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I find contemporary feels much more of a challenge because i don't like to show, you know, the latest cellphone because in three years your film will look pathetic.
And so then everyone complains. "Oh, they don't use cellphones in his movies and they're not..." So 18th century is no problem. No cellphones.
然後大家就會抱怨:「喔,他電影裡沒手機耶,他們一點也不......」所以 18 世紀完全沒問題,因為沒有手機
That period of English literature is quite punishing on a sexualized woman or a naughty woman or a diabolical woman, which is what Lady Susan is like.
And it's incredibly funny, really witty and she doesn't meet a terribly sticky end, which is normally what happens when you mess people about in that period.
Such a perfect match for Whit, also who's one of the quietly funniest people in the world.
她跟 Whit 真的是絕配,Whit 也是那種安靜又幽默的人
It was the first time I'd ever done a sweeping period drama and, I think, I mean, I was thrilled and so excited to be there and everything looked so rich and so beautiful.
And like Whit was saying in Dublin, they have great access to these beautiful historical homes, and estates and grounds.
然後就像 Whit 在都柏林說的,他們坐擁這些歷史悠久的房子、不動產跟土地
We had the advantage where we were shooting that there had done a lot of period films, so we really could rely enormously on the crew to get everything right.
And we had sort of the A Team doing all that. They just do tons of period films, they knew everything.
We stay quite close to the text a lot and we had people in London who are writing books about period dictionaries and things like that.
And they reviewed the script and often they'd say that you can't use this, it's contemporary and i'd say it's actually in Jane Austen's text.
他們檢查我們的腳本後會說:「你不能用這個,這是近代的東西」,然後我就回答說這其實是 Jane Austen 文本裡面出現的
A lot of things that we think are more recent were actually in use then. We had to be sort of careful about if the meaning had changed.
And you two were together on "Last Days of Disco". What was it like being back again together on the screen?
你們兩個在 "Last Days of Disco" 有一起對過戲。現在又要一起演戲了感覺如何?
It was weird because one, it didn't feel like nearly as long as it had been and two, the first time we'd worked together, I think I'd only been to America maybe twice for, you know, a day or so.
And it was such a specific...obviously, Whit's world of Last Days of Disco a very specific set of people that I had never come across ever in my life.
然後 Whit 執導的 "Last Days of Disco" 裡面都是同一群我從來沒有見過的人
And I just stalked Chloë constantly to, you know, copy her accent and figure out what was going on.
我就到處跟蹤 Chloë 來偷學她的口音、了解現在到底要幹嘛
So, it was quite nice coming back and then we were sort of in Britain and I didn't have to stalk her as much this time.