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  • Oh, there we are.

  • Hi there.

  • Welcome to poker night with Ronnie.

  • Do you know how to play poker? Maybe?

  • Do you know how to play poker in English?

  • I'm going to teach you. I know how to play poker.

  • I am not very good at playing poker; I always seem to get really terrible

  • cards, no fault of my own. Very skilled in the game, just bad luck. Luck of the draw

  • is not with me. I'm going to put my old-school video camera away, and we're going to learn

  • how to play some poker in English.

  • So, the first thing that we need to know about poker is it's a game. Woo-hoo. It's become

  • very, very, very popular online because you can get a lot of money.

  • The way I learned to play poker was my father taught me, after many a grape soda,

  • sitting around the kitchen table, betting matchsticks.

  • So, welcome to my childhood. I learned how to play poker.

  • What did you do?

  • The most important thing is to learn the name of the cards in English. So, probably you

  • know: A, K, Q, J, 10, and the numbers, but these actually have names.

  • The "A" is the Ace.

  • The "K" is the King.

  • The "Q" is the Queen.

  • The Jack is the "J".

  • Then it goes from 10 all the way down to 2.

  • There is no 1. Sometimes the ace can be used as a 1, but that's too

  • complicated, and I'm not going to tell you my tricks.

  • Well, you're going to lose anyway, so might as well.

  • The other thing that we need to know is what to call the cards. So, these are suits. Not...

  • Suit? Suit, suit, suits... Suits, they're called... I don't know why they're called

  • suits, they're just suits. So, the suits means: Hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades.

  • Now, when I was a child, I had a very stupid brother. Still do. Mm-hmm.

  • And for some reason, he said shovels.

  • Okay? It's a spade, buddy; not a shovel. Get it right. Okay?

  • So, hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades are the proper names of these. So, now you know the vocabulary

  • of the wor-... Of the cards. I'm going to teach you some verbs that you need.

  • The first one probably you know, is a bluff. "Bluff" means you have a face...

  • Oh, Lady Gaga go away. Mm-hmm. Poker Face.

  • Do you know what that means? "Poker face" means you are expressionless.

  • Usually you have a baseball hat, so people can't see your eyes. But a bluff

  • is when you do not let your face show your cards or what you're doing. So, if you're

  • betting money or matchsticks and you want to bluff, you're going to pretend that you

  • have a fabtabulous hand. Now, "the hand" means what cards you have. So, I'm going to pretend

  • that I have the highest cards ever, called a "royal flush". So I would not make expressions

  • with my face, and I would bet a lot of money. I would be bluffing, because maybe I have

  • really, really bad cards. I always have bad cards. So, "bluff" means to, like, lie and

  • pretend you have really, really good cards.

  • The most important word is "bet". "Bet" means you put in money that you're going to lose

  • or win, depending.

  • Before they even deal the cards-"deal the cards" means you give them

  • to people- there's something called an "ante". An "ante", not your mother's sister, means

  • a forced bet before the deal. So, if we were playing cards or playing poker, and I have

  • lots of money, I would ante $100.

  • I would never do that. And then everyone else that

  • wants to play would have to put in, automatically, $100, even before we look at our cards. Scary.

  • What happens is we have the first bet is called "open". So, it would be my turn, I could open,

  • which means I would put in money; or if I did not want to, I could "check" or "pass".

  • This means I don't want to play with money. I'm just like: "No. Enh, we'll see what happens."

  • If I have a really, really, really terrible hand, which means my cards are not good,

  • I would do what's called "folding" or "fold". I would say: "Fold." Fold means:

  • "This is terrible, I'm out. I end the game. I'm no longer playing this."

  • When you bet, you can "call", which means you match what the other person has bet.

  • For example, if the person before me bet $10, I would call, and I also would put in $10.

  • If I wanted to get more money from people, I would "raise the pot", which means I would

  • put in my $10, and I would add more money. So, if I had a really good hand, I would say:

  • "I call the 10, and I raise you 50."

  • So the other people playing, if they wanted to stay

  • in the game, would have to put in $50.

  • Is it complicated yet? It's not, really. It's just...

  • You'll get it. The thing that's the

  • most important is the money, but they don't call it "the money", they call it "the pot".

  • So, "the pot" means the money that you're going to lose or win. So all of the money

  • that people bet goes into a pot. It's not really a pot.

  • So, this is one thing that we really, really, really have to remember and memorize if you

  • want to be a very good poker player. This is the hardest part about poker, other than

  • getting the cards that you want, is what all these words mean. So... And the ranking of

  • them. Basically, the ace is the highest number one card, and it goes down in order. So, if

  • you have aces, you're doing well.

  • So, this number one, most impossible hand is called a "royal flush".

  • I've never, ever had a royal flush.

  • Flush the toilet. A royal flush is almost impossible to get, because

  • it is the ace, the king, the queen, the jack, the 10, and it must be of the same suit. Suit?

  • The same colour. Right? So, it has to be either all hearts, or all diamonds, or it must be

  • all clubs or all spades. So, when I... Remember, when I say "the same suit", it has to be the

  • same; hearts, diamonds, clubs, or spades. Got it? If you have the royal flush, you are

  • guaranteed going to win. You are going to throw down all of the money that you have

  • in your piggy bank, in your pocket, in your bank account, you're going to mortgage your

  • house - you are going to win. No other hand in the world, ever, can beat a royal flush.

  • So, good luck.

  • One down from the royal flush would be a "straight flush". Example:

  • If I have a royal flush and you have a straight flush, I win. [Laughs] But it's really hard to get a royal flush.

  • So, a straight flush is any sequence of five cards, it must be the same colour. So, for example,

  • I can have: 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,

  • or I could have: 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, as long as there are

  • five cards in the chronological order, the same number order, and again, they must be

  • of the same suit. So, if you have all the same colours, but one's a heart, one's a diamond

  • - you're not having it. It must be the exact same colour, the exact same suit, and the

  • numbers must be in order, black or white. If you have this, you're betting your house

  • again. This is hard to get. You're going to win.

  • So, one down from the straight flush is "four of a kind".

  • One, two, three, four. So this means you have four cards of each suit. So, for example,

  • you have all of the aces, down to all of the 2s.

  • This is a very strong hand again. Again, you would bet, bet, bet,

  • win, win, win, win. Ding, ding, ding. And then lose it all.

  • Next down from the four of a kind is a "full house".

  • Full house means there's many people in your house, so a full house is three cards of the same,

  • and then a pair.

  • If you look at my example on the board, here, I have six cards...

  • No, I have three cards that are 6s,

  • and I have two kings. But on the other one, I have three queens and two king-... And two

  • 2s. Which one do you think is the higher card? Which one do you think would win?

  • Yeah, this one, this one, this one, this one. This one would win, because I have three queens.

  • Queens are higher than 6s, so whatever cards you have the most of, they're the highest, you're

  • going to win that pot. Woo-hoo. This is a pretty common... Actually, full house is a

  • pretty common hand to get, so this is pretty good.

  • Of course, we're going down. The "flush", you might want to bluff on this one, but a

  • flush is any five cards that are the same suit. Okay? So if you have a whole list of

  • five cards that are all diamonds, you've got a flush. This one does not matter if the numbers

  • are in order; it only matters that they're the same suit, black and white.

  • We have a "straight", now, a straight is kind of like a straight flush, except we don't

  • have to have the same suit. So, as long as your cards are in order, you can have a straight.

  • So it's, for example: queen, jack, 10, 9, 8;

  • king, queen, jack, 10, 9.

  • As long as they're in the right order-this is a queen-you will win this hand.

  • "Three of a kind" is also called "a set", or "trips", or "triplets". It is three cards

  • of the same.

  • "Two pairs" are two cards, and two cards are the same number, so two 10s and two 5s, for example.

  • This would be...

  • If you have something like this, all the poker games have two...

  • Have five cards. So the other cards, we just disregard them; we don't care about those ones.

  • Really, really, really terrible hand would be "one pair". Worse than one pair would be

  • one card of an ace or a king, or a face card. So, one pair would be the lowest of the poker

  • hands that you could get, as opposed to having one, nothing.

  • There's also many, many, many slang words that the poker people use.

  • I'm not schooled in that. I have no idea.

  • They have crazy names, like two aces are "snake eyes" or, I don't know,

  • it's crazy. If you're interested in poker, go online, lose all your money.

  • It'll be fantastic. If you have questions about playing poker,

  • call my dad. He'll tell ya.

  • I really don't know. This is all I know.

  • Good luck out there, lose all your money.

  • Till next time, party on.

Oh, there we are.


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A2 初級 美國腔

學習英語 - POKER和其他紙牌遊戲的詞彙和表達方式。 (Learn English – Vocabulary & Expressions for POKER and other card games)

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    黃景正 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日