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Sylvia: Hi! I'm Sylvia and welcome to West Wing Week!
♪♪ (Drum and Bugle Corps) ♪♪
Narrator: Welcome to the West Wing Week!
Your guide to everything that's happening at 1600
Pennsylvania Avenue.
This week: The Vice President traveled to Boston for a
memorial service for Officer Sean Collier; and the President
memorialized the victims of the West Texas explosion;
the President also hosted at the White House the Emir of Qatar;
the Teacher of the Year; the Third Annual Science Fair;
and visits Dallas with the First Lady for the Dedication of the
George W. Bush Presidential Center.
That's April 19th to April 25th or "This Stuff's Really Cool!"
The President: I'm just saying in my official capacity as President,
this stuff's really cool!
Narrator: Late Friday night, the President addressed the nation after the
capture of the remaining suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings.
The President: All in all this has been a tough week.
But we've seen the character of our country once more.
And as President, I'm confident that we have the courage and the
resilience and the spirit to overcome these challenges
and to go forward.
Narrator: On the 43rd Annual Earth Day, the President hosted the Third
White House Science Fair.
He viewed exhibits by the student winners in science,
technology, engineering and math competitions from
all across America.
Science Fair Winner: And these burn as if they were wood.
The President: As if they were wood.
Science Fair Winner: Uh-huh.
Science Fair Winner: This city is built at a role model for other cities.
The President: It looks great.
I'd love to live there.
Only because these guys really want this pose.
Science Fair Winner: You're producing kinetic energy.
The President: Oh, yeah?
Science Fair Winner: So my concept is I'm trying to revive a fine needle aspirates.
The President: Those are some neat rockets there.
Science Fair Winner: So do you want to see it work?
The President: Absolutely. Let's test this sucker out.
So did you guys get a patent on this thing?
Science Fair Winner: Not yet.
The President: Well, you'd better before somebody gets an infomercial
selling this thing and it was your idea.
Narrator: West Wing Week caught up with Bill Nye the Science Guy,
Lavar Burton, and the winner of the 2013 Intel Science
Competition, Sarah Volz who started in the first ever
White House vine.
Bill Nye the Science Guy: And what I'd like to remind everybody is the economic
benefit of science.
Narrator: But wait! The science fair isn't over yet.
West Wing also caught up with Valerie Jarrett and Kal Penn to
try on for size some of the groundbreaking research being
presented at the White House.
Valerie Jarrett: You're kidding! That's amazing!
Kal Penn: That's awesome!
Narrator: Then at 2:50 p.m., the White House observed a moment of
silence in honor of the victims of the Boston Marathon bombings.
On Tuesday, the President honored the 2013 Teacher of
the Year, finalists from each state, and the national winner,
Jeff Charbonneau, thanking all of them for their hard work and
dedication every single day in the classroom.
The First Lady: These folks did not go into teaching for money.
They walk into the classroom every single day because they
love doing what they do.
Because they're passionate about helping our children realize the
best versions of themselves so that our country can become the
best version of itself.
Narrator: Later, the President welcomed to the White House the Emir
of Qatar.
The President: If our two countries are communicating frankly and
constructively, we can be a force for good for the entire
region and for a vision of the Middle East that is democratic,
that is prosperous, that is tolerant,
that is representative of all peoples and that is a force for
good around the world.
♪♪ (bagpipes playing) ♪♪
Narrator: On Wednesday, the Vice President and Dr. Jill Biden traveled to
Cambridge, Massachusetts to attend the memorial service
for slain MIT Police Officer Sean Collier.
The Vice President: Why this terrorist phenomenon at the beginning of the 21 century?
Why do they do what they do?
They do it to instill fear.
To have us in the name of our safety and security jettison
what we value most and the world most values about us...
our open society; our system of justice that guarantees freedom;
the access of all Americans to opportunities;
the free flow of information and people across this country;
our transparency, that's their target.
It infuriates them that we refuse to bend,
refuse to change, refuse to yield to fear.
The doctrine of hate and oppression they found out
cannot compete with the values of openness and inclusiveness.
(helicopter whir)
Narrator: Later, Dr. Biden made the short trip across the Charles River to
the Marathon Memorial Site in Copley Square.
Here she left flowers and a pair of running shoes in honor of the
victims of last week's bombings at the Boston Marathon.
On Thursday, the President and First Lady joined the Dedication
Ceremony for the George W. Bush Presidential Center in Dallas.
Set to open May 1st, it includes Former President George W.
Bush's Presidential Library and Museum, the George W.
Bush Policy Institute, and the Offices of the George W.
Bush Foundation.
The President: It's impossible to truly understand the nature of
the job until it's yours.
Until you're sitting at that desk.
And the first thing I found in that desk the day I took office
was a letter from George and one that demonstrated his compassion
and his generosity.
For he knew that I would come to learn what he had learned...
that being President, above all, is a humbling job.
Narrator: The President and First Lady then traveled to Waco
to remember the victims of last week's fertilizer plant
explosion and comfort the families of those who were lost
at a memorial service held on the campus of Baylor University.
The President: We may not all live here in Texas but we're neighbors, too.
We're Americans, too.
And we stand with you and we do not forget.
And we'll be there even after the cameras leave and after
the attention turns elsewhere.
Narrator: To find out more information on any of these topics or to
see complete videos of these events, go to WhiteHouse.gov.
And thanks again for checking out your West Wing Week!
The President: All right. Oops!
This is not a display.