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The history of vaccination has been dramatically evolving through the years.
Since the time of its discovery and official public use 2centuries ago,
millions of lives has been saved from a single shot of this divine liquid,
extracted and cultivated by our very own scientists all over the world.
Despite its breakthrough in the history of medical technology,
the idea of vaccination has long been conceived by a Greek Historian
named Thucydides back in the year 429 BC.
He observed that those who survived on a smallpox plague that year has never been infected again.
The same idea has been developed by Chinese doctors on the year 900 AD
and were recorded to be the first to discover and use a primitive method of vaccination called “Variolation”.
Eventually, the technique was spread to Europe
until the late English Physician Edward Jenner revised this system
and introduced its modern form and finally gave the term “vaccination”.
Since then, vaccines evolved and participated in decreasing and eradicating devastating diseases
and saving hundreds of thousands of lives every day.
But what really are Vaccines? And how does it really work?