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  • Netflix in the early days -- we're talking about the late 1990s -- was terrified that

  • it was gonna go out of business. They were mailing DVDs and it was very expensive to

  • do that so they weren't making any money. And Blockbuster was this colossus and so Reed

  • Hastings, the founder of Netflix, gets on an airplane and goes to Dallas to try and

  • convince Blockbuster to come together and partner in some way. Ultimately what he really

  • wanted to do was for Blockbuster to buy Netflix and for Netflix to be their long range online

  • arm because he knew one day he would be delivering television, or video over the Internet. And

  • Blockbuster could have its stores but he thought the stores would be in decline as, in fact,

  • happened.

  • Blockbuster in retrospect stupidly declined to invest in Netflix. And within a couple

  • of years Netflix had basically helped destroy Blockbuster. Blockbuster was an old technology.

  • You went to a video store to rent a video. Most of the top 20 movies were already out

  • of stock because people had rented them so there's a lot frustration. And Netflix was

  • basically, you know, get what you want when you want it and knew that they would move

  • away from the DVD business to the download video business. So you could watch as many,

  • you know, you could never run out of stock.

  • I think it's very accurate to compare Netflix to a book and I think that's part of the forward

  • vision that Hastings had. If you think about the way -- what Netflix has done with what

  • has come to be called bingeing, it basically replicates a book because it basically says

  • you want to watch House of Cards or Orange is the New Black, you don't have to wait and

  • watch it at ten o'clock on Friday nights or eight o'clock on Thursday nights. You can

  • watch it whenever you want. And, by the way, you don't have to watch commercials. And,

  • by the way, which means the show is longer. And, by the way, you don't have to watch a

  • single episode, you can watch multiple episodes. Watch it as long as you want. Eat as much

  • as you want. Just as when you read a book. You want to read more than chapter, you read

  • more than one chapter. So the analogy is apt and I think he was smart about that.

  • Blockbuster had the resources and had it been smart enough to go online, invest some of

  • those resources to go online, they would have disseminated Netflix. Blockbuster was, you

  • know, its ownership didn't want to spend the money. They were engaged in battles with Carl

  • Icahn in a potential takeover effort on his part. And they suffered the classic innovator's

  • dilemma which was they basically said we have a good existing business with these thousands

  • of video stores. Why should we disrupt it for a maybe business, the online world that

  • may never pan out. And let's stick to the netting, keep to the netting. And that's what

  • they did and they lost the netting.

Netflix in the early days -- we're talking about the late 1990s -- was terrified that


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B1 中級

肯-奧萊塔:Netflix是如何殺死大片的? (Ken Auletta: How Netflix Killed Blockbuster)

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    VoiceTube 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日