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  • Breaking news.

  • Today is Donald Trump's 70th birthday.

  • Yay.

  • 70 years of Donald Trump.

  • Yes, the man was born in 1946.

  • Or, as it will be known after he's elected, the Year Zero.

  • And, uh, and look at him, look at him--

  • like a cheap cheese, he's barely aged. Yes.

  • He could easily pass for 63.

  • So, uh, congratulations, Donald.

  • And more importantly, congrats to Melania,

  • who is one year closer to freedom.

  • Now, uh, one of the strangest celebrations

  • for Trump's big day didn't even take place in America.

  • In India-- and this is real--

  • an anti-Muslim nationalist group

  • threw a party in Donald Trump's honor.

  • They made him a cake, they prayed over it

  • and then they fed it to a Donald Trump poster.

  • People, you're literally feeding the troll.

  • Now, this group called, uh, Hindu Sena

  • could not be more excited for Trump's birthday.

  • And more importantly, the possibility of his presidency.

  • TRANSLATOR: When Donald Trump becomes the king of the

  • United States then we will not be scared to speak our minds.

  • And he will stop us from having to kill

  • Islamic terrorists, too.

  • Wow, okay.

  • The king of the United States?

  • This is such a strange story.

  • These people cannot wait for Donald Trump

  • to become president, because then they think

  • he will kill Islamic terrorists for them

  • and then they won't have to do it themselves.

  • That is so insane. I never thought I'd see the day

  • when Indians would be outsourcing their jobs

  • to Americans.

  • -(cheering, applause) -This is...

  • quite a thing.

  • Now... now, everyone celebrates their birthday differently.

  • Some people go to a bar,

  • some people have a nice, intimate dinner.

  • Some people wait all day for a surprise party

  • that never came.

  • But Donald Trump had his own way of celebrating.

  • Donald Trump this morning

  • suggested on two separate occasions that President Obama

  • may be purposely allowing terror attacks to take place.

  • TRUMP: We're led by a man that either is... is...

  • is not tough, not smart,

  • or he's got something else in mind.

  • And the something else in mind--

  • you know, people can't believe it.

  • There's something going on.

  • Are you (bleep) me?

  • Donald Trump, the Republican nominee,

  • is saying the president of the United States

  • is a secret agent for ISIS.

  • He's accusing Obama of treason.

  • If ever there was a way you know that President Obama

  • is not an African president, this is it.

  • Because if you pulled this (bleep) in Africa,

  • we would not know where Donald Trump is right now.

  • We would not know.

  • (cheering, applause)

  • I mean, rea... An ISIS agent?

  • Really? An agent that bombs ISIS banks,

  • killed bin Laden, drones them nonstop--

  • really, an ISIS agent? This is so ridicu... It's... You know?

  • And clearly, come-come on, let's be honest,

  • he's-he's the worst sleeper agent of all time, then.

  • Donald Trump is a deceitful, shameless birthday boy.

  • And... and by the way, if you ask me, if you ask me,

  • there's only one sleeper agent in this race,

  • and we all know who that is.

  • Shh.

  • (mouths)

  • Look, people, the stakes are getting high now.

  • The Republican and Democratic party primaries are over

  • and we now know that the next president of the United States

  • is definitely going to be either the She-Wolf of Wall Street

  • or an expired bottle of Sunny Delight.

  • And yesterday America had a rare opportunity to compare them

  • in almost scientific conditions, because both Hillary and Trump

  • gave major speeches in the wake of the Orlando shooting.

  • But the vibe of the speeches were very, very different.

  • Hillary's speech was calm and mature.

  • She didn't even mention Donald Trump once.

  • Instead, she focused on policy.

  • We also have to use all our capabilities

  • to counter jihadist propaganda online.

  • As president, I will work with our great tech companies

  • from Silicon Valley to Boston to step up our game.

  • We have to do a better job

  • intercepting ISIS' communications,

  • tracking and analyzing social media posts.

  • That is a great idea, Hillary, yes.

  • You know what, why don't you set up a server and then I'll...

  • You... Actually, you know what? You know what, no.

  • You know, I'll handle the server, you...

  • you analyze the results.

  • Now, every time there's a terrorist attack in America

  • you know it's only a matter of time

  • before the anti-Muslim rhetoric flares up.

  • And, knowing this,

  • Hillary did her part to present an alternative.

  • Millions of peace-loving Muslims live, work

  • and raise their families across America.

  • And they are the most likely to recognize

  • the insidious effects of radicalization

  • before it's too late,

  • and the best position to help us block it.

  • So we should be intensifying contacts in those communities,

  • not scapegoating or isolating them.

  • (applause)

  • It's a powerful statement, and it's true.

  • So, uh, looking at the speeches, what have we learned?

  • Under these conditions, our research shows

  • that our first test subject, Hillary,

  • has, uh, exhibited signs of compassion,

  • resolve and restraint. And, yes, and, yes,

  • so what if "compassion, resolve and restraint"

  • were the stage directions in her teleprompter?

  • Being human isn't easy for everyone, okay?

  • But it's now time for us to look at our second test subject,

  • The Donald.

  • But the Muslims have to work with us.

  • They have to work with us. They know what's going on.

  • They know that he was bad.

  • They knew the people in San Bernardino were bad.

  • But you know what? They didn't turn 'em in,

  • and we had death and destruction.

  • Yes, Donald.

  • Yes.

  • Every single Muslim person knows exactly

  • what every other Muslim person is thinking.

  • They all... Oh, no, wait.

  • No, wait, you're thinking of bees.

  • That's what you're thinking of.

  • That's bees.

  • Or, as you call them, Buslims. Yes, yes.

  • So, under identical conditions,

  • the second subject exhibited signs of paranoia,

  • xenophobia and, clearly, late-stage jaundice.

  • Uh... You know what?

  • Jokes aside, people, let's cut the crap.

  • This guy's (bleep) crazy dangerous.

  • Instead of trying to move America forward,

  • he spent most of his speech lying

  • and laying out his plan to turn America on itself.

  • We have a dysfunctional immigration system

  • which does not permit us

  • to know who we let into our country.

  • -MAN: True. -Uh, not true.

  • Actually, America has a very strict immigration process.

  • -Trust me, I know. -(laughter)

  • Uh, you were saying?

  • Hillary Clinton-- her plan is to disarm law-abiding Americans,

  • abolishing the Second Amendment,

  • and leaving only the bad guys and terrorists with guns.

  • No good. Not gonna happen, folks.

  • Not gonna happen.

  • Yes. You know why it's not gonna happen?

  • Because Hillary's not trying to abolish the Second Amendment.

  • That's also a lie.

  • If Hillary basically said anything,

  • Trump would go against...

  • If Hillary said that jaywalking was bad,

  • Trump would be like,

  • "Hillary Clinton wants to cut everyone's legs off.

  • -Is that the candidate you want?" -(laughter)

  • "Someone who believes that your legs should be bloody stumps?

  • "Her plan is to dis-leg law-abiding Americans.

  • Not good. Won't happen. Not good."

  • Try again.

  • The bottom line is that the only reason

  • the killer was in America in the first place was

  • because we allowed his family to come here.

  • That is a fact, and it's a fact we need to talk about.

  • Yeah, you know what, Trump? Let's talk about that fact.

  • His parents came to the U.S. from Afghanistan in the '80s,

  • I assume to see a Go-Go's concert.

  • -And then they stayed. -(laughter)

  • Afghanistan was not a terrorist-harboring country

  • at the time.

  • In fact, they were helping America

  • in the fight against communism.

  • So there's no way you could have known

  • that their American-born child would have grown up

  • to do what he did.

  • There's no way to know that.

  • There's no box on the immigration form that says,

  • "Do you plan to accidentally raise a child

  • that could be a danger to America?"

  • That box doesn't exist.

  • Because if that box existed, what would have happened is,

  • when your mother immigrated to the U.S. from Scotland,

  • she would have checked "yes" and "yes."

  • -That's what she would have done! -(laughter)

  • -Yeah. -(cheers and applause)

  • There's no way you could have known!

  • Oh, although I get... That's...

  • Okay, that's not fair, though. That's not fair.

  • 'Cause I guess 'cause she's Scottish,

  • she would have checked "Aye, aye, aye."

  • (Scottish accent): "My wee Donald

  • "is gonna destroy all of it.

  • "He's my little dragon.

  • He'll breathe fire on your two-party system."

  • (laughter)

  • Even when Donald Trump was speaking up

  • for the LGBT community, he turned it strangely

  • into an oddly-placed attack on Hillary Clinton.

  • Ask yourself who is really the friend of women

  • and the LB and LGBT community?

  • Donald Trump with actions, or Hillary Clinton with her words?

  • I will tell you who the better friend is,

  • and some day, I believe that will be proven out bigly.

  • (laughter)

  • (applause and cheering)

  • Bigly?

  • That's, um... that's not a word.

  • (laughter)

  • Here's a tip.

  • Uh, if you're going to invent a word,

  • -don't put it at the end of the sentence. -(laughter)

  • What you need to do is you slip it in the middle

  • in a geminat way while no one is paying attention.

  • Oh, and by the way, there are plenty of words that mean "big."

  • I mean, colossal, large, huge,

  • gigantic, considerable, enormous, immense, tremendous.

  • Like, how do you pick literally the only one

  • that you can't add an "LY" to?

  • -The only one! -(laughter)

  • I...

  • Look, people, at the end of the day, I understand.

  • I understand that both of these were speeches, right?

  • But campaign speeches are sort of like wedding vows.

  • They're a promise.

  • A promise of a shared future.

  • And right now, one of those futures threatens

  • to (bleep) America.

Breaking news.


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B1 中級

每日秀--希拉里-克林頓和唐納德-特朗普對奧蘭多槍擊案的反應 (The Daily Show - Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump React to the Orlando Shooting)

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    VoiceTube 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日