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  • ♪ (French accordion music) ♪

    # (法國手風琴音樂) #

  • - (Finebros) So today is gonna be a little bit different.

    - 所以今天會有點不同。

  • - We're fighting to the death? - (Finebros) Almost.

    - 我們要拼死一戰?- 幾乎是這樣

  • - (chuckles) - "Almost."

    - "差不多了。"

  • - (Finebros) We have a food challenge for you.

    - 我們有一個食物挑戰給你。

  • - Woo! - What?

    - 嗚!- 什麼?

  • - I'm hungry. I haven't had lunch yet. - That means--

    - 我餓了,我還沒吃午飯呢我還沒吃午飯呢- 這意味著...

  • - (Finebros) We're gonna have you try a few different hot wings,

    - 我們要讓你嚐嚐幾種不同的辣翅。

  • all with increasing heat intensity,


  • and see how much heat you can take.


  • - Oh, I'm so down. - Oh my. I'm not down.

    - 哦,我很失望。- 哦,我的天。我不下來。

  • - Oh no! - Yes. Yes, yes.

    - 哦,不!是的,是的。

  • - I am terrible with spicy food.

    - 我不喜歡吃辣

  • - I'll eat 'em all. Just pass it on to me.

    - 我把它們都吃了。把它傳給我吧

  • - I love spicy food, and I love wings.

    - 我愛吃辣,也愛吃雞翅。

  • - White flag, white flag. - Oh, not big on spice?

    - 白旗,白旗。- 哦,不愛吃辣?

  • - No. - Oh, okay.

    - 是啊。- 哦,好吧。

  • - She's ready for this. - Oh!

    - 她已經準備好了- 哦!

  • They're my favorite food. Like, I love hot wings.


  • - (Finebros) The rules are, you have to finish each wing

    - 規則是,你必須完成每一個翅膀

  • before moving on to the next one,


  • and you can't have a drink until the end, or you're out.


  • - Deal. Okay. - Mind over body.

    - 成交好吧 思想高於身體

  • - Oh, this is not okay.

    - 哦,這是不對的。

  • - Between consoling her and eating the wings, I should be fine.

    - 在安慰她和吃雞翅之間,我應該沒事。

  • - I'm so hungry that I'm gonna swallow anything.

    - 我太餓了,我什麼都想吞下去。

  • That came out wrong. - (laughs)

    這話說出來就不對了。- (笑)

  • - (Finebros) For the first wing, we'll start off gently.

    - 第一翼,我們先輕輕地開始。

  • The sauce is Cholula.


  • ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪


  • This sauce ranks at about 3,500 on the Scoville heat scale.


  • - Okay, whatever that means.

    - 好吧,不管這意味著什麼。

  • - That's reasonable. - Easy, yeah.

    - 這是有道理的。- 簡單,是的。

  • - Ate this on a burrito the other day.

    - 前幾天在捲餅上吃了這個。

  • - All right. - All right. I'm so nervous.

    - 好吧,好吧。- 好吧,好吧。我很緊張。

  • Like, I put Cholula in my food


  • when I'm feeling really adventurous.


  • - I love chicken wings. (chuckles) This is nice.

    - 我喜歡雞翅。(笑)這是很好的。

  • - I'm not that scared, because if this is at 3,500

    - 我沒那麼害怕,因為如果這是在3500點的時候

  • on the spice level-- - I think is gonna be like a 50,000.

    在香料的水準 - 我認為會像一個50,000。

  • - Cheers. (chuckles) - Cheers.

    - 乾杯。乾杯

  • - So how does that feel to you? Does that burn you?

    - 那麼你有什麼感覺呢?會不會燒到你?

  • - No.

    - 不知道

  • - Ew, it's so--

    - Ew,它是如此 -

  • - I love chicken wings so much. - This is good. It's good.

    - 我太喜歡雞翅了。- 這是很好的。味道不錯

  • - I'm totally gonna win this. I love this so much.

    - 我完全會贏得這個。我太喜歡這個了

  • - I feel like I kissed the devil.

    - 我覺得自己好像親吻了魔鬼。

  • (snickering) - Aw.

  • - This is gonna be fun.

    - 這將是有趣的。

  • - It didn't feel hot to me.

    - 我覺得不熱。

  • - No. - Just like saucy.

    - 不 就像醬料一樣

  • - I'm good. I'm done. (chuckles)

    - 我很好。我很好。 我完成了。(笑聲)

  • - Is that good? Thank you.

    - 這樣好嗎?謝謝你。

  • - (Finebros) The next wing is coated with

    - (Finebros)下一個機翼上塗著的是

  • Pain Is Good Louisiana Style.


  • ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪


  • - (Finebros) Reaching up to just 50,000

    - (Finebros)最多隻能達到50,000人。

  • on the Scoville heat scale.


  • - 50,000!! - Oh, wow!!

    - 50,000!!- 哦,哇!!

  • You went from 3,500 to 50,000? That's illegal.


  • - Ooh, that's like a 47,000 increase.

    - 哦,這就像一個47,000增加。

  • - We just jumped. (both laugh)

    - 我們只是跳。(兩個笑)

  • You don't have to be a hero, you know? You can just stop.


  • - No, I mean, I think I can do this.

    - 不,我的意思是,我認為我可以做到這一點。

  • My grandma's from Louisiana. - Just go for it?

    我奶奶是路易斯安那州人- 就這樣去做?

  • - It's probably not gonna help me at all.

    - 這可能對我一點幫助都沒有。

  • I just want to say that.


  • - It's good.

    - 很好啊

  • - (Finebros) You have to eat it, Jeannie. - Okay.

    - (Finebros) 你必須吃下去,Jeannie.- 好吧,你必須吃它,珍妮。

  • Hmm. Hmm.


  • - It's not bad as of right now. - Not bad.

    - 目前來看,還不錯。- 不壞。

  • - This one's not bad either.

    - 這個也不錯。

  • - Like, I can feel the heat, but it's not bad.

    - 就像,我能感覺到熱度,但並不壞。

  • - It's kinda like wasabi-- like, hits you out of nowhere.

    - 這有點像芥末... ... 喜歡,打你無處不在。

  • - Eat through the pain.

    - 吃盡苦頭。

  • - Holy mother of God.

    - 神聖的母親。

  • Oh my god!


  • (coughs, takes sharp breath)


  • - This is definitely more spicy.

    - 這絕對是比較辣的。

  • - (Finebros) You can quit at any time; you'll just be a loser.

    - (Finebros)你隨時可以退出,你只是一個失敗者。

  • - No.

    - 不知道

  • - Definitely spicier than the last one.

    - 絕對比上一個更辣。

  • - That's hot. - It's a little spicier.

    - 好辣啊- 有點辣。

  • - I'm already falling apart.

    - 我已經快崩潰了。

  • I think that's like my ceiling, is like right at this one.


  • - Okay. - Shit.

    - 好吧,我知道了- 媽的!

  • - ♪ (humming) ♪ - I don't-- this one's better.

    - 我不知道...

  • - This challenge is all-- this is so good.

    - 這個挑戰都是... ... 這是如此之好。

  • - Previous one was child's play. - Yeah, for sure.

    - 前一個是孩子的遊戲。- 是的,當然。

  • - The burn's gradual. - Yeah, it's like a--

    - 燃燒的漸進。- 是啊,這就像一個 -

  • I mean, it's a constant burn. It hurts.


  • But it's-- - Tolerable.


  • - (hums with uncertainty)

    - (不確定地哼著歌)

  • - (Finebros) Wing three is Marie Sharp's Belizean Heat Hot Sauce.

    - (Finebros)三號機翼是Marie Sharp的貝裡斯熱辣醬。

  • ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪


  • This is 20 times hotter than a jalapeno


  • and scores 100,000 on the Scoville scale. - I am so terrified.

    並在Scoville量表上得了100,000分。- 我好害怕

  • - Mine looks like it has more sauce than hers, just saying.

    - 我的看起來比她的醬汁多,只是說說而已。

  • - If you see any tears, they're man tears.

    - 如果你看到任何眼淚,他們是男人的眼淚。

  • - I actually sweat through my eyes.

    - 其實我的眼睛裡都是汗。

  • - That's-- yeah, yeah, that's what it is.

    - 那是... ... 是的,是的,就是這樣。

  • - The bigger the bites, the better.

    - 咬得越大越好。

  • Everything in life: if it's tough,


  • you just do it quick, and you're done.


  • - Cheers. - Cheers. Mm.

    - 乾杯。- 乾杯。嗯。

  • - This one didn't feel as spicy as the other one.

    - 這個感覺沒有其他的辣。

  • - No.

    - 不知道

  • - (sighs deeply) This looks hot.

    - (深深嘆息)這看起來很熱。

  • You can see the seeds. That's where the spice is at.


  • - This one looks more hot.

    - 這個看起來比較火爆。

  • - (snickering) - Mm.

    - (偷笑) 嗯。

  • - That one's definitely more spicy.

    - 那個肯定更辣。

  • I think it's the aftertaste. My lips are stinging.


  • - You see these eyes right here? You see these?

    - 你看到這雙眼睛了嗎?你看到這些了嗎?

  • I can't control this.


  • - That one's good. (sucks teeth) - Kinda spicy.

    - 這個不錯。有點辣。

  • - My mouth is on fire right now, but I'm not giving up.

    - 我的嘴現在是火燒眉毛,但我不會放棄。

  • Eat through the pain.


  • - Every instinct in my body is telling me,

    - 我身體裡的每一種本能都在告訴我。

  • "Reach for that glass of milk! It's gonna be great!"


  • I'm kinda getting this Tim Curry in Legend vibe


  • from the next one.


  • - This is the real challenge right now.

    - 這才是現在真正的挑戰。

  • Like, we're about to get into the challenge.


  • - Those look like death. - I'm kinda ready.

    - 這些看起來像死亡。- 我已經準備好了

  • - I'm not. But I'm gonna beat you, so I'm ready.

    - 我沒有但我要打敗你,所以我準備好了。

  • - (Finebros) For the penultimate wing,

    - (Finebros)為倒數第二翼。

  • we have Dave's Gourmet Insanity Hot Sauce.


  • ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪


  • This is taking us to an extreme


  • of around 180,000 Scoville heat units.


  • - Oh, only 80,000 more than the last wings.

    - 呵呵,只比上次的翅膀多了八萬。

  • - I know this sauce.

    - 我知道這個醬。

  • My grandma gave it to me,


  • and she told me it was chocolate syrup when I was little.

    她告訴我這是巧克力糖漿 當我還小的時候。

  • - (laughs) - It was not chocolate syrup.

    - 這不是巧克力糖漿。

  • - Holy [bleep]. I'm gonna curse.

    - 我的天啊我要罵人了。

  • - The milk is starting to look good now. - Yeah.

    - 牛奶現在開始看起來不錯。- 是啊 Yeah.

  • - Mm. - Oh lord. [Inaudible].

    - 嗯。- 哦,上帝。[聽不清]:

  • - (coughs) No!

    - (咳嗽)不!

  • - Ooh! - No way. People eat tens of these?

    - 不可能人們吃了幾十個這樣的東西?

  • (coughing)


  • - Are you giving up? - No.

    - 你要放棄了嗎?- 不放棄

  • - You have something on your face. Here, let me get it for you.

    - 你臉上有東西來,我幫你拿。

  • - Hmm.

    - 嗯。

  • - Oh, wow. - I'm waiting-- oh, okay.

    - 哦,哇,我在等...- 我在等... 哦,好吧。

  • - (coughing) - (whimpers)

    - (咳嗽) - (嗚咽)。

  • Dominic, we're making it to the last wing. - I know, right?

    多米尼克,我們要到最後一翼了- 我知道,對吧?

  • (groans, coughs)


  • - Oh, I know this is gonna be bad.

    - 哦,我知道這是會很糟糕。

  • - This is bringing back memories.

    - 這是讓人回味無窮的。

  • Man, my grandma's so mean.


  • - (suffering) Okay. (whimpering)

    - (痛苦)好吧。(嗚咽)

  • - She's way late. - I'm scared, actually.

    - 她遲到了- 我很害怕,其實。

  • This one looks scary. This looks like blood.


  • - Oh my god. - Mm-hmm.

    - 哦,我的上帝。- 嗯哼。

  • - Ugh! - Wait, wait, wait.

    - 啊!- 等待,等待,等待。

  • Oh shit! Oh shit, wait. (retches)


  • - Oh my god!

    - 哦,我的上帝!

  • (breathes slowly) - Hoooooo.


  • - This one screwed up my life. I'm not going to school tomorrow.

    - 這個人毀了我的生活。我明天不去學校了。

  • - I'm tearing up.

    - 我淚流滿面。

  • - You're tearing-- - Yeah.

    - 你在撕...

  • - Your eyes are red.

    - 你的眼睛是紅色的。

  • - I want to go home and cry! (laughs)

    - 我想回家哭!(笑)

  • Like, you hit yourself in the funny bone really, really hard.

    就像,你打自己的滑稽骨頭 真的,真的很難。

  • And you just want to leave your body.


  • That's what I'm feeling right now.


  • - I don't remember when was the last time I cried,

    - 我不記得上次哭是什麼時候了。

  • so this is worth something.


  • - I'm starting to cry,

    - 我開始哭了。

  • so this one's probably gonna be like The Notebook, like tears.


  • - When you breathe, it hurts. Ow!

    - 當你呼吸的時候,很痛。嗷!

  • My stomach's like, "Tom, what are you doing?"


  • - I really don't think I can go for the next one.

    - 我真的不認為我可以去下一個。

  • I think I'm done.


  • - My threshold on pain is like, "Tshew!"

    - 我的疼痛閾值就像,"Tshew!"

  • - This sucks. - Dude, what the [bleep] is that?

    - 爛透了- 夥計,那是什麼東西?

  • - (Finebros) For the final wing,

    - (Finebros)為最後的翅膀。

  • it's the Mad Dog 357 Hot Sauce. And like the name says,


  • it takes us all the way to 357,000 Scoville units.

    它把我們所有的方式 357,000 Scoville組織、部門。

  • - 357? Wow.

    - 357?哇哦

  • ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪


  • - So that's double? - (sighs wearily)

    - 那就是雙倍?- (疲憊地嘆氣)

  • - Kids, don't do this. Seriously don't do it at home.

    - 孩子們,不要這樣做。真的不要在家裡做。

  • - I know I just met you, but I think we may die.

    - 我知道我剛認識你,但我想我們可能會死。

  • (snickers) - I think we bonded.


  • Feel like I should be like,


  • "Yeah, back in Nam, we went through a lot together."


  • - Ugh!! I'm so terrified of this one.

    - Ugh!我好怕這個。

  • - Oh, that's disgusting, guys.

    - 哦,那是噁心的,夥計們。

  • - Oh no! [Inaudible]. - You look good.

    - 哦,不![Inaudible].- 你看起來不錯。

  • - All right.

    - 好吧,我知道了

  • Oh yeah, that's hotter than this.


  • - Three... - (both) Two, one.

    - 三...- (兩個)二,一。

  • - (Finebros) You guys are tearing this apart!

    - 你們要把這一切都撕碎了!

  • - "You're tearing me apart, Lisa!"

    - "你要把我撕碎了,麗莎!"

  • - Oh, it smells horrible.

    - 哦,它聞起來很可怕。

  • - Oh, I'm [bleep].

    - 哦,我是[嗶]。

  • - (mouth full) Oh god. Oh god.

    - (滿口) 哦,上帝。哦,上帝。

  • - (exhales)

    - (呼氣)

  • - (sniffles) Oh shit.

    - 哦,該死的。

  • Oh my god!


  • - (shakily) Okay. It's okay. (sniffles)

    - (顫抖地)好了,沒事了。(抽泣)

  • - It's kinda sweet at first.

    - 一開始還挺甜蜜的。

  • And then it really, really starts to sting.


  • I'm in legit pain now. - (eating noisily)

    我在合法的痛苦了。- (吃嘈雜)

  • - Ow. - (cracking up)

    - 嗷。- (裂開了)

  • - (suffering) So hot! Can I have milk now?

    - (痛苦)好熱!我現在可以喝牛奶了嗎?

  • - (spitting/laughing)

    - (吐痰/大笑)

  • - My entire face-- my--

    - 我的整個臉... 我的...

  • - Oh dawg, come on.

    - 哦,道格,來吧。

  • - Oh my! - This sucks.

    - 哦,我的天!- 這很糟糕。

  • (both sucking air) - Can I drink milk?


  • Can we drink milk?


  • - (Finebros) We have some questions for you first.

    - (Finebros)我們有一些問題要先問你。

  • - Ask the question! - Ask it!

    - 提出問題!- 問吧!

  • - (Finebros) What did you think about that last wing?

    - 你覺得最後一個翅膀怎麼樣?

  • - It's more intense. - Oh! I can't even talk.

    - 更激烈了- 哦,我都不能說話了。

  • - I can't-- I can't breathe.

    - 我不能... 我不能呼吸。

  • - It's a disgusting fla--

    - 這是一個噁心的fla --

  • Aaaaaaaaah! - No, it's hot.

    Aaaaaaaaaaah!- 不,它是熱的。

  • - [Bleep] up! It's so bad!

    - [嗶]起來!太糟糕了!

  • - (Finebros) You can drink now! Congratulations!

    - 你現在可以喝了!恭喜你!

  • You've finished the React Hot Wing Challenge.


  • - The milk does nothing!

    - 牛奶什麼都不做!

  • - (sniffles) Oh, sweet baby Jesus.

    - 哦,親愛的寶貝耶穌。

  • You guys should've brought a cow.


  • I mean, we can just go right off of the tap.


  • - This is what being a champion feels like.

    - 這就是當冠軍的感覺。

  • - Aah!

    - 啊!

  • - I tore my meniscus.

    - 我的半月板撕裂了

  • This has got to take the lead of how much pain I've been in.


  • - I did good, but I'm gonna be suffering for it.

    - 我做得很好,但我會為此受苦的。

  • - I want my mom or my grandma.

    - 我想要我的媽媽或我的奶奶。

  • - I made a serious mistake. (burps) Oh, excuse me.

    - 我犯了一個嚴重的錯誤。(打嗝) 哦,對不起。

  • - (chuckles) That was cute.

    - 真可愛

  • - Thanks for watching this episode Adults vs. Food.

    - 感謝收看本期《大人與美食》。

  • - What food should we try next? Let us know in the comments.

    - 接下來我們應該嘗試什麼食物呢?請在評論中告訴我們。

  • - Don't forget to subscribe. We got new shows every week.

    - 不要忘了訂閱,我們每週都有新節目。我們每週都有新節目。

  • - I may have won this challenge,

    - 我可能已經贏得了這個挑戰。

  • but I'm not gonna win when I go on the toilet later tonight.


  • ♪ (French accordion music) ♪

    # (法國手風琴音樂) #

♪ (French accordion music) ♪

# (法國手風琴音樂) #

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