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  • Smack, dope, speed, crank, ice, bars, brown, benzos, uppers, downers and in-between-ers

  • As former Harvard psychologist Timothy Leary so candidly said: “Turn on, Tune in,

  • drop out.”

  • But years before Hunter S. Thompson took a trip to Vegas full of fear and loathing

  • English writer and philosopher Aldous Huxley wrote The Doors of Perception, an essay where

  • he touts the use of psychotropic drugs after testing them on his favorite subject: himself.

  • But the question remains:

  • Apart from medical applications, what are drugs good for?

  • In the spring of 1953 Huxley took what he describes asfour-tenths of a gram of

  • mescalin dissolved in a glass of water and sat down to wait for the results.”

  • Afterwards he listened to classical music, perused through a collection of paintings,

  • went on a car ride, walked through a garden, stared at chair legs and his trousers for

  • extended periods of time and most importantly, recorded the entire experience.

  • He describes that: “In the final stage of egolessness there is an "obscure knowledge"

  • that All is in allthat All is actually each. This is as near as a finite

  • mind can ever come to "perceiving everything that is happening everywhere in the universe."

  • Far out.

  • What Aldous experienced was ego-lossan understanding of self as non-selfan apprehension

  • of reality that transcends languagewhat he calledsuchnessof realitythe

  • experience of reality as is.

  • Far beyond the language that we use to explain the beauty

  • of a flowerthe drug enabled him to experience the unfiltered essence of the objects; a sort

  • of peek behind the curtainkind of like having access to a line of code from a game.

  • For Huxley, this is how we ought to experience reality.

  • We should understand our connectedness as a

  • as a collective entity outside ourselves;” that we are all capable of understanding all

  • knowledge in the universe.

  • But in an evolutionary move our central nervous system considers this feeling, or trip, if

  • you will, to be dangerous, and thus, filters out this experience.

  • Since we are at first animals who depend on survival, it isn’t very helpful to stare

  • transfixed at the wonders of a rose petal if a tiger is chasing you.

  • Mescaline, the active agent in Peyote, limits or disrupts the filtering function of the

  • central nervous system and opens up the possibility of understanding all thingsit creates an

  • encounter with the mind at largeit gets you completely and utterly frickinhigh, man.

  • Huxley argues that drug use is a natural human impulse or desire for escapeit serves as

  • a momentary respite from the suffering of everyday life.

  • Psychedelic drugs have been around since before civilizationsprang up.

  • The drug as sacrament is one of the central components of many spiritual or religious rituals.

  • Huxley (and in some instances, Native American tribes) thinks Peyote is an integral

  • part of invigorating spiritual relationships.

  • Huxley’s experience of opening a door in the wall of perception challenged his understanding

  • of the importance of human relationships, language, and control over the world that

  • we live in.

  • But we are educated to be biased against drug usethere is a stigma against the exploration

  • of inner space. It’s looked at with disdain, and regarded as non-scientific. People prefer

  • the study of language, concepts and rationality. For Huxley this is a failure in the way that

  • we think about reality because even a bad trip has the possibility to shatter your conception

  • of life in a way that makes you a much better person.

  • Anyone who’s dropped acid before a dentist visit can attestsometimes you have a bad trip

  • But is the possibility of one bad trip

  • worth missing out on experiencing all of the knowledge in the universe?

Smack, dope, speed, crank, ice, bars, brown, benzos, uppers, downers and in-between-ers


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B2 中高級

毒品對你有好處嗎?(Kirby + Aldous Huxley) - 8-Bit哲學 (Are Drugs GOOD For You? (Kirby + Aldous Huxley) - 8-Bit Philosophy)

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    Jack 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日