字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Guys…are you staying away from me because I smell? It’s only been like three days! And 你們...離我這麼遠,是因為我不好聞嗎?才三天而已 I dry shampooed, I promise! 我還有乾洗頭!我發誓! Hey guys, a non-smelly Amy with you today on DNews taking on a topic we’ve all dealt 嗨,大家,我是一位來自 DNews 沒有臭味的 Amy,今天要探討的主題是 with one way or another: gross stinky body odor. 一個我們都面對過的問題,體臭 Let’s start with the basic fact. We all smell. And it’s because of our skin. 讓我先從一些基本的事實開始說起,我們都會臭。體味來自於皮膚 Our skin is our largest body organ, varying from person to person but on average it’s 皮膚是我們身體最大的器官,每個人都不同,但平均 about 21 square feet of surface area. It’s layered to protect our delicate organs from 皮膚表面面積為21平方英尺,皮膚層能保護我們體內精緻的器官 dangerous germs and bacteria while also keeping in moisture, basically making it an excellent 免於細菌的威脅,亦能保持身體濕度,製造出體內自身與外在世界中 barrier between our internal selves and the outside world. 最佳的阻隔物 And that barrier varies in its topography and texture. There are folds, valleys, little 該阻隔物有著不同的形狀和紋理,皺摺形、山谷形、小生態位 niches, and it’s all home to a thriving ecosystem of bacteria. Some of the bacteria 這些都屬細菌的旺盛系統住處,有些在皮膚上的細菌 on your skin can cause nasty infections, but other bacteria actually fights off the bad 會造成嚴重的感染,但其中有些細菌其實是能夠擊退壞菌的 microbes, keeping you healthy. And that in itself is a finely tuned system; any disruption 能讓身體維持健康狀態,而在該細菌內,有著一套精密的系統 can cause skin disorders or infections. 只要有任何的破壞發生,就會造成皮膚病或皮膚感染 Skin also has loads and loads of sweat glands. One kind are called eccrine glands and they're 皮膚亦含有大量的汗腺,其中一種名為外分泌腺,存在於皮膚內各個位置 everywhere. These are the ones that continually bathe our skin in a salty-watery secretion, 它們就是會持續製造鹹水般分泌物的外分泌腺 known as sweat, to cool us off. They can also release fluid that acidifies the skin, keeping 而該分泌物又稱為汗水,能幫助我們的身體降溫,亦能排出會酸化皮膚的液體 the growth of micro-organisms in check. 以便維持微生物的生長 Another kind of sweat glands are the apocrine glands. These are found mainly in notoriously 另一種汗腺則是頂泌線,大部份散佈在容易流汗且帶有難聞氣味的部位 sweaty and odorous areas like armpits and groins. They respond to adrenaline and emotional 例如:腋下及鼠蹊部,它們對於腎上腺素及情緒壓力產生反應 stress, secreting a milky fluid that’s also thought to contain pheromones. 會釋放出乳白色的分泌物,而也有人認為該分泌物帶有費洛蒙 So there’s a lot of fluid going on with skin, but that’s not the culprit of the stink; 所以說起來我們的皮膚上流有許多不同的液體,但這些都不是臭味的來源 sweat itself is actually odourless. 汗水本身是無臭味的 The smell factors comes in because as we sweat, the moisture gets into all those skin folds 體味的來源是在於,當我們流汗時,濕氣會進入每一皮膚層 and nooks and crannies where there’s plenty of bacteria. And a moist, closed environment 角落與縫隙裡,也就是充滿細菌之處,而該潮濕與密閉的環境 is bacteria’s happy place. 即為細菌最佳藏身之處 They thrive in spots like armpits, eat compounds found in sweat, and produce molecules that 細菌會存活於像腋下部位,尋找汗水中的化合物作為食物,並進一步製造出 we smell and know as body odor. 帶有氣味的分子,也就是我們所稱的體臭 And there’s more to it. Diet can affect your unique odor. Foods high in sulphur like 不僅僅是如此,飲食亦會使體內製造出獨特的體味,高硫食物 broccoli and cauliflower release compounds secreted in sweat that can make you smell 例如:綠花椰菜和白花椰菜會釋放出化合物並分泌至汗水中,這會讓你的體臭更加嚴重 worse, sort of like rancid butter. 味道就有如酸腐的奶油般 Meat also changes body odor. One study actually found that vegetarian men’s sweat smells 肉品也會改變體味,有一個研究指出與葷食的男性相比 more appealing to women than their meat-eating brethren’s. Alcohol can seep out through 吃素食男性的體味會比較吸引女性,如果你飲酒過量的話 your pores if you over imbibe, making you smell, well, like a drunk. 酒精的味道亦會從毛孔滲透出來,讓人一聞到就知道你是酒鬼一個 But let’s say you have an average diet, don’t drink too much, and lead a pretty 如果你的飲食均衡,飲酒也沒有過量 standard lifestyle without engaging in especially sweaty activities. How long until you really 也有著標準的生活形式,也沒有從事特別容易流汗的運動的話 start to noticeably stink? Well, it varies from person to person because no two people 身體會在多久後開始發出臭味呢?這必須視個人而定,因為沒有一切 are the same. But a few days without showering, deodorant, or basic washing will probably 都相同的人,只要幾天不洗澡、不使用體香劑或一些簡單的清潔 start to get unpleasant for the people around you. But it's possible to push through the 周遭的人就會開始遠離你了,但是有辦法達到 smell phase and get to a no-smell phase. Eventually your body will settle into a happy arrangement 沒有體臭的狀態的,因為最終你身體會慢慢與 of bacteria that keeps itself, and your smell, in check. Because, really, we didn't adapt 體內的細菌和平共處,控制好你的體味,因為,說真的 to need perfumes and deodorants and body lotions…It’s social convention that tells us to 我們經過長久以來的演化後,身體是不需要香水、體香劑和身體乳液的...這是社會常規 manage our natural human smell. 規範我們要管理好這自然的人體氣味 You know who doesn’t stink? The team over at Source Fed! They do pop-culture news and 你知道誰聞起來不會臭嗎?就是 Source Fed 那群人,他們專門出刊一些流行文化的相關新聞 comedy…so it’s like us but faster and funnier! Click the link below to get your 和趣事...就像我們公司一樣,但他們更快速且更有趣!點擊下列連結 daily dose of the trending news! 即可接收到每日最新新聞 And speaking of smelly, I’ve heard it smelled pretty bad on board the Apollo spacecraft 說到臭味這件事,我曾聽過阿波羅宇宙飛船要至月球出任務的期間 during missions to the Moon, not surprising when you realize that they were pooping and eating 船上的味道可以說是蠻難聞的,如果你知道真相,就不會感到意外了,因為他們都是得排便,食物中 smelly things like tuna in that thing! If you want to know more about that, check out 也都包含一些難聞的食物,例如:鮪魚等,如果你還想知道更多相關訊息 my own channel, Vintage Space, where I dig into all kind of space oddities. 請至我的頻道 Vintage Space,也就是我鑽研外太空新奇古怪事物的網站 Have you ever been aware of your own smell? Let us know in the comments below, don’t 你曾注意過自己的體味嗎?請留言於下方評論區,與我們一起分享 forget to like this video, and subscribe for a new episode of DNews every day of the week. 別忘了要為我們點讚喔,也記得要訂閱 DNew s的每一週每日新影片喔
B2 中高級 中文 體味 細菌 皮膚 汗水 身體 氣味 為什麼我們有體味? (Why Do We Have Such Bad Body Odor?) 8988 756 Jack 發佈於 2016 年 08 月 28 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字