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  • - How are you? - Hey, good.

  • I'm great, how are you?

  • - Good, thank you. - Are you exhausted?

  • You just flew in from New York.

  • You were at the Met Ball. - I did.

  • I literally-- I went to the Met Ball, I did--

  • - How was that? - It was amazing.

  • - Yeah. - It really was.

  • Very overwhelming. - Your first time there?

  • - Fifth.

  • - Fifth time there? - Fifth time there.

  • - So you shouldn't be overwhelmed anymore.

  • - It still manages to overwhelm me

  • like no other event out there.

  • - Yeah.

  • - But it was great. I wore this beautiful, custom,

  • Michael Kors gown, which was--

  • - Beautiful. - Insane.

  • I also had this amazing clutch,

  • that had my name in Chinese.

  • - Mm-hmm. - And...

  • I managed-- I managed the whole event

  • to not wear the clutch the right way around.

  • - But you made up for it. You did that, and that's--

  • - I hope so. - Yeah.

  • So you--you are-- I can't believe this,

  • you're about to graduate from high school?

  • - Yes, this year. I'm almost there.

  • - You're almost there. Congratulations.

  • - Thank you. [cheers and applause]

  • - How does that feel?

  • - So good, so good. I can't wait.

  • - Will you go to college, do you think, or no?

  • - I do, I do. I think when the time is right,

  • it's definitely something I want to do, for sure.

  • - Because you're doing so well. I mean, obviously,

  • a lot of people wouldn't-- that you don't have to.

  • You are on the cover of "Marie Claire."

  • You are "the new cool." That's a pretty big title,

  • to be "the new cool."

  • [cheers and applause] - That's great, thank you.

  • [cheers and applause]

  • Yeah, I don't really know what to think of that.

  • I, uh--I don't know that I would consider myself the new cool.

  • - Well, that's even cooler. - Thank you.

  • - 'Cause if you think you're cool, then that's not cool.

  • - Right, then that's not cool. - Yeah.

  • - You want to be humble. - Okay, so I'm still not cool.

  • - So good, say you're not cool,

  • and then you'll continue to be the new cool.

  • And you're hanging out with my best friend, Taylor Swift,

  • and somehow, I'm not invited to the things y'all are doing?

  • What's happening? - You're always invited.

  • - No, I've-- - You never--

  • You never call us back, or reply to our texts,

  • - I have the same phone number. I don't know what's happening.

  • [audience laughter] So when y'all are hanging out,

  • do you talk about me a lot, or what happens?

  • [audience laughter] - We do, all the time.

  • We're constantly talking about--

  • - What would Ellen do right now?

  • - Or not even--just, "Why isn't she here?"

  • "Why isn't she calling us back?

  • We really want her to hang out with us."

  • - Yeah, okay. Well, I mean, 'cause like,

  • you know, I mean, I'm busy and stuff.

  • I have other BFFs, but y'all should call.

  • [audience laughter] All right?

  • - I will. - Tell Taylor...

  • I'm not happy. - Okay.

  • - All right. - I'm sorry.

  • - So the movie-- were you a fan--

  • I don't want to see pictures of them, take them down.

  • [audience laughter]

  • It's not fair to rub that in my face,

  • just pictures of you and Taylor.

  • So, were you a fan of the first movie, "Pitch Perfect"?

  • - I was. Huge fan.

  • I remember watching that movie and thinking,

  • "If there is ever a movie like this,

  • I have to be a part of it," not even thinking that

  • there'd be the opportunity of a sequel.

  • - Yeah. - Um, so,

  • I definitely--I was a huge fan. For sure.

  • - Well, it's a great group of girls.

  • - Thank you, yeah.

- How are you? - Hey, good.


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A2 初級 美國腔

海莉-斯坦菲爾德在她的閨蜜泰勒-斯威夫特身上! (Hailee Steinfeld on Her BFF, Taylor Swift!)

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    JESSIE 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日