字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 The bigger they are the harder they fall 人爬得越高跌得越慘 celebrity is a tough business all around and the pressures of fame and wealth can 無論哪一種,只要是名人都不是好當的,名利帶來的壓力 be too much for some actors to handle. While these are problems that most 常使演員難以適應,許多人對這種難題 people with envy these actors might beg to differ 羨慕又嫉妒,但明星本人可能不這麼想 they came close to derail in their careers but we're glad they were able to 有些演員瀕臨事業危機,但幸好他們 rebound back into the spotlight 能再度拾起往日光采 Natalie Portman. Natalie Portman has never really left the public eye 娜塔莉·波曼。娜塔莉·波曼並沒有真的離開影視界 but she sees it differently 但她自己可不這麼想 she told New York magazine " I was in the biggest grossing movie of the decade and 受紐約雜誌採訪時,她說:「我演了一部當代人氣最高的電影 no director wanted to work with me" which makes it sound like most of Hollywood 但卻沒有導演願意和我合作。」這聽起來像是多數好萊塢圈子的人 agreed with a hate that hardcore fans have to the Star Wars prequels. 不約而同地默認星際大戰影迷對前傳電影的厭惡 " I can't fight a war for you" 「我無法為您作戰」 "Jar, Jar Binks" 「恰·恰·冰克斯」 "Me sir, ya highness" 「叫我嗎?女王陛下?」 "yes" 「是的」 I need your help 我需要你的幫助 but with the help of some friends in high places she bounced back a series of 幸虧幾個居高位的朋友相助,波曼得以重回影壇 roles in movies like Cold Mountain 並出演《冷山》 Garden State, Closer and Black Swan. Now Portman is once again considered one of 《情歸紐澤西》、《偷情》、《黑天鵝》等,而現在她已成了 Hollywood's top actresses 好萊塢公認的影后 she appeared in the first two Thor movies and her role in Exmachina 出現在雷神系列的頭兩部電影、《機械姬》 director Alex Garland of Annihilation suggest she still knows how to 的導演亞力克斯·嘉蘭表示,波曼很懂得如何 pick a script. 挑劇本 Paul Reubens, you probably know him is Pee-Wee Herman and the scandal that 保羅·魯本斯,你大概看過他的《人生冒險記》 derailed his career has been a punch line for years. In 1991 Paul Rubens was 或聽聞過去幾年導致他事業危機的醜聞,1991年 arrested for "indecent exposure" 魯本斯依「不雅曝露」的罪名遭到逮捕 inside an adult theater because of apparently most watched adult films for 事發在一間成人影院,顯然人氣最高的成人電影 the thrilling plots. In the fallout from the incident CBS stopped airing reruns 是以刺激的劇情吸引觀眾的。這起事件導致CBS決定停播 of Pee-wee's Playhouse and Rubens retreated from the public eye for many years. 《皮威劇場》,魯本斯也因此退出影壇 After years out of the limelight, 息影幾年後 Ruben's reclaimed his famous character donning the gray suit and red bowtie 魯本斯再度以他的知名角色—身著灰西裝和紅領結,躍上大銀幕 once again for the 2016 Netflix film, Pee-Wee's Big Holiday 於2016年出演由Netflix出資完成的電影《皮威的大節日》 Nearly 30 years after the character's last major film, Big Top Pee-Wee 繼《妙人怪譚》於30年前推出後,原班人馬再度出師 The new release was positively embraced by fans and critics alike. 新電影廣受影迷和影評一致好評 Robert Downey jr. 小勞勃·道尼 He had promising beginnings in a number of critically acclaimed big-budget films 一出道就簽下幾部鉅資電影 not to mention a stint on SNL but Robert Downey jr.'s sudden fame, mixed with an 更別提他身為《週末夜現場》的重要班底。突如其來的名利 undiagnosed bipolar disorder, resulted in a number of drug and alcohol related 和當時未診斷出的躁鬱症,使道尼深陷毒品和酒精中 arrests in the late nineties 九零年代末期因此被捕 After cleaning up his act, Downey started to roll out the hits, appearing in 勒戒成功後,道尼再度演出幾部強檔電影 Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 《吻兩下打兩槍》 Gothika, A Scanner Darkly and Tropic Thunder. He's most known for his ongoing 《鬼影人》、《心機掃描》、《開麥拉驚魂》,尤其廣為人知的是 lead roles in Guy Ritchie's Sherlock home series and 他在蓋·瑞奇執導的福爾摩斯系列電影中擔綱主角 in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is Tony Stark also known as iron Man 更因演出漫威電影宇宙的《鋼鐵人》—東尼史塔克而名聲大噪 nothing like staring at multibillion-dollar franchise to 還有什麼能比這數十億的特許經營權 pull you out of a little personal slump,huh? 要來得有利於脫離事業低潮呢? Mike Tyson. The terrifying Tyson didn't start his career as an actor but founded 麥克·泰森。拳王泰森並非以演員起家但顯然決定以此 renaissance is one 為事業第二春 known best as a boxing champion, Tyson's controversial life is included multiple 泰森以拳王之稱聞名,私生活卻極具爭議性 accusations of violence against women 像是多起對女性動粗的控告 longtime drug and alcohol abuse. "But I knew when I was in that court and 長期吸毒、酗酒。「受審時 when I was gonna get that verdict, the verdict was gonna be guilty." 我知道我一定會被判有罪。」 and biting off a chunk of Evander Holyfield's ear in their 1997 rematch. 還有1997年與依凡德·何利菲德決賽的咬耳朵事件 after retreating from the public eye in shame 泰森在一片辱罵聲中褪下名人光環 Tyson found a new life by appearing in the Hangover from 2009 2009年出演《醉後大丈夫》,開啟了泰森嶄新的生活 Since then he got his own cartoon series,Mike Tyson Mysteries. 之後還推出一系列專為他打造的全集卡通《泰森神探集》 Holyfield and Tyson appeared together in a post-credits scene during the 2013 boxing movie, 2013的拳擊電影《進擊的大佬》的幕後花絮中收錄了 Grudge Match 何利菲德和泰森兩人的談話 you can also catch Tyson taking on martial arts and action star Donnie Yen in Ip Man 3. 他也出現在《葉問 3》中,和武打星甄子丹有對手戲 Drew Barrymore. Child actor Drew Barrymore's career was almost over before it began. 茱兒·芭莉摩。這位童星的演藝生涯還未起飛就重重地跌了一跤 After starring in the nineteen 1982 hit E.T. at age seven 1982年7歲的芭莉摩出演賣座片《E.T.》後 barrymore became notorious for abusing alcohol, marijuana and cocaine 就因酗酒、吸食大麻和古柯鹼而臭名遠播 by her own admission,starting at the age of eight 她自己承認才八歲就染上這些惡習 Fortunately, thanks to rehab and the unlikely help of a family friend 幸好,經過康復訓練和一位家庭老友的協助後 "I have to live with David Crosby for two months, which is crazy 「當時我得去跟大衛·克羅斯比住了兩個月,那簡直太瘋狂了 because David has his own problems" 因為他也有自己的問題」 I know he is he was an interesting character.....in itself." 「沒錯,他本身就是個很搞笑的人物。」 Barrymore found sobriety and started her wildly successful second act 芭莉摩終於擺脫酒癮並再度成功的躍上大銀幕 starting movies like Scream,The Wedding Singer and Never Been Kissed 參與演出《驚聲尖叫》、《婚禮歌手》、《一吻定江山》等電影 Barrymore also focuses on her family and charity work while appearing in ads 芭莉摩將更多心力轉向家庭和慈善事業,同時也幫 as one of the faces of Covergirl 雜誌《Covergirl》拍攝廣告 but that doesn't mean she's slowing down in terms of acting despite the fact that 但這不表示她放掉演藝事業 she only took four roles from 2009 to 2016 because 即便2009到1016年間她只演了四部電影 if she could come back from being a teenage addict and 若她能從一個青少年癮君子和 the train wreck that was Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle 《霹靂嬌娃2:全速進攻》的慘敗教訓中站起來 she can come back from anything 就代表她隨時都能夠重拾事業高峰 Fred Willard. Comedian and actor Fred Willard's 佛萊德·威拉特。身為演員和諧星 career was marked by nothing but funny movies... until his 2012 arrest for a lewd act 他演出的全是搞笑片,直到2012年因犯下猥褻行為 in an adult theater.The arrest cost him his job hosting Market Warriors but 在成人影院遭逮捕,並因此丟了電視節目《Market Warriors》的主持棒 Willard was quick to recover after an honest interview on late night with Jimmy Fallon 威拉特很快就回到正軌,後來受邀於吉米·法隆的晚間脫口秀 in which he showcased his legendary sense of humor 再度展現詼諧的搞笑功力 Jimmy, what do you want to talk about first 吉米,你想先聊什麼 Ya know, let me say this,it's the last time I'm gonna listen to my wife when 你知道嗎?上一次我聽我老婆的話時 she says why don't you go out and see a movie" 她說的是:為什麼你不去看場電影呢 Since then he's appeared in 從那之後,他出演了 Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues 《銀幕大角頭2:傳奇再續》 Fifty Shades of Black and a handful of television roles 《格雷的五十道黑影》和許多電視節目 and most likely discovered the joys of "private browsing mode" 而且絕對也少不了「私密瀏覽」的樂趣 Mickey Rourke, former boxer and semi-reluctant actor.Mickey Rourke enjoy the 米基·洛克。退休拳擊手,演藝生涯坎坷的演員,洛克的璀璨職涯 successful career and till he was arrested for spousal abuse in 1994 持續到1994年,因被控對配偶施暴遭逮而宣告結束 after assaulting his then-wife Carre O'tis 當時他被控攻擊妻子凱瑞·奧特斯 oh yeah, and he was responsible for getting her accidentally shot 而且,他不小心對妻子開了一槍 in the chest once - 正中她的胸膛 just a guess but he probably didn't get a World's Best Husband mug that Christmas. 那年聖誕節他大概是沒得到「世界最好丈夫」的紀念馬克杯了 As a result, Rourke almost gave up the spotlight completely,returning a boxing, 正因如此,洛克幾乎放棄演藝生涯,再度當起拳擊手 then to acting,then to the boxing again 而後掉入再度演戲、當拳擊手的輪迴 Wait, is he boxing in a kilt? Anyway he bounced back to acting for good 等等,他穿著蘇格蘭裙打拳嗎?不管怎樣,他最終決定放下拳擊 with a lead role in 2005 Sin City 並在2005年飾演《萬惡城市》中的主角 "Let's go" 「出發」 This major return which he had attributes to his manager and his dogs 他將這次成功回歸影壇歸功於經紀人及他的寵物狗 , led to Rouke appearing in The Wrestler 讓他後來順利出演《力挽狂瀾》 Iron Man 2 and The Expendables. 《鋼鐵人2》、《浴血任務》等 Rob Lowe, in the age of the Kardashians 羅伯·勞。卡達夏風波 it's hard to remember that a sex tape could once ruin someone's career and 很難不去注意外流的性愛影片能對一個人的職涯造成什麼樣的衝擊 Rob Lowe had one of the first. Only a few years into his career-Lowe was filmed with at least 羅伯·勞正是最初被爆料的例子。才入圈沒幾年,勞就至少 three different women.One of whom was barely above legal age 和三個女人拍過性愛影片,其中一個甚至未成年 sparking a wave of media controversy 這件事引發媒體軒然大波 when the tape was made available for sale against his will 起因是影片在勞不知情的情況下遭到販售因而曝光 Lowe quickly recovered, thanks to the apparent indifference of Hollywood 勞很快就回歸正軌,顯然好萊塢對這種事向來漠不關心 and a willingness to own up to the situation. 加上勞本身願意坦誠相對 During the years since he rebounded from a scandal 勞擺脫醜聞再度躍上大銀幕後 Lowe as appeared in dozens of movies,including the Camera Diaz and 演出了不少電影,像是卡麥容·迪亞和 Jason Segel movie, Sex tape, which was a nice meta joke in the form of stunt casting. 傑森·席格爾聯袂主演的搞笑片《愛愛上雲端》,片中眾星雲集 Even more impressive, his television resume spans hundreds of episodes 更令人欽佩的是,他參與了上百集 across dozens of noteworthy shows including the likes of The West Wing 知名電視劇,像是《白宮風雲》 Parks and Recreation 《公園與遊憩》 Californication, Moonbeam City and The Grinder. 《加州靡情》、《夢濱城》、《律師兄弟》等等 Thanks for watching. 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B1 中級 中文 美國腔 泰森 電影 事業 演員 洛克 好萊塢 差點毀掉自己職業生涯的演員 (Actors Who Almost Ruined Their Careers) 703 26 王鈺炘 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字