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Where did you hear that? No, no, no that's all wrong, it's rubbish. Oh, please, please,
please, please stay. Don't worry this is not for you. I'm only trying to tell you, that
this is not a good way to correct somebody. We should be really polite in our correction.
But how do we do that? It's hard to be soft, when your'e still angry and when you still
want someone to change, but don't worry. You should stay with me Michelle and I'm going
to help you in this problem of yours and your'e very soon going to know, how to politely correct
Come let's start. The first phrase here, I'm afraid that's not quite right. Where can we
use this phrase? Okay, you have a friend, who does not speak in English very well and
that friend says, this are a door and your'e like Ahhhh, okay, so you have that urge to
correct her or he and your'e like okay maybe I should tell her and then you decide to say,
Hey your'e wrong, you shouldn't say like that, how will she feel? Of course very bad, so
a better way instead would be to say, I'm afraid that's not quite right. You would rather
want to say, This is a door instead of saying, This are a door. Let's look at the second
phrase, Actually I think you'll find that. So if this friend of yours has decided that,
she's not going to believe you and she's gonna do what she wants to do, she's gonna speak
what she wants to speak. Then what do you do? Then you tell her actually I think, If
you see a grammar book, you'll find that are is used for plural and is, is used with singular
and this door is a door, which is single. So you should say is a door, this is a door
and you can start this whole conversation by saying, actually I think you'll find that
and that will be a very polite way to say it. So I'm gonna write for you here, polite
way. Let's look at the third phrase, both of these are very polite ways. The third phrase
here, I'm afraid your'e mistaken. The moment we talk about mistake, the situation changes.
If your'e pointing at someone's mistake, your'e being a little bit more strong in the way
you are speaking. But your'e not harsh, don't worry sometimes it's important to point to
someone's mistake. So here, I'm afraid, your'e mistaken is slightly more strong. Let's imagine
a situation, You overheard two people talking, overhear means two people are talking and
you heard what they are speaking, your'e listening to what they are speaking. Which is actually
not considered very good manners, but sometimes we are in a situation like that, whether we
just hear what the other people are speaking and it's we are not intentionally hearing
it. It just happenes, so if you heard two people talking, A and B. They are talking about whose
the founder of Microsoft? One of them says, It's Steve Jobs and the other one is like,
You surely would know, who's the founder of, you may know, who's the founder of Microsoft?
You might just tell him, I'm afraid sorry to interrupt, I'm afraid your'e mistaken.
The founder of Microsoft is not Steve Jobs, It's who is that? Bill Gates
The next one, I don't think you are right about. This is also a slightly strong statement,
I don't think you are right about something. Here also what your'e actually talking about
is facts, something basically based on general knowledge and here also, you can use this
same phrase in the same situation. You can tell that person, I'm afraid your'e mistaken
or you could tell them, I don't think you are right about the founder of Microsoft.
These two are slightly strong statements slightly not very strong. They are not so harsh, It's
fine. No you've got it wrong If you say it like, No you've got it wrong, then it's very
rude, but if you say, No you've got it wrong. That's a pleasant way of saying this same
thing. So if your'e at all planning to use this statement then, I suggest you say it
in a slightly softer tone of voice. Where would you get to hear this statement? Maybe
in a classroom a teacher talking to a student. Maybe the student comes to the teacher with
an answer and the teacher says, No you've got it wrong or maybe a child going to her
father with a math problem, she solved it and she's showing her father, Daddy this is
the problem that I have solved. So the daddy might just reply, No you've got it wrong,
the correct answer will be, whatever it is. The next one here, If you check your facts,
you'll find that, Facts means something which is true for all. Everyone knows about it,
It's common for all. The sun rises from the east is a fact and it cannot change. So you
can also use this in a similar situation, where you know, we are talking about the population
of China. If you check your facts, you'll find that China is the most populated country
in the world. We are talking about a topic of general knowledge, so that's where you
can use it, It's a fact which cannot change. May change in the future though. Some other
countries are coming up. Where did you hear that? Do you think that is very polite.
I don't think so, that's not a very polite statement unless your'e talking to your best
friend or someone very close to you, maybe your sister or your brother. If you tell them,
where did you hear that? It's quite normal, but if you tell that to a person, you don't
know too well, then it might come out as a very rude reaction. So your friend tells you
maybe, You know you love drinking coffee and you drink it many times a day and one fine,
your friend sees you drinking coffee and she's like, Come on man, It's not such a good idea.
Coffee is not so very good for health and you reply to her. Where did you hear that?
That could be a bit insulting. She might feel bad about it, so you have to be careful about
the people that your'e using it with. So these one's this one is slightly rude and insulting.
Your'e talking rubbish absolutely rubbish. Did you see me in the beginning of the video
saying that? And how did you feel when I started the video like that? I'm sure you didn't feel
very good about it and it was like, what's wrong with her, more like that, so if you
say that to somebody, your'e talking rubbish, it's very very rude and for anyone of you,
who does not know the meaning of rubbish. Rubbish means garbage or dirt, useless things
otherwise. Something that is not useful, something that you throw away, so what your'e saying
is that what your'e talking is absolutely useless and that's a very rude statement. So I suggest
that you never, never use this. Kindly refrain from the use of this statement.
No that's all wrong, that's also quite rude also depends on the tone of your voice. So
I would suggest that you refrain from using these three sentences including where did
you hear that? Because that's insulting. Your'e in for a treat, because you stayed till the
end in this video. I'm going to share some golden rules with you for correction. How
should you correct somebody? Here private, so It's really good that you correct somebody
privately, that means in a personal space, where it's only you and that person and nobody
else. It's a much better way and in case you are in a classroom and you have a lot of people,
children or maybe adults sitting in front of you and you are giving a class and
you know that somebody has made an error. I suggest that you don't correct them at that
time. You correct them after the class, If you need to correct them in the class. Then
do it anonymously that means do not name them. Do not say that this person said this, just
make a correction, do not name the person. That will save the embarrassment for that
person. Gentle, please be soft and kind, while your correction. Make sure you say, I'm sorry,
I'm afraid, I'm very sorry that your'e mistaken things like these, it's good to apologize
before correcting. If at all you are going to correct. Explanatory, you should give a
reason, why your'e correcting? And also what is the correct answer. That's what explanatory
means and you should also remember that the person, who is corrected should come back
and thank you and not instead tell you that, You should not have corrected me like that,
so it's better if they come back and tell you, Thank you for correcting me. I'll never
make that mistake again. So ask yourself that question before your'e correcting them.
Thank you so much. I hope this really helps you. Now please if at all you want to be a
little critical, do some polite criticism and not harsh criticism with anyone.
I'll see you again very soon with new topic. Till then you miss me and I'm gonna miss you
too. Please subscribe to our channel and do leave in the comments any topics you want
me to cover in the future. Take care see you. Bye bye.