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  • Carolina barbecue is a really kind of ancient primal way of preparing food where you essentially

  • are taking a whole animal and you are cooking it very slowly over a wood fire. The recipe

  • couldn't not be more simple. It is pig plus wood fire plus time and a little salt. It's

  • as close as we get to that primal scene of our proto human ancestors two million years

  • ago roasting the big animal over a fire which is a wonderfully communal event because it

  • requires a lot of cooperation, somebody's got to stay up with the fire and not let it

  • go out. Someone has to prepare the animal to be cooked. Someone has to carve it and

  • divide up the portions. And pitmasters today stand in for the, you know, this lineage that

  • goes back probably a couple million years and passes along the way through the priests

  • and Greek culture who oversaw the rights, the ritual sacrifice or the Rabis in the old

  • testament who also did ritual sacrifice.

  • There was for a very long time the priests, the butchers and the cooks were the same person.

  • That was a very prestigious job. There were a lot of rules that went with it because it

  • was so momentous. I mean meat was very special, it was sacred. And you had to deal with the

  • Gods and we started by actually burning meat to a crisp as an offering to the Gods. And

  • then somebody figured out, you know, they don't really eat meat probably. They really

  • just want the smoke. And so we gave them the smoke and that was the way, you know, how

  • else do you get it up to heaven. And then we got to eat the meat. And -- but we continued

  • to have that religious overlay. And the word in Greek for priest and butcher and cook is

  • the same, mageiros. And the word magic is buried in that word, the origins for the word

  • magic because it was magic. It was transformation of this carcass, dead animal into this food

  • fit for the Gods.

  • You know, one of the most striking things about modern life is that we eat meat without

  • giving it a thought. We eat meat without realizing what is at stake. The fact that an animal

  • has died, that an awful amount of effort is taken, there's the sacrifice of the animal,

  • there's the effort of raising it or killing it if you're hunting it. And we eat it without

  • ceremony. We have meat two, three times a day in this country without giving it a thought.

  • It's just shrink wrapped protoplasm from the supermarket or the restaurant. But for most

  • of history you realize eating meat was a profound almost sacramental occasion. People understood

  • the sacrifice involved. They understood that an animal had died because they had probably

  • participated in that process. And they also understood how precious this stuff was. It

  • was delicious. It was nutritious. You didn't have it every day. You had to work really

  • hard to get it. And so we surrounded meat eating with a great deal of ceremony and somberness

  • and rules.

  • You know the proper accompaniment for meat in world history if you look at it appears

  • to be rules whether they're the kosher rules that you eat this meat and not that or you

  • eat this part of this animal and not that part or you don't have meat with this or that.

  • Halal rules also govern meat -- what can and cannot be eaten. But then you have the rules

  • of barbecue. In some parts of the South barbecue is whole hog with just vinegar and salt and,

  • you know, a little pepper. But you move to the other side of the same state and they

  • have a ketchup based sauce and they cook pork shoulders. And then you move to South Carolina

  • and they're barbecuing pork shoulders and they're using a mustard based sauce. And then

  • you go to Tennessee and they're eating ribs. And you go to Texas and they're eating brisket.

  • They're eating beef. Every one of those traditions has deep roots and every one of those traditions

  • looks down on every other tradition. That's fine but it's not barbecue.

  • So rulemaking seems to surround meat eating. And I think that that's a reflection of how

  • much was at stake for people and how wonderful it was for people. And we have lost that.

  • We eat meat in this incredibly thoughtless, cavalier way. We waste it. We don't give a

  • thought to the animal. We don't give a thought to the person who raised it or hunted it.

  • And I think in the process we've lost something. And that carelessness, it now infects the

  • way we raise the meat. That we treat the animals really badly and we don't honor it the way

  • we need to honor it.

Carolina barbecue is a really kind of ancient primal way of preparing food where you essentially


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B1 中級

諸神的燒烤,與邁克爾-波倫合作 (BBQ of the Gods, with Michael Pollan)

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    VoiceTube 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日