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Hungry for some pizza? We all like a good pizza pie to chow down on, but it turns out
there’s a simple scientific solution to maximize your pizza experience!
It all comes down to the the area of a circle - that equation you may have heard when you
其實就是跟這個圓形食物的面積有關 - 在你們小時候應該都有學過
were young where the area = pi-r-squared (r being the radius). If we plug in some numbers
一個圓的面積是 pi 乘上 r 的平方(r 是半徑)。假如我們代入數字
you may notice something interesting. For example, since we measure pizza in inches
in North America, the area of an 8” pizza is roughly 50 square inches. We simply take
在北美,比薩是用英吋為單位,所以一片 8 英吋的比薩的面積差不多是 50 平方英吋
the radius of the pizza which is half of the diameter (so 4” in this case), put it in
簡單來說就是用半徑,也就是直徑的一半(此例是 4 英吋)來計算,代入公式,就完成了
the equation and voila. But, if we do the same thing for a 16” pizza, which has a
但如果我們再來算一下 16 英吋的比薩
diameter that is two times bigger, we find that even though your intuition may say it’s
twice as big, it actually has an area of over 200 square inches - which is 4 times MORE
事實上,它的面積超過 200 平方英吋 - 足足是四倍的大小
pizza. This is because the area of a circle increases with the square of the radius. And
yet, most of the time the difference in price between an 8” pizza and a 16” pizza is
然後,一般來說 8 吋比薩跟 16 吋比薩的價差根本
not even two times more expensive, let alone 4 times more expensive!
In fact, NPR did a survey of over 74,000 pizza prices across America, and created an interactive
事實上,NPR 對全美銷售的七萬四千多片比薩做了項調查
graph to show exactly how the price of pizza changes with size, and how much more pizza
you get when you order a large. For example, an 20-inch pizza has more area than two 14-inch
到底你拿到比薩的份量多了多少。例如,一個 2 0吋的比薩比兩個 14 吋的比薩加起來
pizzas, or six 8 inch pizzas, yet it’s almost $9 cheaper on average than getting two 14
或是比六個 8 吋的比薩加起來還要大,然而你點了一個 20 吋比薩會比你點兩個 14 吋比薩省了接近 9 美元
inch pizzas, and over $30 cheaper on average than getting six 8 inch pizzas.
而平均來說,你點一個 14 吋比薩比上點了六個 8 吋比薩省超過 30 美元
And this is the pizza equation: the bigger the diameter of the pizza, the more bang for your buck!
這裡有個比薩公式: 直徑越大的比薩越是物美價廉!
But why is pizza so tasty in the first place? We actually break down the science behind
但為什麼比薩這麼美味呢?我們也有在 AsapTHOUGHT 頻道內探討
why pizza is the perfect food on AsapTHOUGHT, all while making some delicious recipes. Check
it out, if your taste buds can handle it!
And subscribe for more weekly science videos!