字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 So now let's start talking about twelve most basic cosmetics terms 我們開始來談談十二個最常見的化妝品 OK so this is a whole new series and will be talking about basic vocabulary terms 這個全新的系列是要教大家最實用、最簡單、最日常的英文單字喔~ so my brother and I would've been thinking about what kind of topic should we start with 我跟我哥一直在想,我們究竟要從哪個主題開始呢! like what kind of topic would you guys want to see 哪些主題你們可能會想要看。 so we kind of debating for a little while(for a long time) 所以,討論了一下下(不只一下下) for a long time 討論很久~ and then we thought Ummm...Why not start with the thing that I most famaliar with 最後我們想說,何不就介紹一個我最熟悉的主題 Cosmetics? 化妝品呢? If you are girl watching this video, you will know where I'm coming from 如果現在看影片的你是個女生,你一定很懂我 We girls would like to buy a lot of things and we buy more make-up than we like to admit 我們女生就是愛買東西,我們也從不承認我們總是買很多有的沒的 (化妝品) But if you are a boy watching this video, I have to tell you "Girls we don't wear make-up" 如果現在看影片的你是個男生,你要知道其實我們女生們呢,我們都不化妝的啦! It's all natural.It's just us PURE US NATURAL(Bull shxt) 所有你看到的都是全天然的、完全沒添加任何東西,是最純淨的 (放屁啦 XD) Everything. Natural 所有的都是,最自然的呈現 All right so for this video I have a lot to talk about 今天這個影片,我有很多東西要講 a have a pile,literally a pile of cosmetics right here beside me 在我身旁有一堆,真的沒騙你有小山丘的化妝品在這 And I'll be talking about twelve cosmetic items that you should know about 而今天就要跟大家介紹「你應該要知道的12種 (只有11 QQ) 化妝品」 and i am going to introduce these cosmetic items according to the sequence to put them on your face 那我會依照普通化妝的步驟來去一一的介紹這些化妝品 so first that we have,粉底 第一個我們有,粉底 粉底 in English is foundation 粉底的英文是 foundation This is liquid foundation and this is powder foundation 這是粉底液,而這是粉餅 Now next we have BB霜 and CC霜 接下來我們有,BB 霜跟 CC 霜 BB means blemish balm BB 的意思是傷痕保養霜 CC means color correction CC 的意思是調整膚色霜 Next we have 遮瑕膏 再來我們有,遮瑕膏 遮瑕膏 in English is concealer 遮瑕膏的英文是 concealer Next we have 散粉 接下來我們有,散粉 散粉 in English is loose powder 散粉的英文是 loose powder and then there's 修容餅 那也有修容餅 修容餅 in English is contour 修容餅的英文是,contour I don't have any real contour make-up, but I use a darker shade of powder foundation as substitute 我沒有真正的修容餅,但是我若想要修容,會用比膚色暗一點的粉餅來代替 Next we have 腮紅 再來我們有,腮紅 腮紅 in English is blush 腮紅的英文是 blush Next we have 眼影 接下來我們有,眼影 眼影 in English is eye shadow 眼影的英文是 eye shadow Next we have 眼線筆 再來我們有,眼線筆 眼線筆 in English is eyeliner 眼線筆的英文是 eyeliner Then we have 睫毛膏 接下來我們有,睫毛膏 睫毛膏 in English is mascara 睫毛膏的英文是 mascara Then we have 眉筆 眉粉 再來我們有,眉筆、眉粉 眉筆 in English is eyebrow pencil,眉粉 in English is eyebrow powder 眉筆的英文是 eyebrow pencil,眉粉的英文是 eyebrow powder Last we have 口紅 唇蜜 最後我們有,口紅,唇蜜 口紅 in English is lipstick,唇蜜 in English is lip gloss 口紅的英文是 lipstick,唇蜜的英文是 lip gloss So these are the twelve most basic cosmetic items that a girl would normally use 那以上就是12個女孩們通常會用的化妝品 (還是講錯只有11個 :3) Personally, I don't use every single one of them 那我個人來說,不會每一個都用到 But if you do, I hope you learn something new today 過如果你是會用的人,那希望你今天有學到一些新的東西喔! If you like this video, please give it a thumbs up 如果你喜歡這個影片,請幫我按個讚! If you would like to see more videos in the future, please click on this subscribe button 如果你想要看到更多影片,請按一下訂閱按鈕! Your videos will be out every Monday and Thursday at nine o'clock 我們每個禮拜一跟四地晚上九點都會有新影片喔! What kind of vocabulary topics would you like to learn next time? 下次你想要看到什麼樣主題的英文單字分享呢? Please leave your comment in the comment section down below and we'll pick the most popular topic 請在影片下方的留言區留言!我們下次會挑最受歡迎的主題來做分享喔! And that is a wrap, thank you guys for watching, as always, and I'll catch you next time.See ya!(See ya!) 那影片就到這邊結束,謝謝你們一直以來的收看,那我們就下次見! You know we girls are crazy, we have only two eyes 你知道嗎,我們女生真的是瘋子,我們只有兩隻眼睛 but we want twelve different colors of eye shadow 但是我們就是會想要買12種不同顏色的眼影 Basically, we don't even use like most of them, we use like one or two 其實基本上 (我本身啦XD) 我們好像也不會每個顏色都用到,大概只會用一、兩個顏色 but we just wanna buy this amazing looking thing right here(Waste of money.) 但是,我們就是想要買這種漂亮的東西(浪費錢) WASTE 浪費 WASTE OF 浪費 WASTE OF MONEY 浪費錢
B1 中級 中文 阿滴英文 化妝品 眼影 影片 女生 粉底 【阿滴英文】日常英文單字#1【化妝品】 (Common English Vocabulary: Cosmetics) 4361 893 wudaudau 發佈於 2016 年 07 月 24 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字