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Hi, I'm Victoria Brown, Co-Founder of Bigthink.com.
The way we live and work is changing at a faster pace than ever before. Since Big Think
launched in 2008, our mission has always been to help our audience get smarter faster. We've
brought you idea-driven video interviews with thousands of global thought leaders. From
Dr. Michio Kaku, to Henry Rollins, to Salman Rushdie, and many many more. You've helped
us become one of Youtube's most popular education channels, with a really vibrant community
of users. And now, we're responding to your feedback. We've created Big Think Mentor to
bring you the world class ideas of our experts, transferred into actionable tools to help
you lead more productive, happier and healthier lives.
Up to 40% of skinny people actually may be what we call skinny fat people. They look
thin, but they're metabolically obese. People will work much harder not to lose something
than they will to gain something, and that's not depressing, that's very useful, you can
leverage that. So basically what research suggests is that focusing on that, focusing
on the future, focusing on your goals makes people happy. You know striving actually makes
people much happier than even achieving. I assert, that if you are depressed after learning
and being exposed to the cosmic perspective, you started your day with an unjustifiably
large ego.
We'll update our programming each month to respond to your changing needs. Watch our
expert video, and then reinforce your learning with a guided thought experiment or life experiment
provided in the comments section below. Report back on your results, engage in community
debate, and make recommendations for new experts and areas of study.
Join us today, and become a founding member of Big Think Mentor.