字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 [MUSIC] I'm delighted to be part of this team and because it is the best in the world. 身為這全世界最好的團隊的一員,我感到很光榮。 The achievements in head neck cancer care that 在約翰霍普金斯醫院中心,關於頭頸部腫瘤的研究成果。 have occurred here in Johns Hopkins have been seminal. 一直都非常具有開創性 And oh, many patients have benefited from the discoveries made here, and 而且,不少病人從這間醫院獲得病情的了解。 the refinements in patient treatments that have been achieved here at Johns Hopkins. 約翰霍普金斯醫院對病患採取精密的治療 I always tell my patients that I'm only as good as the team around me, and the team around me is the best. 我告訴病人,我有最好的團隊。 That is one of the things that, I think, that makes this place really special. 這是讓這間醫院如此特別的原因之一 There's two nodules in here. 這裡有兩個小結節 We just want to want to know if there's two nodules here. 我們要知道,兩個小節點在哪裡? We have a great team. 我們擁有最棒的團隊 We have ten head, neck surgeons focused on head, neck cancer in our department. 我們有十位在頭頸部腫瘤領域領先的醫師 The level of expertise is astounding. 這幾位在專業領域令人敬重 Also a multidisciplinary team of experts in medical oncology. 還有在醫學腫瘤上各司其職的專家小組 Our chemotherapy and radiation oncology. 我們對於腫瘤治療之化療與放療。 And our pathologist, our anesthesia team, our speak-language pathologist. 我們病理學者,我們的麻醉團隊,我們語言病理學家 I'm gonna have you count from one to ten for me. 我要你數一到十。 One, two, three. 一,二,三 Sounds 聲音 great. 棒 We have a very active, multidisciplinary skull base group. 我們非常活躍,專於研究的頭骨研究小組 Skull-based cancer, in this case, is usually cancer in the paranasal sinuses. 在這塊,頭骨部位腫瘤通常是位於鼻管靜脈的腫瘤 We're gonna make an incision here and we. 我們要切入到鼻管靜脈 Around the nose, up under the sinuses, and in the area behind the eyes 鼻子的周圍和眼睛後方的靜脈上下處 that requires often interaction between otolaryngologist. 需要與耳鼻喉科醫師互相配合 Your nose and throat surgeons, and neurosurgeons. 你的手術需要耳鼻喉外科和神經外科 So we have a group of surgeons that will work for 24 hours if they need to, to 如果你需要,我們有外科醫生將全天候診 remove a tumor in that very complex area where 切除腫瘤後,周圍複雜面積 the brain and the sinuses and facial tissues come together. 在腦、靜脈和臉部組織做縫合 At the end of the procedure, you get 在結束後的過程, the, your final report that I have already performed. 我早就準備你的結案病例。 And another thing that's exciting. 令人興奮的事 Is the training programs that we have to offer here at Johns Hopkins. 我們在約翰霍普金斯醫院有提供訓練計畫 We're training future leaders in this area. 用來栽培在這領域的領導者 Individuals that will make significant discoveries 這些領導者將作出研究上的重大發現 and progress against this disease. 並在對抗這癌症上有明顯突破 That's real exciting. 真是令人興奮 We have a multidisciplinary Conference each week, during 每周都有各科討論病例分析, which we discuss a specific case, and then delineate the options 我們在會議上討論案例並研究可行方案 , and then work with the patient to 並和病患合作溝通 tailor a treatment approach that is best for them. 商討出對他們最好的療程 This may involve a surgical approach or a non-surgical approach. 有可能會需要動手術或不會動手術 Robotic surgery, or endoscopic skull based surgery. 機器人手術或內視鏡顱底手術。 We have state of the art technology and high tech equipment and expertise. 我們擁有先進的技術,高科技設備和專業知識的最佳狀態。 These are [UNKNOWN]. 這些是...... Right, you know, it's a tiny. 是的,你知道,這是一個很小的(難度很高)手術。 The thing is our long track 我們長期追蹤 record, 20 years or more, of clinical investigation. 臨床研究超過二十年 In the laboratory that brings innovations to the bedside so that we're at the 在實驗室,我們將創新的技術帶到臨床,所以我們站在 cutting edge of, of understanding what makes cancer work and how to stop it. 對癌細胞的增生和阻止其蔓延的風口上 Our program has been successful in delineating 我們的計劃已成功地劃分 why these tumors occur at the molecular level. 為何這些癌細胞會發生於分子大小 How HPV relates to oralpharyngeal cancer. HPV 和口咽癌的關係 Early detection has one of our main areas of interest. 預防醫學是我們感興趣的主要領域之一。 We're working on a test that will use advanced senocular 我們正在進行一項測試 staging to find cancer cells in saliva and in blood samples. 在唾液和血液樣品找出癌細胞 We're also interested in targets. 我們也對標靶治療有涉略 For chemotherapy approach as what they call individualized medicine. 在化學療程上來說,這通常被稱之為個人化藥物 So if we know what alterations have occurred in one individual's 若我們知道哪些偏差出現在病患的 cancer then chemotherapy options specific to that change can be used. 腫瘤上,特定的化療方式就有用武之地 Alright so, you're in good hands and he's up here. 這裡最正確選擇,會得到很好的照顧。 Of course our first concern is to cure the cancer. 當然我們的首要任務是對抗癌症 That's everyone's main concern when they come in. 當病人到來,這是主要目的。 But as they go through the treatment, and, look at, the hope of surviving for 在這裡治療可以提高存活率 many years afterwards, their ability to function day to day, rises to the floor. 很多年復原後,他們的運作日常的能力,可以上天下海。 So we need to support and want to support 因此,我們需要支持,也需要贊助, them in their recovery after cancer therapy is finished. 確保病人在療程後能穩妥復原 The team is intensely focused on this challenging disease. 團隊非常專注於對抗這難對付的疾病 They wanna make progress. 醫學團隊的進步 They wanna see better outcome. 醫學團隊看到甜美的果實 They wanna see cure. 醫學團隊看到治療希望。 [MUSIC]
B2 中高級 中文 美國腔 腫瘤 團隊 靜脈 醫院 醫學 治療 約翰-霍普金斯頭頸癌中心 (Johns Hopkins Head and Neck Cancer Center) 227 19 Study English 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字