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(Olympic fanfare music)
- Hello, and welcome back to Rio de Janeiro
and the 2016 Summer Olympics.
We've seen people at the very peak of human physical ability
and there's plenty more action to come.
- Up next, Siobhan Thompson, she's a little old
to be in this competition, isn't she?
- [Grant] Yes, many competitors are 10 or 15 years younger
than she is and in better shape than she's ever been.
- [Zac] You know what they say with age comes experience.
- [Grant] Now remember,
Siobhan is not an Olympian super human,
she's an average person, just like you.
(dance music)
- [Grant] Off to a strong start,
looks like she's writing and then slightly rewording
the same tweet, over and over again.
- [Zac] Look at that concentration, that precision,
you can tell that this is something
that she has spent hours doing.
- Well, it's paying off now.
I bet the other athletes wish they'd been doing this
instead of turning their bodies
into musclebound fuck machines.
- [Zac] She's now moving on to a particularly difficult part
of her routine.
- [Grant] Incredible.
She's binge watching the second season of Daredevil,
even though she heard it was just okay.
- [Zac] Truly a testament to the awesome power
of the human perseverance.
- She had trouble with this move in the past.
During warmups,
she couldn't make it past the first season of the Leftovers.
- Well, that is very difficult.
- [Grant] Excellent dismount.
She barely grunted when she got up from that couch.
And it looks like she's checking
to see how that earlier tweet is doing.
Such commitment, you can really see
how the precious limited moments of her life
have been spent.
- [Grant] Well, now this is surprising.
She's going to attempt a very difficult,
teach yourself guitar.
Now this is a much more valuable use of time
than anything she's shone us before.
Oh, no.
- [Zac] That's a costly mistake.
- [Grant] I don't know if you caught that at home,
Siobhan gave up guitar because the strings
hurt her fingers too much.
- [Zak] That's the kind of pathetic weak-ass shit
that's going to haunt her at the judge's table
and throughout her entire life.
- She'll have to work hard
to overtake the competition now
which remember are 20 year old demigods who regularly
fly to other countries to perform feats of strength.
- Some of them are 15.
(Dance music)
- [Zak] Looks like she's sleeping in.
- [Grant] She's justifying it by saying
she's had a long week.
- And now she's going out for drinks
for the fourth night in a row.
- [Zac] This is just incredible.
This one move is a waste of both the night
and the following morning.
She's going to feel behind all week.
- [Grant] Zac, this is what the Olympics are all about.
What an inspiration.
- [Zac] Now let's see what the judges think.
- [Grant] Wow, one point.
- [Zac] You can see Siobahn is happy.
She can use this small sliver of partial success
to sustain her for the next ten years.
- Hi, it's Mike Trapp from College Humor.
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