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  • "Do you have a number for this Dr. Asap? He's not listed anywhere." Oh, Jake.

  • Ready to go here?

  • Uh, yeah, come on in.

  • It's over here.

  • Thanks, we would've had trouble finding it.

  • I changed my mind!

  • You can't have him!

  • Okay, okay, Alan, Alan,

  • what about the kids?

  • Screw 'em!

  • We're gonna need another minute.

  • Oh, Charlie, why?

  • Why, why, why, why, why?!

  • Why?!

  • White people.

  • Hello, Dad?

  • Right here.

  • Oh, hey.

  • Something's different.

  • Your uncle's piano is gone.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Were we robbed?

  • Yes, we're the latest victims of the piano thieves

  • that have been plaguing the beach.

  • Damn, they got my good bong.

  • What?

  • Oh, man, that is so wrong.

  • No, it wasn't a robbery.

  • Walden's redecorating.

  • Cool.

  • You know, for some reason,

  • your uncle's death is really starting to hit me.

  • I mean, I don't know if I was in de...

  • What are you doing?

  • Um, a toast to Uncle Charlie?

  • Nice try.

  • You're not the only one who misses him, you know.

  • Really?

  • You never talk about it.

  • I need a beer to loosen up.

  • Not gonna happen.

  • Now, come on, talk to me.

  • I don't know, Uncle Charlie just never treated me

  • ike I was some stupid kid.

  • That's nice.

  • He treated me more like a stupid person.

  • Well, I know he loved you.

  • Then how come he didn't leave me anything?

  • Well, you don't measure love by things.

  • I disagree.

  • Nothing says "I love you" like a Mercedes CL600.

  • Hey, the Mercedes was leased.

  • And is that all your uncle meant to you- a nice car?

  • Of course not- I learned a lot from him.

  • Like what?

  • Well, let's see.

  • If it doesn't fit, don't force it.

  • It's always better to say sorry afterwards

  • than ask for permission before.

  • And if it's burning, bleeding, or oozing,

  • go to see a doctor ASAP.

  • Oh, God.

  • But probably the most important thing I learned

  • is that by the time I'm his age,

  • want to be married and have a family.

  • You know, there was a time

  • when I would have found these things disgusting.

  • And now?

  • There's a certain wistfulness

  • mixed in with my revulsion.

  • Really?

  • Yeah, Uncle Charlie was very lonely, Dad.

  • Yeah, yeah, he was.

  • And I don't want to be like him.

  • Well, good for you.

  • Of course, I don't want to be like you either.

  • Even better.

  • By the way, do you have a number for this Dr. Asap?

  • He's not listed anywhere.

  • What?

  • I mean, I don't need him right now,

  • but I want to have him on speed dial, so if I do,

  • I can get him as soon as possible.

  • ASAP?

  • Yeah, him.

  • A-S-A-P?

  • I know how to spell it, Dad, I'm not an idiot.

"Do you have a number for this Dr. Asap? He's not listed anywhere." Oh, Jake.


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A2 初級

兩個半男人 908 - A.S.A.P. (Two and a Half Men 908 - A.S.A.P.)

  • 62 6
    VoiceTube 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日