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  • You always wake me with 'good morning'.

  • To your charm that's so adoring.

  • There's nothing that I'd change,

  • Cause the life we have is all the rage.

  • Every little gesture I hold very close and treasure,

  • cause life's a precious thing,

  • and you never know when it could disappear.

  • I hope you won't leave my side.

  • I need you here.

  • So please hold onto my hand,

  • and we'll continue on this ride.

  • I'll have my arm around your shoulder,

  • even when we both are older.

  • Cause you're my precious friend, and I'll stick with you until the end.

  • Your charm is so adoring ,when I'm with you nothing's boring.

  • The life we have is grand, and I'll always be with you so I can hold your hand.

You always wake me with 'good morning'.


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A2 初級 美國腔

【聽歌學英文-東洋風】獵人初代主題曲|早安 Ohayou|英語版 (【聽歌學英文-東洋風】獵人初代主題曲|早安 Ohayou|英語版)

  • 1653 131
    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日