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  • The Gospel of Mark is a book in the Bible about the life of Jesus and the


  • earliest reliable tradition tells us was written by a guy named John Mark.

    早期可信的傳統告訴我們, 約翰馬可寫了這本書

  • Now, Mark didn’t just grab a bunch of random stories about Jesus and throw them together.


  • He’s designed this book to address some really specific questions about whether or not Jesus was the Jewish Messiah.


  • So let’s stop right there, because that’s a term a lot of people like me are not familiar with.

    讓我來解釋一下"彌賽亞", 這個大家都不太瞭解的詞

  • The Messiah was a royal figure, sometimes calledthe son of god’,

    "彌賽亞"是尊貴的形象, 有時我們稱為"上帝的兒子"

  • that Israel was expecting to come and set up a Kingdom here on earth.


  • Around the time of Jesus, Israel was occupied by Rome

    在耶穌的年代, 羅馬統治以色列

  • and so many Jews were hoping that the Messiah would come and overthrow the Romans and rule as King.


  • But Jesus didn’t overthrow the Romans, in fact, he was killed by them.

    但耶穌並沒有推翻羅馬, 反被他們殺了

  • And that brings us to the very issues Mark is trying to get at in his book.


  • So in the first half, he focuses on WHO Jesus is, 'is he really the messiah?'

    福音書的前半部, 在討論耶穌是誰, 他真的是"彌賽亞"嗎?

  • And then in the second half he's addressing HOW Jesus became the Messianic king

    福音書的後半部, 在討論耶穌如何成為"彌賽亞"

  • and right here in the middle of the book is this pivotal story that brings the two halves together,

    福音書的中間是故事的重點, 聯結了前半部和後半部

  • and Jesus answers both of these questions.


  • So lets talk about the first half of the book - Who Jesus is

    我們先來討論前半部, "耶穌是誰"?

  • So Mark, makes his beliefs about Jesus very clear from the first line of the book:


  • the beginning of the good news about Jesus, the messiah, the son of God”.

    "上帝的兒子, 耶穌基督福音的起頭"

  • One of the next stories is Jesus getting baptized,


  • and God’s voice announces from heaven: “This is my Son”.

    上帝的聲音從天上來, 說"你是我的愛子,我喜悅你"

  • So it couldn’t really be more clear, theyre presenting Jesus as the Messiah.


  • Yes, but, as youre reading through the first half of Mark, youll notice something really interesting start to happen.

    不過, 有意思的事要發生了

  • Jesus is healing all these different people, and constantly telling them to keep quiet about who he is.

    耶穌開始醫治許多人, 卻請他們不要告訴別人

  • This happens so many times in Mark’s account, it’s very strange.

    這樣的狀況不斷出現, 真的很奇特

  • Yeah, why keep it a secret?


  • Remember, lots of Jews had lots of different expectations about what the messiah would be and do,


  • so Jesus doesn’t want people to misunderstand what it means for him to be the Messiah.


  • So, with that in mind, we now get to the pivotal story at the center of the book


  • where Jesus takes his disciples away and asks, “Who do you all say that I am.”


  • And Peter says what everyone has been sayingyour are the Messiah, the Son of God.”

    如同其他人一樣的想法, 彼得回答說:"你是基督"

  • But then something new happens, Jesus starts explaining to them How he’s going to become the messianic King,


  • and it’s not what they expected:


  • he says he’s going tosuffer and dieand rule by being a servant, or in his words,

    耶穌說他是一個僕人, 他會"受苦然後死亡",

  • The Son of Man didn’t come to be served but to become a servant and give his life as a ransom for many.”

    上帝的兒子不被人服侍而是服侍別人, 並為眾人贖罪

  • Peter’s so startled by this he rebukes Jesus because there is no way he is going to let Jesus die.

    耶穌的解釋讓彼得吃了一驚, 彼得不可能讓耶穌去送死

  • And Jesus responds, Get behind me Satan. Which is really intense.

    但耶穌說:"撒旦, 退我後邊去吧!", 如此激動地述說

  • It really is, but it highlights how important it for Jesus that his disciples come to understand who he really is;


  • so in this pivotal section, Jesus tries 3x to have this conversation with them, and each they respond in confusion, and even fear.

    在這關鍵的段落, 耶穌用三次不同的對話和門徒敘說

  • and each they respond in confusion, and even fear.


  • OK, so this launches us into the second half of the book where Mark addresses the question of how Jesus becomes the messianic king.

    接著我們來到了後半部, 馬可告訴我們耶穌如何成為"彌賽亞"

  • this is the last week of Jesuslife, where Jesus goes to to Jerusalem,

    這是耶穌在世的最後一週, 耶穌正要前往耶路撒冷

  • gets into conflict with the religious leaders and gets arrested


  • He’s put on trial as someone claiming to be king of the Jews.


  • He’s even given a crown and purple robe, like a king would get, but it’s all a cruel joke,

    為了嘲笑他, 他們讓耶穌戴上荊棘皇冠, 身穿紫袍

  • then he is mocked and beaten and hung on the cross where he dies.

    他被嘲弄鞭打, 釘死在十字架上

  • And at this crucial scene there is a new character


  • A Roman Soldier


  • who suddenly gets everything that is going on...


  • he sayssurely this is the Son of God

    他說: "耶穌就是上帝的兒子"

  • which is crazy, it’s an enemy who’s first putting it all together, that Israel’s messianic king is the crucified Jesus.

    竟然是敵人最先瞭解, 被釘的耶穌就是以色列人的"彌賽亞"

  • That is the structure of the book of Mark, but the book doesn’t end with Jesus dead on the cross.

    這就是馬可福音的大綱, 但並未結束在耶穌被釘死

  • No, on the 3rd day some women go to visit Jesustomb,

    在第三天, 幾位婦人去看耶穌的墓

  • only to find that the it’s empty and there’s this angel standing there instructing them

    她們發現墓是空的, 有位天使告訴她們說:

  • go and tellthis good news that Jesus is alive from the dead.

    "去傳好消息", 因為耶穌復活了

  • But instead they run away, and don’t tell anyone because they are afraid... And that is how the book ends.

    但她們因為害怕而逃跑, 也沒跟任何人說,

  • Which is a really abrupt ending.


  • Yeah, so abrupt that later scribes did add an ending that brings more closure to the story,


  • youll find that story in your bible with a footnote that it was added much later.

    在聖經中你會看到一個註脚, 那是後來才加上去的

  • But Mark’s a brilliant storyteller, and he intentionally ended the book abruptly,

    馬可是一個很棒的敘述者, 他出奇不意地結束故事

  • All through the book the disciples have been confused about Jesusplan to give up his life,

    在整本福音書中, 我們看到耶穌的門徒不瞭解為什麼耶穌會死

  • the story in the middle and now here at the end.


  • it's like Mark is acknowledging just how startling this claim really is.


  • and he wants you the reader to wrestle with it for yourself:


  • is the crucified Jesus really the Messiah they have been waiting for?


The Gospel of Mark is a book in the Bible about the life of Jesus and the



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