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  • Sylvia: Hi! I'm Sylvia and welcome to West Wing Week!

  • ♪♪ (Drum and Bugle Corps) ♪♪

  • Narrator: Welcome to the West Wing Week!

  • Your guide to everything that's happening at 1600

  • Pennsylvania Avenue.

  • This week: The Vice President traveled to Boston for a

  • memorial service for Officer Sean Collier; and the President

  • memorialized the victims of the West Texas explosion;

  • the President also hosted at the White House the Emir of Qatar;

  • the Teacher of the Year; the Third Annual Science Fair;

  • and visits Dallas with the First Lady for the Dedication of the

  • George W. Bush Presidential Center.

  • That's April 19th to April 25th or "This Stuff's Really Cool!"

  • The President: I'm just saying in my official capacity as President,

  • this stuff's really cool!

  • (laughter)

  • Narrator: Late Friday night, the President addressed the nation after the

  • capture of the remaining suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings.

  • The President: All in all this has been a tough week.

  • But we've seen the character of our country once more.

  • And as President, I'm confident that we have the courage and the

  • resilience and the spirit to overcome these challenges

  • and to go forward.

  • Narrator: On the 43rd Annual Earth Day, the President hosted the Third

  • White House Science Fair.

  • He viewed exhibits by the student winners in science,

  • technology, engineering and math competitions from

  • all across America.

  • Science Fair Winner: And these burn as if they were wood.

  • The President: As if they were wood.

  • Science Fair Winner: Uh-huh.

  • Science Fair Winner: This city is built at a role model for other cities.

  • The President: It looks great.

  • I'd love to live there.

  • Only because these guys really want this pose.

  • Science Fair Winner: You're producing kinetic energy.

  • The President: Oh, yeah?

  • Science Fair Winner: So my concept is I'm trying to revive a fine needle aspirates.

  • The President: Those are some neat rockets there.

  • Science Fair Winner: So do you want to see it work?

  • The President: Absolutely. Let's test this sucker out.

  • So did you guys get a patent on this thing?

  • Science Fair Winner: Not yet.

  • The President: Well, you'd better before somebody gets an infomercial

  • selling this thing and it was your idea.

  • Narrator: West Wing Week caught up with Bill Nye the Science Guy,

  • Lavar Burton, and the winner of the 2013 Intel Science

  • Competition, Sarah Volz who started in the first ever

  • White House vine.

  • Bill Nye the Science Guy: And what I'd like to remind everybody is the economic

  • benefit of science.

  • Narrator: But wait! The science fair isn't over yet.

  • West Wing also caught up with Valerie Jarrett and Kal Penn to

  • try on for size some of the groundbreaking research being

  • presented at the White House.

  • Valerie Jarrett: You're kidding! That's amazing!

  • Kal Penn: That's awesome!

  • Narrator: Then at 2:50 p.m., the White House observed a moment of

  • silence in honor of the victims of the Boston Marathon bombings.

  • On Tuesday, the President honored the 2013 Teacher of

  • the Year, finalists from each state, and the national winner,

  • Jeff Charbonneau, thanking all of them for their hard work and

  • dedication every single day in the classroom.

  • The First Lady: These folks did not go into teaching for money.

  • (laughter)

  • They walk into the classroom every single day because they

  • love doing what they do.

  • Because they're passionate about helping our children realize the

  • best versions of themselves so that our country can become the

  • best version of itself.

  • Narrator: Later, the President welcomed to the White House the Emir

  • of Qatar.

  • The President: If our two countries are communicating frankly and

  • constructively, we can be a force for good for the entire

  • region and for a vision of the Middle East that is democratic,

  • that is prosperous, that is tolerant,

  • that is representative of all peoples and that is a force for

  • good around the world.

  • ♪♪ (bagpipes playing) ♪♪

  • Narrator: On Wednesday, the Vice President and Dr. Jill Biden traveled to

  • Cambridge, Massachusetts to attend the memorial service

  • for slain MIT Police Officer Sean Collier.

  • The Vice President: Why this terrorist phenomenon at the beginning of the 21 century?

  • Why do they do what they do?

  • They do it to instill fear.

  • To have us in the name of our safety and security jettison

  • what we value most and the world most values about us...

  • our open society; our system of justice that guarantees freedom;

  • the access of all Americans to opportunities;

  • the free flow of information and people across this country;

  • our transparency, that's their target.

  • It infuriates them that we refuse to bend,

  • refuse to change, refuse to yield to fear.

  • The doctrine of hate and oppression they found out

  • cannot compete with the values of openness and inclusiveness.

  • (helicopter whir)

  • Narrator: Later, Dr. Biden made the short trip across the Charles River to

  • the Marathon Memorial Site in Copley Square.

  • Here she left flowers and a pair of running shoes in honor of the

  • victims of last week's bombings at the Boston Marathon.

  • (applause)

  • On Thursday, the President and First Lady joined the Dedication

  • Ceremony for the George W. Bush Presidential Center in Dallas.

  • Set to open May 1st, it includes Former President George W.

  • Bush's Presidential Library and Museum, the George W.

  • Bush Policy Institute, and the Offices of the George W.

  • Bush Foundation.

  • The President: It's impossible to truly understand the nature of

  • the job until it's yours.

  • Until you're sitting at that desk.

  • And the first thing I found in that desk the day I took office

  • was a letter from George and one that demonstrated his compassion

  • and his generosity.

  • For he knew that I would come to learn what he had learned...

  • that being President, above all, is a humbling job.

  • Narrator: The President and First Lady then traveled to Waco

  • to remember the victims of last week's fertilizer plant

  • explosion and comfort the families of those who were lost

  • at a memorial service held on the campus of Baylor University.

  • The President: We may not all live here in Texas but we're neighbors, too.

  • (applause)

  • We're Americans, too.

  • And we stand with you and we do not forget.

  • And we'll be there even after the cameras leave and after

  • the attention turns elsewhere.

  • Narrator: To find out more information on any of these topics or to

  • see complete videos of these events, go to

  • And thanks again for checking out your West Wing Week!

  • The President: All right. Oops!

  • This is not a display.

  • (chuckling)

Sylvia: Hi! I'm Sylvia and welcome to West Wing Week!


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西廂週報:歐巴馬-這真的很酷! West Wing Week: 04/26/13 or "This Stuff's Really Cool"

  • 234 25
    Zenn 發佈於 2013 年 05 月 02 日