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  • After puberty, pubic hair begins to surround our external genitalia.


  • But with hair removal and grooming becoming a popular personal practice, is it really the best idea to shave or wax down there or is a full bush the way to go?


  • Humans lost most of their thick body hair around 70,000 to 120,000 thousand years after the last ice age.

    人類在上一次冰河時期後,約 7 萬至 12 萬年前,就失去了身上大部分濃密的毛髮。

  • But despite becoming mostly bare, we retained to plentiful hair in our armpits and crotches, becoming the only mammalian species in the world to have long-course pubic hair.


  • Researchers hypothesized that pubic hair sprouts after puberty as a visual signal to potential partners that one is ready to mate, while the bushes itself act as protection from friction during sexual intercourse.


  • Another theory involves sweat.


  • Humans have two types of sweat glands, one type secretes mostly water and salt producing no odor,


  • while the other apocrine glands are found specifically in the armpit and the pubic areas and using the pubic hair follicles secrete fluids rich in proteins, lipids, and pheromones.

  • When bacteria on the skin breakdown these molecules, you get body odor.


  • We may have evolved to retain these hairs to trap pheromones to be wafted towards potential mates.


  • This is further supported by the fact that women release different pheromones during ovulation, signaling fertility in order to become more attractive to others.


  • But a study of over 1,000 students in America found that 96% of females and 87% of males had either partially or completely removed pubic hair within the past month.

    但美國有篇超過 1,000 位學生參與的研究發現 96% 的女性和 87% 的男性,在過去一個月曾經部分、或完全移除陰毛。

  • As pubic hair its course, the regrowth after any type of grooming can be irritating to the skin.


  • In fact, 75% of people sorting out their pubes have experienced genital itching, and 40% have experienced a rash of some sort.

    事實上,有 75% 的人,在整頓陰毛後有生殖器搔癢的經驗,而有 40% 的人,有類似起疹子的經驗。

  • Shaving and waxing can create hair that grows inward instead of out to the surface resulting in red and inflamed raised bumps.


  • Interestingly, the incidents of pubic lice has actually decreased due to shaving and waxing.


  • However, these practices can also create microscopic abrasions on the skin, which can become infected and even transmit a myriad of sexually transmitted diseases.


  • It has been theorized that pubic hair removal also correlates directly with the rise of gonorrhea, chlamydia and HPV infections.


  • Even with infections put aside, the most common genital injuries reported in American emergency rooms are a direct consequence of pubic hair removal.


  • At the end of the day, no matter what grooming trends are currently popular, there's no harm in growing that bush the way that nature intended.


  • Before you go, we want to send a huge thank you to " Thought cafe " for animating this episode for us.

    在你離開前,我們要特別感謝《Thought cafe》幫忙製作這集影片的動畫。

  • They have a fantastic channel that you should definitely check out; it's super creative and informative.


  • Be sure to check them out and subscribe to their channel for more fun and educational content. Thanks for watching.


After puberty, pubic hair begins to surround our external genitalia.


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