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  • This buzzing is a secret password. The key to a lock.

  • What this bumblebee is after is pollen. Bumblebees eat pollen. It’s high in protein.

  • But the flower doesn’t want to give it to just anyone.

  • So it hides it away, in those bright yellow anthers

  • For a flower, that’s unusual.

  • Most flowers keep their pollen on the outside of the anther. Which is the male part

  • of the flower. Pollen is basically sperm, for plants.

  • Most flowers make sugary nectar, too.

  • They use it as bait to attract bees and other pollinators,

  • which get coated in pollen along the way.

  • And since bees are messy, they inadvertently scatter some of that pollen onto the female

  • part of the next flower they visit.

  • That’s how most flowers have sex.

  • But this type of flower doesn’t offer nectar.

  • The only way to get to its pollen is through those tiny pores at the ends.

  • But the bumblebee knows just what to do.

  • It wraps its legs around the flower and bites down on the anthers --

  • that male part of the flower.

  • See those wings shaking?

  • Normally, the bumblebee uses these powerful muscles to flap its wings.

  • That’s what makes the buzzing sound when they fly.

  • But here those muscles to vibrate its whole body.

  • So hard and fast that it makes a louder, higher pitched buzz.

  • This vibration shakes up the pollen trapped inside the anthers, until...

  • It spews out, all over the bumblebee.

  • It’s called buzz pollination -- and you don’t need to a bumblebee to do it.

  • A tuning fork will do.

  • The bumblebee grooms the pollen down into sticky sacs on its legs

  • carries it back to the hive.

  • Only a few types of pollinators like bumblebees are capable of buzz pollination.

  • Honeybees can’t do it.

  • This field is kind of a free for all.

  • Think: Las Vegas buffet.

  • Tons of food, but long lines, lots of competition.

  • Buzz pollination.. is more like a private club.

  • By only permitting pollinators that know the secret knock, the flower ups the chances that its pollen

  • will end up on flowers from the same club -- the same species.

  • The bumblebee? Well sure it has to work a little harderand there’s no sweet nectar.

  • But it’s a reliable pollen stash that almost no one else has access to.

  • Tomatoes, potatoes, blueberries, all of these need buzz pollination to reproduce.

  • Much of the food we eat... owes its existence to that buzz.

  • Our secret password here at Deep Look?

  • I’ll be honest: It’s that Subscribe button.

  • Clicking Subscribe releases a cloud of goodwill and gratitude from all of us.

  • And youll find out about each new episode as soon as it's out.

  • Thanks for watching!

This buzzing is a secret password. The key to a lock.


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這隻震動的大黃蜂解開了花兒的隱祕寶藏|深層觀察----------。 (This Vibrating Bumblebee Unlocks a Flower's Hidden Treasure | Deep Look)

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    Jack 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日