It's like the Wii's going to take off!

  • That's it, it's not a problem with the game itself,

  • the Wii is just not powerful enough.

  • That's why, when I played this game,

  • I said to myself: "It's time for a new HD Wii ."

  • Now it is time.

  • It looks terrible when you play on a LCD screen that's made for HD.

  • So, when you play on a full-HD TV,

  • the graphic flaws are emphasized.

  • And it impairs Wii games, so we need a new HD Wii,

  • because it's no longer possible to play SD games.

  • I wanted to talk about it, these framerate drops are a serious flaw.

  • So, what's next? I'll check my memo...

  • I haven't talked about the multiplayer, but I'll do it later...

  • Yes, the game is repetitive. You have to know that.

  • The game is extremely repetitive. I told you so.

  • From the beginning to the end.

  • When you begin a level, you try the infiltration method, etc...

  • So, it's repetitive, but not boring, because there's a lot of checkpoints.

  • You'll never have to replay the whole level.

  • In a level that's 30 minutes long, there are five or six checkpoints.

  • You'll never respawn too far from the spot where you died.

  • That's why you get to know how the game works pretty quickly.

  • So you learn how to get past the enemies more easily,

  • how the A.I works and reacts etc...

  • And that's what I liked in this game.

  • Understanding the A.I, trying to be stealthy...

  • That's what I liked. And even though the game isn't very long,

  • it takes something like ten hours to beat it on Agent mode,

  • but on Classic 007, let me tell you,

  • it would take twenty, or thirty hours!

  • And I don't even take the time attack in account!

  • Let me tell you: the time attack in this game

  • is almost as hard as the time attack on N64.

  • It was extremely difficult. Every player remembers the "Facility" level.

  • In order to unlock the invincibility. It was crazy!

  • And I manged to do it, that's my biggest achievment as a player.

  • Managing to do it...

  • Try to do it, and see for yourself.

  • It's a true challenge.

  • It's not only about knowing the whole level by heart,

  • there's also a part of luck, because every second counts.

  • It's extremely hard, it takes hours of practice.

  • It's the same here. It's the same, with a bad framerate.

  • That's why it's frustrating, and the gameplay is also a bit stiff.

  • It feels like you're not agile at all.

  • You can't sprint for more than ten yards,

  • or sometimes the sprint doesn't work...

  • You have to insist, because it doesn't respond very well...

  • That kind of things is annoying!

  • This flaw impairs the very gameplay.

  • Another thing that I mentioned earlier:

  • there's barely any weapon at all!

  • There's no gadget in Solo, which is unacceptable.

  • Why isn't there the Watch Laser or something?

  • What a waste of source material!

  • That's why you never feel like you're James Bond.

  • You either use the pistol, or a machinegun.

  • There's no rocket launcher or stuff like this, nothing!

  • There are only glocks and automatics!

  • And sometimes, a shotgun, but nothing else,

  • there's barely any choice. I was so disappointed.

  • And that's why the game is so repetitive:

  • you fight the same enemies, with the same weapons.

  • The only thing that changes is the set.

  • You know, the jungle, the mountain, the train station...

  • The background changes, but what you do is the same.

  • It's the same with the secondary missions:

  • extremely repetitive.

  • The only thing you ever do is taking pictures with your smartphone.

  • You take pictures of stuff.

  • You have to know that on Recruit mode,

  • the only thing you have to do is finish the level.

  • There's no other objective, the system is like on the N64 game.

  • On Agent mode, there's one secondary mission.

  • On 007 mode, two secondary missions,

  • and on Classic 007, it's the same as the 007 mode,

  • but since it's "Classic", you have a lifebar.

  • And the time attack is the same.

  • It's really hard, because it's Classic 007 with a time limit.

  • You have a lifebar, you have to complete all the objectives,

  • all that with a time limit.

  • That would be an interesting challenge,

  • if only it had a stable framerate,

  • and if Bond were more agile, because the control is too stiff.

  • It's too stiff, and it's a serious flaw.

  • So, as regards the weapons, you can't hold weapons in both hands.

  • In GoldenEye 64, you could, and it was awesome.

  • And there were plenty of gadgets and unique weapons,

  • and special levels you could unlock.

  • We all remember the "Aztec" level which is a reference to Moonraker,

  • starring Roger Moore, this level was excellent.

  • Or Egyptian, with Baron Samedi,

  • excellent too!

  • It was Rareware at its finest.

  • And this excellence is absent from this GoldenEye 007.

  • There's no bonus stage either...

  • Let's talk about the music and have a laugh.

  • On, they say that the music is excellent.

  • Wait, I'll check it out, because it seriously made me laugh.

  • Let's see... What do they say about the music...

  • Well,, even if it's not a very good website,

  • is clearly the most browsed French videogame website.

  • Most of the players make their opinion by browsing

  • I'll let you watch their "Gaming Live" to see how bad it is,

  • but hey, I don't feel like criticising this site right now.

  • Wait, it's loading... With my connection, it's laborious...

  • Wait, did it crash? Okay, it half crashed, so...

  • Wait, here we go! "GoldenEye 007 review"...

  • Soundtrack: "The music is grandiose,

  • and paces the game from the beginning to the end."

  • Ah... So, the music is grandiose?

  • Priceless, really!

  • Maybe the journalist who wrote this is a goldfish,

  • but he should re-listen to the GoldenEye 64 soundtrack.

  • The game is on cartridge support, it didn't have CD support,

  • with cheap MIDI. Well, he should listen

  • to the fantastic themes of GoldenEye 64.

  • I haven't played GoldenEye 64 for years,

  • but I know every theme by heart.

  • These themes were all original, and they were all really good.

  • They all matched the situation, and they had one more quality:

  • they had that "James Bond" feeling.

  • These themes sounded so "James Bond"!

  • And that's something that Eurocom and seem to forget.

  • Because the themes in this GoldenEye 007 are non-existent.

  • Well, not really, "non-existent" is not the right expression.

  • But these themes are generic. It's so plain it's sad.

  • You could listen to this in every other FPS in the world.

  • It doesn't sound "James Bond", it's not the 007 spirit.

  • Any other game offers music like that.

  • It's all anecdotal. It makes "Pom Pom Pom..."

  • And honestly, when you get the game beat,

  • you'll have forgotten all the themes of all the levels.

  • Maybe I'm the only one who thinks that,

  • but I find that the themes are terribly plain.

  • And when I browse the most browsed French website,

  • and read that the music is "grandiose",

  • all I want to do is have a laugh.

  • The music in this game is generic, as I told you earlier.

  • On top of that, the voice acting is absolutely pathetic,

  • the actors are really terrible.

  • Sometimes, the enemies wear gas masks,

  • and they tried to create a sound effect,

  • but they sound like the enemies from Killzone!

  • When they say: "I have a visual!"

  • When was the last time you heard a Helghast in a James Bond film?

  • They got it all wrong at Eurocom's!

  • That kind of things depresses me.

  • There are also some QTEs. In order to kill the bosses...

  • Can I call them bosses? They're so ridiculous...

  • Whether you fight Alec, the final boss,

  • (I'm not going to sum up GoldenEye's plot, google it if you want to)

  • or Xenia, which looks terrible, by the way,

  • the fights are all QTEs. But it's so ludicrous!

  • There are three buttons: L, R, A.

  • And you either have to press L and R in a certain pattern, or A...

  • Even the QTEs in Shenmue were more interesting.

  • Seriously, it's lame.

  • But there's a good aspect: the level design.

  • That's why the replay value is high, in my opinion.

  • The level design is interesting.

  • They seriously did a fine job: in most levels, the level design is good.

  • That's why replaying the game on a higher difficulty level is interesting.

  • Maybe not on time attack, because it's really hardcore...

  • But on Classic 007, it's really interesting,

  • because it's a good challenge, trying to be stealthy,

  • trying to stay unseen as long as possible...

  • It's interesting, there's suspense...

  • That's what I liked the most: this infiltration aspect.

  • And the game is challenging. In the Direct Live,

  • I had the feeling that the game was easy on Agent mode,

  • but even on Agent mode, I died a lot of times,

  • more than 50 times, maybe even more than a hundred times.

  • And I was playing seriously, it wasn't suicidal tries.

  • And it's only the Agent difficulty level.

  • I died more than a hundred times on Agent mode!

  • Well, it was on my first run, I didn't know the levels and stuff,

  • but still, it's hard on Agent. Well, imagine how it is on Classic 007!

  • The game is challenging. The game is difficult.

  • It's not easy, far from it.

  • I thought it was easy, that I could play like a Terminator...

  • Not at all. The first level is...

  • Well, in the second level, it's like the enemies deal twice as much damage.

  • You need to be careful, being hit by a few bullets

  • is almost enough to kill you.

  • If another enemy comes by and fires at you, you're a dead man.

  • By the way, the A.I isn't very good,

  • but what gets annoying is that they're deadly accurate!

  • Sometimes, a guy is 200 yards away with a machinegun,

  • you can barely see him with your sniper rifle,

  • but as soon as he fires at you, you take damage.

  • Okay, legit! I hate that,

  • when soldiers are one mile away with a cheap 9mm

  • and manage to hit you every time.

  • The least you can say is that the A.I isn't great.

  • That's where you see that the A.I is too simplistic.

  • And it's not the only game in which the A.I is made like this.

  • Deadly accurate enemies that make the game harder

  • actually hide a poorly made A.I.

  • And that kind of things pisses me off.

  • It's really poorly made. You need to know it.

  • The A.I is... I wouldn't say it's mediocre,

  • but it's too simplistic. Anyway, I'm one of those

  • who think that the A.I in games like GoldenEye 64 or Half Life

  • is the best of its kind.

  • Remember in Half Life, when you first saw the marines commandos

  • who could communicate with walkie-talkies, hide and throw grenades,

  • it was unprecedented. Since then, a few things changed,

  • especially in games like F.E.A.R, but the A.I is globally the same.

  • My opinion is that the A.I in FPS games has barely evolved in ten years.

  • I think it's time for the developers to do something about it.

  • Why don't they try to create a totally unpredictable A.I?

  • Some of you may think it's impossible, but it's not.

  • All you have to do is create a few patterns for each soldier

  • that the A.I randomly chooses each time you replay the level.

  • For exemple, a guy who usually runs toward you when you get spotted

  • will choose to go away and hide somewhere else instead.

  • See? I don't know, it doesn't seem difficult to me.

  • It seems pretty simple to me.

  • All you have to do is create ten patterns for each soldier,

  • and each independant A.I will react, depending on the situation.

  • It will randomly choose a pattern on its list.

  • This way, the player would never be able to predict the A.I's reaction.

  • Will the soldier attack, hide, or run away to call for backup?

  • See? That's what needs to be done.

  • An A.I that the player cannot perdict!

  • But I've never seen such an A.I in any game whatsoever.

  • But it seems possible to me. Why wouldn't it be?

  • However, it doesn't exist yet.

  • The A.I is always predictable. The bots are always predictable.

  • You quickly learn how the A.I reacts.

  • But with a RNG system, it would be unpredictable.

  • That seems logical to me.

  • Nobody tried something like this yet,

  • and I have to admit I don't know why.

  • So, I wanted to talk about two specific levels,

  • two levels that are unique: the nightclub, and the tank chase,

  • which is a reference to the movie, when Bond drives a tank.

  • This scene was also present in the N64 game.

  • But first, let's talk about that nightclub.

  • I didn't expect this, and it was a pleasant surprise.

  • And it impressed me, but not at first.

  • Because when you first walk in there, in that nightclub in Barcelona,

  • you realise, if you look around you,

  • that there are only four different NPC skins.

  • They're all clones, they're all twin brothers in there!

  • I'll show it to you!

  • The girls are all the same, with a bun, and a dress.

  • The men are all bearded, it's the bearded men tribe.

  • That's where you see that they didn't give a single fuck.

  • Don't tell me there wasn't enough space on the DVD

  • to create different skins for each NPC!

  • Nobody can believe that. It's not credible!

  • And when you see what's on your computer screen,

  • it's depressing. Wait, they're fucking with us!

  • Some NPCs are close to each other, and they still have the exact same skin!

  • Anyway, that's not so terrible.

  • But what really pleased me is when you go a bit further.

  • You see the dance floor, and that's where it becomes impressive.

  • There's a very good music. And I think I'll let you listen to it now.

  • So, for the ones who wonder, the song is called "I remember",

  • and was composed by a Canadian whose nickname is Dead Mou5.

  • This man mainly composes electro.

  • You can listen to this on Youtube if you want to.

  • See? Sometimes you can find something good in this game!

  • This song is cool, the atmosphere is good too.

  • But what really impressed me is what you see on-screen.

  • It's really cool, you feel like you're in a nightclub.

  • Look at all the people on the dance floor!

  • We're only on the Wii!

  • Of course, if you get closer, you'll see that it's all an optical illusion.

  • That's the first thing I checked.

  • Of course, these people aren't 3D models.

  • The Wii wouldn't be able to show that amount of people at once.

  • Actually, they're only 2D sprites, they're pictures.

  • But it looks fantastic, it's staggering.

  • Even if the only colour is black, even if they're only sprites.

  • You especially see it when you look at their feet,

  • when you take a look at their legs while moving.

  • I did this a lot on the 32 bit consoles,

  • when I wanted to see if a character was 2D or 3D.

  • The trick is to look at the legs while moving around the guy.

  • And if the image doesn't change, that means it's 2D.

  • That's how you can see it in this nightclub.

  • But it's really well made, and that's something I like to see,

  • you know, that kind of graphic illusions they make

  • in order to simulate something awesome.

  • Here, it's really well made.

  • Of course, it's not quite as impressive as in Heavy Rain.

  • There was a sequence in a nightclub as well,

  • where all the characters are modelled, unique,

  • with unique clothes, and even their own choreography.

  • That's what makes this sequence incredible.

  • But there were fewer 3D NPCs in Heavy Rain, like 50.

  • Here, in GoldenEye, there are more than a hundred sprites.

  • To sum up, the atmosphere is really good.

  • So, what makes this sequence unique?

  • Well, as you can see, the first part of this level is not about shooting,

  • it's about using your smartphone to locate sergeant Garcia.

  • You have to scan the faces of everybody in the club

  • until you find the agent, who's actually a woman.

  • Then you go to... Well, the next part.

  • And of course, everybody goes apeshit in a second,

  • and it turns into a COD-like gunfight.

  • But I liked the first part, which is really well made.

  • And the second original sequence is the tank level.

  • I say it's "original", but it was already there

  • in the movie and the N64 game,

  • whereas the nightclub isn't in the movie or the N64 game.

  • This tank chase is taken right from the movie.

  • In the Nintendo 64 game, this level is barely decent.

  • Honestly, it's not what might be called "intense".

  • I wouldn't say it's bad, but it's barely decent.

  • This level on the N64 isn't good at all.

  • Here, it's far better. The control is more flexible,

  • you can use a machinegun, there's the cannon, of course,

  • there are also the homing head missiles.

  • You have to shoot down choppers all the way through,

  • there are explosions everywhere, a sequence on the highway,

  • you even go through buildings!

  • It's a total mess! It lasts five minutes,

  • and it's five minutes of pure demolition!

  • It's pretty cool, it makes you feel like replaying it.

  • It's not extraordinary, but it's well made.

  • Not very subtle, but very well made.

  • Let's say it's "okay plus".

  • I think I told you the essential.

  • I could've mentioned the level "Facility",

  • which has become legendary on the N64.

  • Here, it's the second level, it's also called "Facility",

  • and I didn't like it. Not one bit.

  • Even if the beginning of the stage is identical,

  • when you infiltrate the facility via the air ducts,

  • and beat the crap out of a soldier taking a crap.

  • It's one of the most famous moments of the movie and the '97 game.

  • One of the few things that remind the player that he plays GoldenEye.

  • But the rest of the game is so different from the James Bond universe

  • that I just couldn't imagine being James Bond.

  • That's why I found the game so plain.

  • Something's missing, it doesn't feel like GoldenEye.

  • I know I'm repeating myself, but it doesn't feel like GoldenEye,

  • it doesn't feel like you're James Bond.

  • That doesn't mean the game is bad,

  • but it doesn't feel like James Bond.

  • So, why didn't I like this level?

  • It's not because it's totally different from the N64 version,

  • except for the beginning.

  • It's because this level is very dark.

  • And like I said, the dark levels are bad because you can't see a thing.

  • There's a terrible graphic effect, these grainy parasite particles.

  • It looks bad. These levels look bad.

  • All the dark levels look bad.

  • And even the level design is mediocre.

  • The levels are usually well conceived,

  • but they screwed up the level "Facility".

  • Even though there was a good source material.

  • I didn't find this level very interesting.

  • I also wanted to talk about the cheat codes.

  • That was an essential element in the N64 game.

  • It allowed the player to enjoy a "Replay Value"

  • that was unprecedented in the FPS sector.

  • There was plenty of parameters you could change,

  • you could make Bond shrink,

  • make the heads inflate,

  • there were also the classics, like "invulnerability",

  • or "invisibility", which was excellent.

  • "Enemy Rocket" was one of my favorites.

  • All the enemies of all levels got a rocket launcher.

  • No more pistols or machineguns, only rocket launchers.

  • And it was incredibly fun.

  • Slaloming between the rockets, making the enemies kill each other...

  • And it was hard! It was awesome.

  • The "Enemy Rocket" mode was one of my favourites.

  • This code was ex-cell-ent.

  • It allowed the player to play the whole game in an all different way.

  • With all the enemies armed with rocket launchers.

  • It was excellent.

  • But now, a question needs to be answered:

  • How about the Wii game? Is there any cheat code?

  • Well, I think that nobody knows.

  • At the moment, the game was released two weeks ago.

  • And only three cheat codes have been discovered.

  • And these three codes can only be used in local multiplayer mode.

  • There's the "Donkey Kong" mode, and two other insignificant codes.

  • But no solo mode code has been found so far.

  • Is there any other code? Nobody knows.

  • Nobody knows anything.

  • I checked many message boards and forums,

  • but apparently, nobody knows.

  • Do you unlock them by finishing the tide attacks?

  • Wait, not "tide attacks", TIME attacks.

  • Do you unlock these codes by finishing the time attacks?

  • Maybe, but we should already know it.

  • The game was released two weeks ago,

  • and I searched on American message boards.

  • Nowadays, with the internet, there's a complete guide after two days.

  • Super hardcore Asian demigods already finished the game.

  • In 24 hours max, everything about any game is revealed.

  • That's why I don't think there are still undiscovered codes after two weeks.

  • But that's strange, since there's a "Bonus" menu

  • in which you can input codes.

  • So, will Eurocom or Activision give us special codes later?

  • That would mean these codes can't be unlocked.

  • But maybe nobody discovered the way to unlock them.

  • Maybe it's by finishing the time attacks, and nobody succeeded.

  • That would be unlikely: even if the time attacks are hard,

  • I can't believe that nobody did it in two weeks.

  • It can't be, it's unthinkable.

  • Sincerely, I don't know. Maybe, when I post this video,

  • other cheat codes will have been unlocked,

  • but so far, there are only three boring codes for the offline multi.

  • Nothing for the solo mode. It'd be cool to have "invulnerability",

  • and all the other stuff that made GoldenEye 64 awesome.

  • I hope there are other cheat codes, I wouldn't hesitate to replay the whole game!

  • Replaying the whole game on "Enemy Rocket" mode

  • would be awesome!

  • So, I don't know, I wonder.

  • We'll see in the coming weeks.

  • But since the game was released two weeks ago,

  • I have some serious doubts!

  • I think I told you the essential

  • about this new-gen GoldenEye (even if it's on the Wii).

  • The only thing left is the multiplayer mode.

  • I already told you what I think about the solo mode.

  • So, the multiplayer... Of course, it was an important feature

  • in the Rareware game. I think nobody would deny it.

  • And what's cool about this new version

  • is that they made an effort. First, you can either play offline or online.

  • Let's start with the offline mode.

  • It allows from two to four players to play on a split screen.

  • That's cool, there are many game modes, a dozen maps,

  • with environments from the game,

  • and some parameters you can change.

  • It's cool, but what's even cooler

  • is that at the beginning of each match,

  • you can choose a character.

  • There are all the enemies of the game, like the soldiers,

  • but what's interesting for the fans like me is...

  • Look: Rosa Klebb, Baron Samedi, Dr. No, Scaramanga, Blofeld,

  • Jaws, Odd Job, and that's all.

  • Sincerely, that's a pleasant surprise.

  • But there's a flaw: you can only choose these characters

  • when you play offline.

  • What a pity! On online mode, You can only play as a soldier,

  • that you can't even choose, it's random.

  • I would've liked to play as Jaws or Odd Job.

  • But I'll talk about these characters now:

  • Rosa Klebb, she's not very famous, only the connoisseurs know her.

  • She makes an appearance in "From Russia with love".

  • It's a sort of James Bond Girl, but she's not so sexy.

  • I don't know if the term "James Bond Girl" is appropriate.

  • Anyway, she's the movie villain.

  • She fights with her shoes... Well, with her shoes...

  • She surely doesn't hit James Bond with sandals!

  • Actually, she's got a poisoned shiv in her right shoe

  • that she uses in that lame fight with Bond.

  • Aaah, Baron Samedi! He was present in the N64 game,

  • in the level "Egyptian", and he's awesome!

  • He comes from "Live and let die".

  • The movie itself is okay, it's not a great movie,

  • a bit lame, with Mister Big.

  • The guy is a drug baron, and everybody calls him Mister Big!

  • Cracks me up every time! "Mister Big wanna talk to ya!"

  • I must say it cracks me up.

  • There's also the movie song!

  • When I think of "Live and let die",

  • I obviously think of the song!

  • [Sings like crazy]

  • To the youngest ones, my advice is to type this on Youtube!

  • You can find it easily, even with the French title.

  • Listen to this song, it's marvelous!

  • It's one of the best James Bond themes ever made.

  • This song is excellent.

  • There's Dr No, who needs no introduction,

  • he appears in the first Bond.

  • Scaramanga, from "The Man with the Golden Gun",

  • with his dwarf.

  • "Your Golden Gun, sir!"

  • Blofeld, very lame too, who appears in many Bond films,

  • and was played by several actors.

  • There's also Jaws. I'm a big fan of Jaws.

  • He makes an appearance in one of my favourite Bond movies:

  • "The Spy Who Loved Me", starring Roger Moore.

  • I can see the haters and the fanboys coming:

  • "Roger Moore is shit, the only one we want is Sean Connery,

  • all the others are pussies!"

  • I'm not one of them, I like Roger Moore,

  • because he brought something new and fresh to the character.

  • He was more humorous, less serious, more comical.

  • I'm not saying his Bond was better than Connery's,

  • because Connery is classy like James Bond should be.

  • He's classy like no one else.

  • But Roger Moore isn't a bad James Bond.

  • It's a different one, with more humor, I like it.

  • Anyway, The Spy Who Loved Me is an excellent Bond film.

  • I truly love it, I watched it like 50 times,

  • and that's Jaws's first appearance.

  • He also appears in Moonraker. But he's less good in this film.

  • The film itself is less good, but Jaws's love story, with the girl...

  • It's complete nonsense! You need to watch Moonraker

  • to see this love story!

  • I don't know what kind of drugs they were on,

  • but I want some!

  • You have to see it to believe it!

  • I love Jaws, and of course, he was present in the N64 game,

  • in "Aztec", where he chases you with two M-16s.

  • And you have to kill him.

  • He's like the new Terminator, it takes a million hits to kill him.

  • There's Odd Job, who needs no introduction either.

  • He appears in "Goldfinger", one of the best James Bond movies.

  • It's clearly the best James Bond starring Sean Connery.

  • And this villain uses a hat-cleaver

  • that cuts anything and everything to pieces.

  • And that's all. Besides them,

  • there are only the characters from the game.

  • They're not very interesting.

  • So, that's for the offline multiplayer.

  • But there's no cooperation.

  • You can't play the campaign with a friend.

  • The offline multi is only about deathmatch.

  • It's only: shoot, kill, die.

  • You can't play the campaign with someone else.

  • There are no bots either.

  • So, if you play alone, forget the offline multi, there's no bots.

  • If you play alone, the only way is to play online.

  • But there's a rub: playing GoldenEye 007 online...

  • What's the point?

  • All the game modes are very conventional.

  • To put it simply: this online mode has no identity.

  • Especially when you compare it to other FPSs.

  • Playing this GoldenEye online

  • is like playing a poorman's version of Call of Duty.

  • It's a mediocre COD-like because the gameplay is too simplistic.

  • I played it for two hours and...

  • So, there's a rank system: the more you level up,

  • the more you can purchase weapons,

  • and gadgets, because that's where the gadgets are available!

  • You can use mines in Online mode!

  • There are grenades too, which aren't there in Solo mode.

  • You can only use them online!

  • But in order to unlock some of them, you must play a lot

  • to reach a higher level, like thirty hours.

  • So, that's for the online mode: a generic online FPS.

  • It has no identity. It's so simplistic!

  • The control is stiff, and the framerate is too low!

  • No, no...

  • I'm not saying it's poorly made,

  • maybe it's fantastic for the Wii players.

  • If the only gaming system you have is a Wii,

  • that's perfect.

  • But if you have a 360, a PS3, or even better: a PC,

  • there are obviously online FPSs that are far more interesting

  • to play than this GoldenEye.

  • There's nothing that gets the player's attention.

  • I'd say my favorite mode is "GoldenEye".

  • It's a sort of Domination mode:

  • there are five key spots on the map,

  • which are actually command panels

  • that are used to control the satellite named "GoldenEye".

  • On the top right, there's a bar, and...

  • Well, there are two teams,

  • and the more your team controls command panels,

  • the closer the GoldenEye gets to the enemy team.

  • And when the satellite is just above the enemy team,

  • you win the game.

  • So, the goal is to possess as many panels as you can

  • in order to orientate the satellite toward the enemy team.

  • Well, it's fun, but it's not original.

  • There's also the Golden Gun mode:

  • there's the Golden Gun on the map,

  • and the one who gets it kills the enemies in one shot.

  • But there's only one bullet in the magazine at a time,

  • so you have to reload between each shot.

  • So, you need to be focused not to miss your shots.

  • And when you kill the possessor, you can pick the gun,

  • and become the Man with the Golden Gun.

  • So, these modes could've been more original.

  • It's not poorly made, but take a look at the competition,

  • and you'll see that half of the FPSs on 360, PS3 or PC

  • are better online games than this GoldenEye.

  • But if you only have a Wii, that can be a good deal.

  • Otherwise, it's not.

  • And there are also a bunch of other problems,

  • especially with the hosts. For example,

  • when the host leaves the game, the match automatically ends.

  • Whereas in most of the FPSs, another host is chosen,

  • it doesn't end the match.

  • And there are also the double K.Os.

  • That's the first time I see that in a FPS.

  • The double K.Os... Well, not "double K.Os",

  • it's not Street Fighter, but there are double deaths.

  • There are so many of them! Maybe it's because of the lag,

  • maybe I'm the only one who's annoyed by this,

  • but in a match that lasts about ten minutes,

  • I get three or four "double deaths".

  • When two guys start firing at each other,

  • if they start firing more or less at the same time,

  • it results in a double death 50% of the time.

  • Sometimes, one of them dies one second after the other,

  • but both of them die.

  • You can see it on the score board:

  • "Hooper killed X" "X killed Hooper"

  • Well, something's wrong!

  • It's not well calibrated, and it results in these bugs.

  • So, that's for the online.

  • I won't talk much about the offline mode,

  • because I didn't play it, but it seems to be fun.

  • There's a lot of modes, with the paintball and stuff,

  • it must be really cool, but as regards the online mode,

  • it's ten years behind competition.

  • Well, listen, I think that this time, we're done.

  • It's time to conclude!

  • So, even if I told you what I think about this game,

  • I'll tell you... Well, if I had to be objective,

  • if I had to review this GoldenEye with objectivity,

  • here's what I would say:

  • It's a decent game that could almost be good,

  • if we consider the fact that it's a Wii game.

  • It's almost good, some aspects are good,

  • because we're on the Wii.

  • But the players who have a PS3 or a 360...

  • They must be laughing out loud, because this game is...

  • I don't know, five or six years behind competition.

  • That's my objective opinion.

  • But from a more subjective, more personal point of view,

  • I'd say the game is only decent.

  • It's barely decent. It's not a bad FPS,

  • It's not a shitty game, but to me, it can't be called "good".

  • I really don't think so. It's barely decent.

  • So, did I have fun? Did I enjoy the game?

  • That's what matters the most.

  • No matter which game you play, what matters is the fun-factor.

  • Well, the game is fun, but don't expect anything else.

  • Really, don't.

  • At least, the game's challenging.

  • That's its big asset: the game difficulty.

  • That's the only source of fun.

  • Of course, there are other assets.

  • The sets are various, the game is rather beautiful,

  • even if it's far behind competition,

  • because of the framerate, and because of bad graphic filters.

  • The game is rather linear, I forgot to mention it.

  • That kind of games is always very linear, "corridoresque".

  • But here, not too much. Sometimes, you get to choose a path,

  • go here or there, left or right, take the stairs or not...

  • It doesn't feel linear, but it's not an open world either.

  • It's linear, but it didn't bother me.

  • As regards the storyline, it's THE void.

  • They wanted to "remake" the storyline,

  • to make it more modern, but it's a total disaster.

  • It doesn't feel credible, it's mostly lame and ridiculous.

  • It's the big flaw: the story, and the characters.

  • They're so ridiculous! It's so bad it's beyond "lame".

  • If it were lame, comical, it'd be okay.

  • But it's not fun, it's sad. See that QTE fight against Alec?

  • It looks like two grandpas having a fight!

  • It's depressing!

  • And how about Alec's outfit?

  • Can you believe he's wearing a pullover?

  • Anyway, there are still good things in this game.

  • The level design is good, it's well conceived,

  • and the infiltration aspect is interesting.

  • But aside from that, there are all the flaws...

  • I know I'm repeating myself, so I won't repeat the whole list.

  • Watch this video again, and you'll see all the flaws I mentioned!

  • And because of that, I can't say the game is good.

  • And I didn't compare the game with the N64 version so far.

  • If I had to, I would tell you the game is a total disaster.

  • That's what I'd say if I had to make a comparison.

  • But nowadays, a new trend emerged:

  • you can't compare oldies with new games any longer.

  • I don't know why, but there are always people to tell you:

  • "You can't compare these two, it's not the same thing!"

  • These people tell you that, but even they don't know why.

  • Tell me! Why can't I compare the game with Rareware's GoldenEye,

  • which is also a FPS that follows the original storyline?

  • Why can't I compare it with the Wii game

  • which is also a FPS that follows the original storyline?

  • Well, it's a "remake", but it's the same story.

  • I don't get it. Why would a comparison be impossible?

  • Can somebody tell me? Does somebody have a reason,

  • even the slightest evidence to prove it?

  • Why couldn't I compare these two games?

  • Despite the fact that they're distant from 13 years.

  • I want to know. I'd like to have an answer with good arguments.

  • Why can't I do that?

  • If it were two different game genres, okay...

  • But it's two FPSs with the same kind of levels!

  • Seriously, you CAN compare these two games.

  • And if I had to compare these two games,

  • even without taking the nostalgia aspect in account,

  • I would be forced to say that the '97 game

  • is better than this Wii game, even if it came out 13 years earlier.

  • Does it sound right? Is it acceptable?

  • Well, think about it! Answer this question.

  • But the answer seems obvious to me.

  • So, one last thing I want to say before I end this review:

  • some time ago, three years, if I remember well,

  • I made a compilation of scenes from the N64 game

  • and the movie, using a James Bond remix, by Moby.

  • I uploaded this video on Youtube,

  • and after a few months, Youtube had...

  • Well, not deleted it, they put it in "stand by".

  • Nobody could watch it, because there were copyrights.

  • Because of the music. So it remained blocked for three years.

  • But two months ago, the copyrights became irrelevant.

  • Now, you can listen to this song on Youtube.

  • And my video became available on the site as well.

  • Now, everybody can watch it.

  • I wanted to say it, because I'm rather proud of this video.

  • And since I'm making a video about GoldenEye,

  • it's the right time to say it. It's one of my earliest videos.

  • I think it's called "Hommage à GoldenEye",

  • or "Hommage à 007", I don't remember.

  • Anyway, I'll put a link in the video description.

  • This way, you'll be able to watch the video.

  • I was very proud of it at the time, it was my first one,

  • it took me a lot of time, I recorded all the cuts myself.

  • The film scenes, from my DVD, and the game scenes from the N64.

  • It's all homemade, I was proud of it.

  • Well, the video quality isn't great,

  • I had to change the image compression, and I wasn't good at it at the time.

  • So the image quality isn't great, but it's sincere.

  • So, I wanted to say it, so you know it's there.

  • I'll put a link in the video.

  • Voilà!

  • God, I can't take it anymore!

  • I hope you enjoyed the video,

  • I think I told you everything about this GoldenEye on the Wii.

  • To sum up, it's not a bad game,

  • if you have a Wii...

  • Well, play it, and form your own opinion.

  • But the flaws are as plain as the nose on your face.

  • And since I played the N64 version,

  • I can't ignore all these flaws.

  • That's the hardest thing to accept.

  • I tried, I swear it, but I couldn't help thinking:

  • "It should've been like on N64!"

  • And at times, I thought: "What were they thinking?"

  • Some things are incomprehensible.

  • That's why this game shares nothing with GoldenEye but the title.

  • Don't expect to play the remake of the emblematic Rareware game.

  • Otherwise you'll be sorely disappointed.

  • And dont expect to play a movie adaptation either.

  • Otherwise you'll be disappointed like never before.

  • If you expect anything from the GoldenEye franchise,

  • you'll be disappointed. So, just expect a FPS.

  • Very plain, with some stealth, some infiltration, some COD aspects,

  • and a multilplayer mode, online and offline.

  • Knowing that the game is rather beautiful,

  • especially when you're outdoors,

  • if you only expect that, you'll enjoy yourself.

  • Otherwise, you'll think the game is a huge pile of shit.

  • Let's stop there, I can't take it anymore.

  • Bye bye, and see you soon!

So, I'll ask you again, Mr. Bond. How shall we execute you?


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回顧黃金眼007 (Review GoldenEye 007)

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    Louis Sher 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日