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  • Hi there, my name’s John Green,

  • this is Crash Course World History

  • and today were gonna talk about Africa.

  • Mr. Green Mr. Green!

  • Weve already been talking about Africa.

  • Egypt is in Africa,

  • and you haven’t shut up about it the entire course

  • Yeah that’s true, Me from the Past.

  • But Africa’s bigit’s like, super big

  • much bigger than it appears on most maps, actually.

  • I mean,

  • you can fit India and China, and the United States if you fold in Maine.

  • All of that fits in Africa.

  • Like any huge place, Africa is incredibly diverse,

  • and its a mistake to focus just on Egypt.

  • So today let’s go here, south of the Sahara desert.

  • [music intro]

  • [music intro]

  • [music intro]

  • [music intro]

  • [music intro]

  • [music intro]

  • First, let’s turn to written record.

  • Oh, right. We don’t have very many.

  • At least not written by Sub-Saharan Africans.

  • Much of African history was preserved via oral rather than written tradition.

  • These days,

  • we tend to think of writing as the most accurate and reliable form of description,

  • but then again

  • we do live in a print-based culture.

  • And weve already said that writing is one of the markers of civilization,

  • implying that people who don’t use writing aren’t civilized,

  • a prejudice that has been applied over and over again to Africa.

  • But 1. if you need any evidence that it’s possible

  • to produce amazing literary artifacts without the benefits of writing,

  • let me direct your attention to the Iliad and the Odyssey,

  • which were composed and memorized by poets for centuries before anyone ever wrote them

  • down.

  • And 2. No less an authority than Plato said that

  • writing destroys human memory by alleviating the need to remember anything.

  • And 3. You think the oral tradition is uncivilized

  • but


  • But we do have a lot of interesting records for some African histories,

  • including the legendary tale

  • of Mansa Musa.

  • By legendary I mean some of it probably isn’t true,

  • but it sure is important.

  • Let’s go to the Thought Bubble.

  • So there was this king Mansa Musa,

  • who ruled the west African empire of Mali,

  • and in 1324ish he left his home and

  • made the hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca.

  • He brought with him an entourage of over 1000

  • (some sources say 60,000)

  • and, most importantly, 100 camel loads of gold.

  • I wish it had been donkeys so I could say he had

  • 100 assloads of gold, but no. Camels.

  • Right, so along the way

  • Mansa Musa spent freely and gave away lots of his riches.

  • Most famously, when he reached Alexandria,

  • at the time one of the most cultured cities in the world,

  • he spent so much gold that he caused runaway inflation throughout the city

  • that took years to recover from.

  • He built houses in Cairo and in Mecca to house his attendants,

  • and as he traveled through the world, a lot of people

  • notably the merchants of Venice

  • no, Thought Bubble,

  • like actual merchants of Venice

  • right.

  • They saw him in Alexandria and returned to Italy with tales of Mansa Musa’s ridiculous

  • wealth,

  • which helped create the myth in the minds of Europeans that

  • West Africa was a land of gold, an El Dorado.

  • The kind of place you’d like to visit.

  • And maybe, you know, in five centuries or so,

  • begin to pillage.

  • Thanks Thought Bubble.

  • So what’s so important about the story of Mansa Musa?

  • Well, first,

  • it tells us there were African kingdoms,

  • ruled by fabulously wealthy African kings.

  • Which undermines one of the many stereotypes about Africa,

  • that its people were poor

  • and lived in tribes ruled by chiefs

  • and witch doctors.

  • Also,

  • since Mansa Musa was making the hajj, we know that he was

  • A. Muslim and

  • B. relatively devout.

  • And this tells us that Africa, at least western Africa,

  • was much more connected to the parts of the world weve been talking about than we generally

  • are led to believe.

  • Mansa Musa knew all about the places he was going before he got there,

  • and after his visits,

  • the rest of the Mediterranean world was sure interested in finding out more about his homeland.

  • Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage also brings up a lot of questions about west Africa,

  • namely, what did his kingdom look like and how did he come to convert to Islam?

  • The first question is a little easier,

  • so well start with that one.

  • The empire of Mali,

  • which Mansa Musa ruled until the extremely elite year of 1337,

  • was a large swath of West Africa,

  • running from the coast hundreds of miles into the interior and including many significant

  • cities,

  • the largest and best-known of which was Timbuktu.

  • The story of the Islamization of the Empire, however,

  • is a bit more complicated.

  • Okay,

  • so pastoral North Africans called Berbers had long traded with West Africans,

  • with the Berbers offering salt in exchange for

  • West African gold.

  • That may seem like a bad deal until you consider that

  • without salt, we die,

  • whereas without gold,

  • we only have to face the universe’s depraved indifference to us without

  • the benefit of metallic adornment.

  • That went to an ominous place quickly.

  • Right, so anyway the Berbers were early converts to Islam, and Islam spread along those pre-existing

  • trade routes

  • between North and West Africa.

  • Right,

  • so the first converts in Mali were traders,

  • who benefited from having a religious as well as commercial connection to their trading

  • partners in the North and the rest of the Mediterranean.

  • And then the kings followed the traders,

  • maybe because sharing the religion of more established kingdoms in the north and east

  • would give them prestige,

  • not to mention access to scholars and administrators who could help them cement their power.

  • So Islam became the religion of the elites in West Africa,

  • which meant that the Muslim kings were trying to extend their power over largely non-Muslim

  • populations that

  • worshipped traditional African gods and spirits.

  • In order not to seem too foreign,

  • these African Muslim kings would often blend traditional religion with Islam.

  • For instance, giving women more equality than was seen in Islam’s birthplace.

  • Anyway,

  • the first kings we have a record of adopting Islam were from Ghana,

  • which was the firstempirein western Africa.

  • It really took off in the 11th century.

  • As with all empires, and also everything else,

  • Ghana rose and then fell,

  • and it was replaced by Mali.

  • The kings of Mali, especially Mansa Musa

  • but also Mansa Sulayman his successor,

  • tried to increase the knowledge and practice of Islam

  • in their territory.

  • So for example,

  • when Mansa Musa returned from his hajj,

  • he brought back scholars and architects to build mosques.

  • And the reason we know a lot about Mali is because it was visited by Ibn Battuta,

  • the Moroccan cleric and scholar

  • who kinda had the best life ever.

  • He was particularly fascinated by gender roles in the Malian empire

  • and by Malian womenwriting:

  • They are extremely beautiful, and more important than the men.”

  • Oh. It must be time for the open letter.

  • [rolls with wild, reckless abandon to the caged inferno]

  • An Open Letter to Ibn Battuta:

  • I wonder what’s in the Secret Compartment today.

  • Oh. I appears to be some kind of fake beard...

  • [a hirsute wish is made]

  • Movie magic! [John = L4D Bill]

  • Stan, why did you do this to me?

  • Dear Ibn Battuta,

  • Bro, I love twitter and

  • my x-box and Hawaiian pizza,

  • but if I had to go into the past and live anyone’s life,

  • it would be yours!

  • Because you were this outlandishly learned scholar who managed to parlay your knowledge

  • of Islam into the

  • greatest road trip in history.

  • You went from Mali to Constantinople to India to Russia to Indonesia;

  • you were probably the most widely traveled person before the

  • invention of the steam engine.

  • And everywhere you went,

  • you were treated like a king and then you went home and wrote a really famous book

  • called the Rihla,

  • which people still read today

  • and also you could grow a real beard and


  • Best wishes, John Green

  • That was a great open letter.

  • Not to brag er anything,

  • but you know, it was.

  • One more thing about Mansa Musa:

  • There are lots of stories that Mansa Musa attempted to engage in maritime trade across

  • the Atlantic Ocean,

  • and some historians even believe that Malians reached the Americas.

  • DNA investigation may one day prove it, but until then,

  • well only have oral tradition.

  • The Malian Empire eventually fell to the Songhay, which was eventually overthrown for being

  • insufficiently Islamic, meaning that centuries after his death

  • Mansa Musa had succeeded at bringing Islamic piety to his people.

  • All of which is to say that

  • like China or India or Europe

  • West Africa had its own empires that relied upon religion and war and incredibly boring

  • dynastic politics.

  • Man, I hate dynastic politics.

  • If I wanted to live in an ostensibly independent country that can’t let go of Monarchy,

  • I’d be like Thought Bubble and move to Canada.

  • Oh, come on, Thought Bubble-

  • that’s not fair.

  • Shut up and take back Celine Dion!

  • Alright, now let’s move to the other side of Africa where there was an alternative model

  • ofcivilizationaldevelopment.

  • The eastern coast of Africa saw the rise of what historians called the Swahili civilization,

  • which was not an empire or a kingdom but a collection of city states

  • like Zanzibar and Mombasa and Mogadishu--

  • All of which formed a network of trade ports.

  • There was no central authority

  • each of these cities was autonomous ruled,

  • usually, but not always,

  • by a king.

  • But there were three things that linked these city states such that we can consider them

  • a common culture:

  • language, trade and religion.

  • The Swahili language is part of a language group called Bantu,

  • and its original speakers were from West Africa.

  • Their migration to East Africa not only changed the linguistic traditions of Africa but everything

  • else, because they brought with them iron work and agriculture.

  • Until then, most of the people living in the East had been hunter gatherers or herders,

  • but once introduced,

  • agriculture took hold as it almost always does.

  • Unless,

  • wait for it--

  • --youre the Mongols. [Mongol-tage horns sound]

  • Modern day Swahili, by the way,

  • is still a Bantu based language,

  • although it’s been heavily influenced by Arabic.

  • On that topic:

  • For a long time historians believed that the East African cities were all started by Arab

  • or Persian traders,

  • which was basically just racist:

  • they didn’t believe that Africans were sophisticated enough to found these great cities,

  • like Mogadishu and Mombasa.

  • Now scholars recognize that all the major Swahili cities were founded well before Islam

  • arrived in the region and then in fact trade had been going on since the first century

  • CE.

  • But Swahili civilization didn’t begin its rapid development until the 8th century when

  • Arab traders arrived seeking goods that they could trade in the vast Indian Ocean network,

  • the Silk Road of the sea.

  • And of course those merchants brought Islam with them, which,

  • just like in West Africa was adopted by the elites who wanted religious as well as commercial

  • connections to the rest of

  • the Mediterranean world.

  • In many of the Swahili states these Muslim communities started out quite small,

  • but at their height between the 13th and 16th century

  • most of the cities boasted large mosques.

  • The one in Kilwa even impressed Ibn Battuta, who of course visited the city,

  • because he was having the best life ever.

  • Most of the goods exported were raw materials,

  • like ivory, animal hides and timber

  • it’s worth noting, by the way,

  • that when youre moving trees around, you have a level of sophistication to your trade

  • that goes way beyond the Silk Road.

  • I mean, if youll recall they weren’t just

  • trading tortoise shells and stuff--- [Pouf-dodges with cat-like agility]

  • Not again!

  • Africans also exported slaves along the east coast,

  • although not in HUGE numbers,

  • and they exported gold,

  • and they imported finished luxury goods like porcelain and books.

  • In fact,

  • archaeological digs in Kilwa have revealed that houses often featured a kind of built-in

  • bookshelf.

  • Learning of books through architecture nicely captures

  • the magic of studying history.

  • Archaeology, writing, and oral tradition

  • all intermingle to give us glimpses of the past.

  • And each of those lenses may show us the past as

  • if through some funhouse mirror,

  • but if were conscious about it,

  • we can at least recognize the distortions.

  • Studying Africa reminds us that we need to look at lots of sources,

  • and lots of kinds of sources

  • if we want to get a fuller picture of the past.

  • If we relied on only written sources,

  • it would be far too easy to fall into the old trap of seeing Africa as backwards and

  • uncivilized.

  • Through approaching it with multiple lenses,

  • we discover a complicated, diverse place that was

  • sometimes rich and sometimes not

  • and when you think of it that way,

  • it becomes not separate from,

  • but part of, our history.

  • Thanks for watching. Well see you next week.

  • CrashCourse is

  • produced and directed by Stan Muller,

  • Our script supervisor is Danica Johnson,

  • The show is written by my high school history teacher

  • Raoul Meyer and myself

  • And our Graphics Team is

  • ThoughtBubble [Perhaps hanging at the Hoser Hut?]

  • Last week's Phrase Of The Week was

  • Animal Crackers

  • If you want to suggest future phrases of the week

  • or guess at this one, you can do so in comments

  • Also, if you have questions about today's video

  • Ask them, and our team of historians will endeavor

  • to answer them.

  • Thanks for watching and supporting CrashCourse

  • And as we say in my hometown,

  • Don't forget there's always money in the Banana Stand.

Hi there, my name’s John Green,


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B1 中級

曼薩-穆薩和非洲的伊斯蘭教。世界歷史速成班#16 (Mansa Musa and Islam in Africa: Crash Course World History #16)

  • 139 18
    Chi-feng Liu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日