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Tracking down Pokémon can be tough. You’re at the mercy of your location and sometimes
your favorites just won’t appear near you. But did you know that one of the best ways
to potentially catch rare and hard to find Pokémon without travelling far is by hatching
Eggs? Of course, you need to actually get an Egg first! You’ll find them randomly
at PokéStops, and they come in three varieties: 2 kilometers, 5 kilometers, and 10 kilometers,
or about 1 mile, 3 miles, and 6 miles respectively for us Americans.
Those distances denote how far you have to walk for each of them to hatch, after putting
them in an Incubator. Now thankfully, you start the game with one Incubator already
which has infinite uses--but the catch is that each Incubator can only hold one Egg,
so you’ll need to pick up normal Incubators if you want to hatch more than one egg at
a time. You can either buy them in the Shop or earn them when Leveling Up. But Normal
Incubators can only be used three time before breaking.
Now there are a few rules when it comes to hatching Eggs. For one, the Pokemon Go app
has to be open to register the distance you travel. Secondly, you can only hold a maximum
of nine Eggs at a time. If you’re maxed out, PokéStops won’t give more until you’ve
made room. And finally, if you go too fast, the distance won’t be counted toward your
Incubated Eggs. But that doesn’t mean you can’t cheat a little. Now we’ve heard
conflicting reports about the exact speed limit, but it seems that as long as you stay
under roughly 25 km per hour, or 15 miles per hour, Pokémon Go will count the distance
traveled and hatch your eggs even faster. So cars, trains, or planes are probably out,
but running or biking should do the trick!
Besides new Pokémon, hatching Eggs provides other bonuses as well. Players earn 1000 XP
for simply hatching the Egg and an additional 500 XP if it’s a new Pokémon. You’ll
also receive Stardust and that Pokémon’s Candy, and the higher the CP of the hatching
Pokémon, the more you’ll get.
But you might be wondering which Pokémon you can hatch from Eggs? And as it turns out,
almost all of them! The only exceptions are Ditto, evolutions, and Kanto’s Legendary
Pokémon. So no Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo or Mew. So that’s a lot of Pokemon,
and as it turns out, they’re divided amongst the three Egg distance ranges, providing you
with at least some idea of what might hatch from each egg. And thanks to Serebii.net,
we have the full list.
So 2 kilometer Eggs can hatch one of 14 Pokemon, which includes: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle,
Caterpie, Weedle, Pidgey, Rattata, Spearow, Pikachu, Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Zubat, Geodude,
and Magikarp.
Next, 5 kilometer Eggs can hatch one of 43 Pokemon including: Ekans, Sandshrew, Nidoran
Female, Nidoran Male, Vulpix, Oddish, Paras, Venonat, Diglett, Meowth, Psyduck, Mankey,
Growlithe, Poliwag, Abra, Machop, Bellsprout, Tentacool, Ponyta, Slowpoke, Magnemite, Farfetch’d,
Doduo, Seel, Grimer, Shellder, Gastly, Drowzee, Krabby, Voltorb, Exeggcute, Cubone, Lickitung,
Koffing, Rhyhorn, Tangela, Kangaskhan, Horsea, Goldeen, Staryu, Mr. Mime, Tauros, and Porygon.
And finally, 10 kilometer Eggs can hatch one of 16 Pokémon that include Onix, Hitmonlee,
Hitmonchan, Chansey, Scyther, Jynx, Electabuzz, Magmar, Pinsir, Lapras, Eevee, Omanyte, Kabuto,
Aerodactyl, Snorlax, and Dratini.
We hope this eggcellent guide goes over easy and helps you quickly find new and different
Pokémon to fill out your Pokédex! If you have any Egg Hatching tips of your own, let
us know in the comments. Thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe to GameXplain for
more on Pokémon and other things gaming.