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- How are you? - Hey, good.
I'm great, how are you?
- Good, thank you. - Are you exhausted?
You just flew in from New York.
You were at the Met Ball. - I did.
I literally-- I went to the Met Ball, I did--
- How was that? - It was amazing.
- Yeah. - It really was.
Very overwhelming. - Your first time there?
- Fifth.
- Fifth time there? - Fifth time there.
- So you shouldn't be overwhelmed anymore.
- It still manages to overwhelm me
like no other event out there.
- Yeah.
- But it was great. I wore this beautiful, custom,
Michael Kors gown, which was--
- Beautiful. - Insane.
I also had this amazing clutch,
that had my name in Chinese.
- Mm-hmm. - And...
I managed-- I managed the whole event
to not wear the clutch the right way around.
- But you made up for it. You did that, and that's--
- I hope so. - Yeah.
So you--you are-- I can't believe this,
you're about to graduate from high school?
- Yes, this year. I'm almost there.
- You're almost there. Congratulations.
- Thank you. [cheers and applause]
- How does that feel?
- So good, so good. I can't wait.
- Will you go to college, do you think, or no?
- I do, I do. I think when the time is right,
it's definitely something I want to do, for sure.
- Because you're doing so well. I mean, obviously,
a lot of people wouldn't-- that you don't have to.
You are on the cover of "Marie Claire."
You are "the new cool." That's a pretty big title,
to be "the new cool."
[cheers and applause] - That's great, thank you.
[cheers and applause]
Yeah, I don't really know what to think of that.
I, uh--I don't know that I would consider myself the new cool.
- Well, that's even cooler. - Thank you.
- 'Cause if you think you're cool, then that's not cool.
- Right, then that's not cool. - Yeah.
- You want to be humble. - Okay, so I'm still not cool.
- So good, say you're not cool,
and then you'll continue to be the new cool.
And you're hanging out with my best friend, Taylor Swift,
and somehow, I'm not invited to the things y'all are doing?
What's happening? - You're always invited.
- No, I've-- - You never--
You never call us back, or reply to our texts,
- I have the same phone number. I don't know what's happening.
[audience laughter] So when y'all are hanging out,
do you talk about me a lot, or what happens?
[audience laughter] - We do, all the time.
We're constantly talking about--
- What would Ellen do right now?
- Or not even--just, "Why isn't she here?"
"Why isn't she calling us back?
We really want her to hang out with us."
- Yeah, okay. Well, I mean, 'cause like,
you know, I mean, I'm busy and stuff.
I have other BFFs, but y'all should call.
[audience laughter] All right?
- I will. - Tell Taylor...
I'm not happy. - Okay.
- All right. - I'm sorry.
- So the movie-- were you a fan--
I don't want to see pictures of them, take them down.
[audience laughter]
It's not fair to rub that in my face,
just pictures of you and Taylor.
So, were you a fan of the first movie, "Pitch Perfect"?
- I was. Huge fan.
I remember watching that movie and thinking,
"If there is ever a movie like this,
I have to be a part of it," not even thinking that
there'd be the opportunity of a sequel.
- Yeah. - Um, so,
I definitely--I was a huge fan. For sure.
- Well, it's a great group of girls.
- Thank you, yeah.