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Hi this is Igor from smartclassicalpiano.com and today we're going to have a look
at Für Elise. We're gonna learn how to play it with both hands and we'll do it step
by step to make this process as painless and as easy for you as possible
alright so let's get started with this before I start teaching you I just would
be appropriate to hear the peace force so here it is
finger so remember where your middle C is northern next see above middle C and
to the eve of that are self and this is where you began your thing I and II then
D sharp right above it
same thing now the next three nodes are going to be with the adjacent fingers
right next door so you have your first finger deal with your third or second
finger and thumb is gonna scoot down just a touch more times gonna be
t-shirt and it should be right there all of these notes should be sitting right
next door to one another and with your second touchdown
everything you feel that you need to practice something practice it and maybe
rewatch that section if need be and then we'll go there as does the beginning of
that section next an expert on the right hand on its own is going to be so middle
C winter storm
second finger is going to be a fourth finger
be comfortable with this I want you to think of this accord what comes next
think of this as a court
as a week so you might not be able to really hear is that in your brain you
should be thinking about this as
next one is going to start on a
and again things like a grouping
it'll save you a lot of time to figure out to remember what no comes just as
soon as you begin to excessive amounts are laid out in front of you like a map
right so go ahead and start from the beginning
now the close of the section is a little bit different is starting but instead of
you start on the last note which is a scene that's it
three notes from
second video before we get ahead of ourselves as go ahead and and work out
the list and would only let that is actually more simple than you'd imagine
it's too little too positions that repeating themselves so we'll start with
the first
first finger if you lay out the rest of your fingers your second finger should
comfortably fall
we are now again
size that's basically already
leave this guy out no second finger
gonna have the leg room
this joint is that really well oiled socket you know any tension here
because there's only a few moments with her hands together it seems you know
when you're somebody played over the globe there but it's your seems
complicated but really it isn't all demonstrate what I mean you play
together is with the last note of the rate at which is which coincides with
the first third of the left
three moments where your hands together actually outside of that is just a
tradeoff right hand left and left and right here so what you gotta do is make
sure that your right hand really think about where the nose just like an hd2
and same thing before the left-hand practice it stopped the video practice
this week comes with it and then come back and we'll put it together get so
let's go ahead and do it here we go together with that moment
it sets of this kind of Cascade this label avalanche
down here
the beginning of this piece please don't get ahead of yourself it's so easy to
end up really tense because you're worried about what you gonna play and
everything together and you're not quite comfortable appear in my head now but
you feel like your fingers should be able to do it is sit down with your
keyboard or piano whatever learn each hand separately and slowly put them
together so that you can you don't feel like you're running before you walk ok
great so please do feel free to subscribe
always putting out new videos and feel free to give us any suggestions as to
what pieces you like to hear next or you'd like to learn next and we'll be
happy to oblige