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  • Welcome to the League of Legends champion spotlight

  • featuring Teemo the Swift Scout.

  • Teemo is a ranged champion,

  • with a number of builds.

  • Including mage as well as physical or magical dps.

  • In this spotlight i'll be covering a couple of dps builds,

  • but dont be afraid to experiment with your own.

  • Teemo's passive is Camoflouge.

  • If Teemo stands still for a few seconds he'll become invisible.

  • Any action from this state will remove the invisiblity and give him a temporary attack speed buff.

  • Blinding Dart damages and blinds target enemies,

  • rendering all basic attacks useless for a short time.

  • I grab a point here at level 2 and max it last.

  • Move Quick is a passive active ability.

  • As long as teemo has not been struck by a champion or turret for a while he enjoys bonus movement speed.

  • When activated teemo gains a much stronger movement speed boost that lasts a few seconds and is not interupted by damage.

  • I take Move Quick at level 3 and max it by level 13

  • Toxic Shock passively causes teemos basic attacks to deal bonus damage and poisin the target.

  • This poision deals extra damage over a few seconds.

  • I max Toxic Shock by level 9.

  • Teemo's ultimate is Noxious Trap, which places an inviible mushroom on the ground.

  • Enemies who step over the mushroom cause it to explode,

  • damaging and slowing surrounding enemies for a few seconds.

  • Noxious Trap is placed on an ammo system.

  • Teemo may store up to three mushrooms and place them in quick sucession.

  • As with all ultimates I rank it at level 6, 11, and 16.

  • Your very early laning should focus on harassing your opponent while last hitting.

  • Always try to land a basic attack into blinding dart to widdle down your oponent.

  • As Lee Sin comes in to gank,

  • I see he heads towards the bottom of the brush.

  • So I head towards the top to cut off Akali's escape.

  • As he runs, I hit him with a basic attack and blinding dart.

  • Then follow Lee Sin to the turret.

  • Because I follow in, he jumps to me with safegaurd and lives with first blood.

  • As Akali returns to lane, I use the same play style.

  • Each time she closes to attack I tag her with toxic shot and blinding dart.

  • Once she lays Twilight Shroud I know she wants to attack me,

  • so I stop her from triggering Mark of the Assasin with Blinding Dart.

  • Everytime she breaks out I hit her with toxic shot again,

  • I then stay out of range until her shroud is about to end.

  • I then push in, taking her with basic attacks and blinding dart.

  • After Akali reaches level 6, she jumps me in lane,

  • blinding dart prevents her drom triggering mark of the assasin

  • and I immediately place a noxious trap and hide behind it to keep Akali away

  • as she runs I chase her into the brush immediately dropping another noxious trap and tagging her with blinding dart.

  • I keep attacking her and exhaust her once the blind runs out,

  • ensuring she can't deal enough damage as she dies to my poisions.

  • Here I'm fighting Talon and Heimerdinger at top lane.

  • I place a noxious trap at a place where I can fight and hold position.

  • Standing atop the mushroom I push into Talon with Blinding Dart and basic attacks.

  • Causing him to trigger my trap with Cutthroat and die immediately to Lee Sin and myself.

  • As we push in on Heimerdinger, the enemy Lee Sin comes in.

  • So I blind him and cause him to retreat

  • I take down lee sin with basic attacks and blinding dart

  • but unfortunately get jumped by Akali in the aftermath.

  • With madrids blood razer teemo is an exceptional barron threat.

  • As we prepare to take it, I drop noxious traps in the routes our opponents must take to stop us

  • With the traps in place, I head in to start fighting

  • All I have to do here is keep attacking and watch two things

  • The movement of my enemies in the minimap

  • And greeb bubbles that Baron spawns under attackers

  • You can see it here under Taric

  • Knocking him up and preventing him from dealing any damage

  • Always make sure to dodge these attacks.

  • Teemo is also an exceptional anti-assasin champion.

  • In a team fight in mid I spot Akali heading in,

  • Blinding darts and basic attacks completely stop her ability to kill Lee Sin

  • If it weren't for Sorakas wish she would have died on the way out

  • Immediately after I tag Talon with exhaust

  • Also stopping him from hurting my team,

  • until he flashes away to the low health Evelynn.

  • Right after that the enemy Lee Sin comes in also looking for blood.

  • But blinding dart stymies his agression as well.

  • Let's look over on dominon now.

  • Because I itemize for early game so much one v oneing an enemy teemo at bottom lane is extremely easy.

  • By positioning myself near the health relic I kill him with 500 health to spare.

  • Winning this fight allows me to take the enemy Boneyard with ease.

  • After capturing the Boneyard later in the game, I get jumped by Nocturne.

  • Noxious trap and blinding dart keep me from dying,

  • and I create distance with flash and to move quick.

  • He keeps chasing me to my capture point, so I hide between two Noxious Traps and tag him with Blnding Dart.

  • He falls and I make a run for the Health Relic buying time until my team shows up to hold control of the point.

  • Teemo's extreme mobility can also be used to save team mates.

  • Here I respawn and see our Akali about to be caught by Rammus' Powerball

  • I rush in with Move Quick and save the day,

  • also killing Rammus and the enemy Teemo before the match ends.

  • For runes I take Armor Penetration Marks, Health per level seals, flat magic resist glyphs and flat health quintessences.

  • This setup is aimed to give me a lot of power early and turning into a very durable champion late game.

  • My masteries are 9-21-0 taking magic penetration and offense,

  • and heading all the way down the defense tree taking everything but dodge.

  • I take exhaust and flash for summoner's spell mastering the former in the offense tree.

  • I max Toxic Shot right away adding a point in blinding dart at level 2 leaving it there.

  • After Toxic Shot, I max Move Quick before taking more points into Blinding Dart.

  • Maxing Toxic Shot first gives me the most consistent damage output.

  • While the one point in Blinding Dart still gives me enough blind to force enemies away from me.

  • In Classic I open with Dorans Blade adding more throughout the laning phase.

  • I typically take Mercury Treads and work up to Madreds Blood Razor as my first major damage item.

  • I them add Frozen Mallet, Malady, Wit's End, and Atmas Impaler.

  • Giving me a lot of durability and great Damage Output.

  • In Dominon I open with a Prospectors Blade and Boots of Speed.

  • I upgrade immediately to Mercury Treads and work my way to Sanguines Blade.

  • I build for Kiting with Phantom Dancer and Frozen Mallet finally adding Last Whisper,

  • and another Phantom Dancer to round out my build.

  • Thanks for tuning in to the Teemo Champion Spotlight.

  • Please subscribe to the Riot Games Youtube Channel Above,

  • and don't forget to thumbs up us right below the video.

Welcome to the League of Legends champion spotlight


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Teemo冠軍聚焦 (Teemo Champion Spotlight)

  • 123 2
    Fizz 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日