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  • Airbus and Boeing have been dominating the market for passenger aircraft ...


  • with a range of more than 1.600 NMI (3.000km) and 150 seats in recent years.


  • This situation will stay the same in the foreseeable future.


  • This video gives an overview of the aircraft that Airbus and Boeing currently produce ...


  • ... and in the coming years.


  • - Single Aisle Aircraft -

    - 單走道客機 -

  • The A320 had its maiden flight in 1987 and is the best selling aircraft type from Airbus.

    1987年展開處女航的A320 是空中巴士過去銷售成績最佳的機型。

  • The aircraft has two engines, a wing span of 111 ft 10 in (34.10 m), a length of 123 ft 3 in (37.57 m)...

    這型客機配置雙引擎,翼展長111呎10吋(34.10公尺),機身長 123呎3吋(37.57公尺)

  • ... and can carry up to 180 passengers.

    ... 可搭載180名旅客。

  • The stretched version is the Airbus A321.

    它的延伸型則是空中巴士 A321型

  • This aircraft has length of 146 ft (44.51 m) and is about 22 ft (7m) longer than the A320,

    這一型機身長146呎(44.51公尺) ,比A320長約 22呎(7公尺)

  • and can carry up to 236 passengers.


  • For both aircraft types Airbus still has a significant order backlog.


  • The new development of the A320 family has the extension "neo" for "new engine option".


  • Two different engine types are offered: The LEAP from CFM International ...


  • ... and the PW1100G from Pratt & Whitney, which is equipped with a revolutionary reduction gear.


  • Aircraft with this engine type are particularly economical and quiet.


  • The A320neo had its maiden flight in 2014.

    A320neo已在 2014年展開處女航。

  • The A320neo family aircraft are equipped with characteristic sharklets ...


  • ... which improve the aerodynamics of the wing.


  • The sharklets however have been applied to later conventional A320s as well ...


  • ... so that the neo can be recognized especially by the larger engines.


  • To the A320neo family belong the A319neo and A321neo.

    屬於A320neo家族的,還有A319neo 和 A321neo

  • The A319neo can carry up to 160 passengers,

    A319neo 能搭載160名乘客

  • the A320neo up to 195 and the A321neo up to 240.

    A320neo 和 A321neo,可分別搭載195人和240人

  • There will also be the version "A321neoLR" which is equipped with additional fuel tanks ...

    另外,「A321neo 長程型」則配備有額外的油箱...

  • ... and has a range of up to 4,000 NM (7,400 km). So flights across the Atlantic are possible.


  • The first delivery is scheduled for 2019.

    首架則預定在 2019年交機。

  • The Boeing 737 is a bestseller in the market segment of single aisle aircraft, too.


  • The original Boeing 737 first flew in 1967. Since then, the aircraft has been continuously developed.

    波音737原型首航始於 1967年,從那時開始,這型客機就不斷在改進

  • The types 737-700, 800 and 900ER belong to the so-called "Next Generation" ...

    波音737-700, 800 和 900ER,都是所謂的「新世代」客機

  • ... and are still in production for some time.


  • The 700 can carry up to 149 passengers,


  • the 800 up to 189 and the 900ER up to 220.

    800型和900ER型,則可分別載客 189人和 220人

  • Boeing has received a total more than 5,000 orders for the 800.

    波音公司已收到超過 5000架 800型的訂單。

  • The answer from Boeing to the A320neo family is the 737 MAX with the versions 7, 8, 200 and 9.

    將A320neo 家族視為對手的波音 737MAX,則提供7, 8, 200 和 9等四型做為解答

  • The lengths and seats correspond to the 700, 800 and 900ER types of the "Next Generation" series.

    屬於新世代客機的 700, 800 and 900ER 在長度和座椅安排上相當一致

  • The 737 MAX 200 has the same length as the MAX 8, but has an emergency exit more ...

    737 MAX 200 和 MAX 8 機身長度相當,但多了一個緊急逃生門

  • ... and can carry up to 200 passengers, as the name already suggests.


  • The wing span of the generation "MAX" increases by 5 ft (1.5 m),

    MAX世代的翼展又增長了5 英尺(1.5 公尺)

  • and its characteristic winglets make it easily recognizable.


  • There are also plans for a further stretched 737 MAX.

    737 MAX未來還有延伸計畫

  • - Aircraft With Two Aisles -

    - 雙走道客機 -

  • Boeing relies on a proven design with the 737. By contrast, the 787 is a high-tech aircraft.


  • Lightweight composite materials instead of metal, air conditioning without bleed air from the engines,


  • sophisticated aerodynamics - these are some of the highlights.

    複雜的空氣動力學 - 其中有些亮點。

  • Characteristic are the "chevron nozzles" - the serrations of the engines.

    「山形噴嘴」是其特點 - 鋸齒狀的引擎

  • Theoretically this aircraft´s fuel consumption is as low as 6 miles per gallon per passenger.


  • There are the versions 8, 9 and 10.

    它有8, 9, 10三個型號

  • Depending on the cabin confiquration there is space for up to 400 passengers and more.


  • The airplane has been designed for long distances and has a range of up to 7,500 NM (14,000 km).

    這型客機是設計用來飛行7,500浬(14,000 公里)的長距離

  • The aircraft types from Airbus and Boeing are no clear competitors above ...


  • ... the A320 and 737 families.

    ...A320 和 737 家族

  • The classic Airbus A330 has no direct Boeing competitor.

    典型的 Airbus A330 並無波音相對應的競爭機型

  • The first flight of the A330 was in 1992,

    自1992年 A330 首航之後

  • and the aircraft is still very popular with the airlines.


  • The version 200 can carry up to 406 passengers, the version 300 up to 440.


  • For the A330-300 Airbus still has a significant order backlog.


  • Due to the demand, Airbus has decided, to develop a neo version of the A330,


  • like the aircraft manufacturer did with the A320 family.


  • The fuselages basically remain the same.


  • But the wing span increases by a whopping 12 ft (3.70 m) by large sharklets on the wingtips.


  • Together with further improvements the operating costs are supposed to be 10-15% lower compared to ...


  • ... the classic A330 versions.


  • The A330-800neo replaces the classical version 200, the A330-900neo replaces the version 300.


  • With all the improvements the A330-900neo is even a competitor to another Airbus ...


  • ... the A350-900.


  • The Airbus A350 has been developed in response to the Boeing 787 ...


  • ... and uses a lot of new technologies, too.


  • This type of aircraft is produced in the tversions 900, 900ULR for Ultra Long Range and 1000.


  • The aircraft is bigger than the Boeing 787.


  • Only the biggest Boeing 787, the -10 and the smallest Airbus A350, the -900, as seen here in the picture,

    只有最大型的波音787, 787-10 和空巴A350, A350-900,如圖所示

  • may be regarded as competitors.


  • The version 900ULR is equipped with additional fuel tanks and has a remarkable range ...


  • ... of more than 9,000 NM (17,000 km) and 19 hours flight time.

    ...逾 9,000浬(17,000公里)和19小時的航時

  • Thus, for example, non-stop flights London - Sydney or Singapore - New York can be scheduled.


  • The A350-1000 has a wing span of 212 ft 5 in (64.75 m) and a length of 242 ft (73.78 m) ...

    A350-1000擁有 212 呎又5 吋(64.75公尺) 的翼展,機身長 242 呎(73.78 公尺)

  • ... and is the largest twin engine Airbus.


  • There are also plans for a further stretched A350.


  • The Boeing 777, commonly called the "Triple-Seven",


  • is the largest passenger aircraft with two engines on the market,


  • The version 300ER is equipped with the General Electric GE90-115B.

    777-300ER 裝配有奇異公司的GE90-115B 引擎

  • The engine produces a thrust of more than 110,000 lbf (500 kN),

    這款引擎可產生110,000磅的(500 千牛頓 )的推力

  • which is roughly calculated more than 100,000 horsepower per engine.


  • The aircraft can carry over 500 passengers.


  • Very characteristic is the main landing gear. Each side has 6 wheels.


  • The production of the 777 continues.


  • From the end of the decade onwards, new versions will be delivered to the airlines.


  • There will be the versions 8 and 9.

    也就是777-8 和9

  • The Boeing 777-8 has a range of over 9,000 NM (17,000 km) and is a competitor to the Airbus A350-1000.


  • With version 8 ultra-long routes are possible.

    777-8 讓超長航程得以實現

  • Version 9 has, as version 8, a wing span of 235 ft 5 in (71.80 m),

    777-9和777-8 相同,翼展長235呎5吋(71.80公尺)

  • however, a length of 251 ft (76.50 m), making it the longest airliner.


  • Impressive also the engines from General Electric, which have a diameter of 11 ft 2 in (3.40 m) ...


  • ... and thus the largest diameter of all ever built engine types.

    --- 也是歷來直徑最大的引擎款式。

  • The airplane has no direct competitor from Airbus ...


  • ... and is rather designed to replace existing Boeing 747 fleets.


  • The Boeing 747-8 completes the overview of the current Boeing aircraft.


  • The newest Jumbo Jet is struggling in the market.


  • At least the freighter version is reasonably successful.


  • The 747-8 has a further stretched fuselage, compared to the 747-predecessors,


  • and the passenger version accordingly has an extended upper deck with a characteristic "hump".


  • The cabin can be equipped with up to 605 passenger seats.


  • The four engines have "chevron nozzles", the wings no classical winglets any more.


  • So the 747-8 is relatively easy to recognize.

    因此747-8 相對容易辨識

  • Move on to the largest aircraft in this overview - the Airbus A380.


  • A wing span of 261 ft 10 in (79.80 m), two complete passenger decks,


  • up to 853 passenger seats, maximum take-off weight far over 1 milion lb (575 tons)

    載客量可達853人,最達起飛重量逾100萬磅(575噸 )

  • - these are all superlatives in commercial aviation.

    - 這些都是商業航空的最高等級。

  • The A380 will keep this position in the next years.


Airbus and Boeing have been dominating the market for passenger aircraft ...



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