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Hey, this is Mat Boggs, and in today’s video, I’m going to share with you seven subtle
signs that a guy likes you. Number one is he tries to find out about your life. He asks
you what you did this past weekend. He wants to know what it is that you like. He wants
to know where you’ve been, what you’re doing, and the reason he wants to know those
things is because that’s giving him ideas for when he plans a date on things that you
might possibly like. the other thing is if, let’s say, he meets you at the gym. He’s
going to ask you, “Hey, do you normally come to the 6:00 PM class or what’s your
normal class?” because in his mind, he’s wanting to plan where you’re going to be
so he could see you again. Number two: he’s anticipating being with
you or meeting you. This is when you’re on a date. He’s the one who shows up early.
His hair is cut, his car is washed, right? He’s looking good, he’s smelling good.
What that means is that he’s been planning, he’s been anticipating, he’s been waiting
for this moment with you and it’s important to him.
Number three: he talks about your imaginary “boyfriend.” What do I mean by that? Well,
one of the ways that guys like to find out whether or not you’re invested with somebody
else or committed to somebody else, they’ll say, “Hey, so uh, how was that concert?
Who’d you go with? Your friends or your boyfriend or… what’d you do?” They’ll
just kind of throw out the boyfriend card and the reason they do that is to try to investigate
are you seeing someone? Are you dating someone? Because if you’re not, thumbs up for them
because they can make a move and then ask you out.
Number four is he texts you but it’s not just texting you. He’s texting you kind
of throughout the day at random times. It’s not just late at night for booty calls or
it’s not just when he’s lonely. It’s you’re popping up in his mind throughout
the day so he’s curious about you. He wants to know what you’re doing. And his texts
often include questions. And why does that matter? That matter because he’s trying
to further the conversation and the connection with you to get to know you better.
Number five, and this one is not to be underestimated, he will try to be of service for you. This
means giving you his seat when he sees that you’re in heels. This means opening doors,
this means opening the car door, pulling out your chair, reminding you if you forgot your
scarf, “Hey, you forgot your scarf.” The little acts of services, the little things
that he’s doing is him trying to add value, trying to be of value for your life.
Number six: he’ll invite you to play with him. Well, actually as I say that, that kind
of sounds a little weird. Not play with him, but play games with him. See, guys love to
connect by playing games, by engaging. So it might not be something you’re interested
in, but just him inviting you into something where he’s playing, it might be fantasy
sports, might be Words with Friends, it might be, “Hey, try to get this little piece of
paper into that basket over there.” If he’s trying to get you to play with him, that’s
a good sign that he might be into you. Number seven is he’s going to try to impress
you, right? This might look like him telling you something that he’s doing. “Hey, I’m
doing this new cleanse I’m working on,” or, “Hey, I just signed up for a crossfit
class at 6:00 AM in the morning,” or, “Hey, I just went to this cool concert with my friends.”
And so him sharing those things with you, that’s him trying to impress you, trying
to be a man of value in your eyes. So what do you do when he’s sharing with you all
of these cool things that he’s doing and you’re wondering, “Why are you telling
me this?” Well, if you want to go out with this guy, you can try the softball approach.
Now, what’s the softball approach? That means when he tells you something really cool
that he’s done, say that you would love to do that sometime, which is an open invitation
for him to ask you out. So for example, if he shares, “Hey, my friends and I went to
this really cool comedy club. It was awesome. We had such a good time,” you can say, “Oh
my gosh, the comedy club? Blah, blah, blah?” And he’ll say, “Yeah,” and you say,
“I’ve always wanted to go there. That sounds like so much fun.” And just kind
of leave it out there. And most guys, if they’re interested in you, which if he’s sharing
this with you, he is, will say, “We should totally go.” And it makes it a really nice,
seamless, open way for him to ask you out. So there you have it: seven subtle signs that
a guy likes you. And if you found value in this video, please share it with someone that
you care about. And as always, there’s a link in this video to a resource that will
help you understand the hearts and minds of men in a greater way and attract the relationship
that you want. And lastly, if you’re not subscribed to this channel, make sure that
you get subscribed so you get the latest and greatest videos that come out each and every
week. Thanks so much for watching. I’ll see you soon.