字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 - Hey everyone. My name is Tyler Oakley 嗨!大家好 我是Tyler Oakley and I'm here with the one and only-- 而在我旁邊的是獨一無二的 - Jesse Tyler Ferguson Moore. Jesse Tyler Ferguson Moore - Jesse Tyler Ferguson Moore. Jesse Tyler Ferguson Moore How are you? - I'm good. 覺得怎麼樣? -不錯啊 I'm good, how are you? - I'm alive. 你呢? -我覺得重新活過來了 - Thanks for having me in your living room. 謝謝你邀請我到你的客廳 - You have to be louder. 你可能要更大聲一點 - Really? - Yeah. 真的假的? -是的 - Tyler's saying I have to be louder. Tyler說我要大聲一點 (Tyler laughs) 你不用吼啦! 可是可能要稍微大聲一點 - You don't have to scream, but just like-- 我覺得我錄完這段訪問喉嚨都長瘤了 - I think I'm gonna get nodules after this interview. 我很抱歉 - I'm sorry. 這不算訪談啦! It's not an interview. 經過這段....消磨時間的狂歡 - After this-- - Hang out sesh? 消磨時間的狂歡 - Hang out sesh. 就只有兩個少年郎狂歡一下 - Just two teens hanging out. 跟大家說一下你怎麼樣的人 -好 Explain who you are. - OK. 只能用一句話形容喔 - In one sentence. 呃 我呢是一個讓人驚艷而且很有梗的演員 - So I am an amazing, funny, actor. 當然那只是我的看法 -就這樣! That's just my opinion. - That's it. 還有我媽的 - And my mother's. 我有演出一個影集叫做"摩登家庭" I'm on a show called Modern Family. 我還有另外自己品牌領帶的生產線 - Yeah. - I have a bow tie line. 喔對! 我們等等會講到 等等會講到 - Yeah, we'll get to that, we'll get to that. 我也是Tyler的朋友 - I'm a friend of Tyler's. 我們應該從一開始重來 - We should start at the beginning. 好 -我們怎麼認識彼此的? - OK. - How do we know each other? 恩...我覺得我們之前就有互動過了 - Well I feel like we've had interactions 在Trevor Project上 (一個組織預防青少年自殺案件發生) at the Trevor Project. - Yes. 當你在台上開始你的"亂聊天時間" - When you've done your chatty, chatty talkie talkie time. 那就是我做的 - That's what I do. 我覺得那就是我們第一次遇到 - I think that's the first time we met. 然後我的丈夫 一個年紀比較比我還 And then my husband, who is closer to your age 靠近你的年紀的人 than I am close to your age, 意思就是他比我還年輕 meaning he's younger than me. - Right. 他非常的了解網路上發生的事情 - And he's very internet savvy. 他跟年輕人很有共鳴 -他是你的粉絲 - He's in with the kids. - He's a fan of yours. 所以他跟你介紹了我 So I was introduced to you via him. 懂了! -好的 - Got it. - Yeah, so. 但是我覺得我們第一次一起相處 - But the first time I think we spent time together 是在迪士尼樂園 was at Disneyland. 是的... -那還滿好玩的 - Right so-- - That was a good time. 對! 我帶你到迪士尼樂園 - Yes, I took you to Disneyland-- 我和大叔們一起去迪士尼 - (laughs) I went to Disneyland with my dads. 對阿 基本上就是一群....大概6個人 - Yes, basically it was a group of I don't know, six of us, 6或7個人 about six or seven, 因為我為ABC(電視台)工作 所以我可以享有特別待遇 and because I work for ABC I get special treatment. 他有特別票 - He had the hookup. 對 我有特別票 - So I had the hookup. 我請一位女士幫我們走特別的通道就不用排隊 And I had a lady who helped us get around quickly. 我那個時候還沒有疑問 I was not the problem though. 我完全沒有想到我帶著 I had no idea I was taking the most 超級有名的人去迪士尼樂園 famous person in the world. 所以在4點都玩不到什麼之後 So by hour four of not being able to get anywhere, 我就說 那丟下他好了! I was like, "Leave him." 在你在電視上演出前 -恩亨 - Before you did TV-- - Yeah. 你演過百老匯 -對對 - You did Broadway. - Yes, yes. 在25周年那場 - Which you were in 25th Annual. 25周年的"拼字大賽" (著名音樂劇) - 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. 你還做過些什麼? - What else did you do? 我演參與"錦城春色"的演出 - I did a how called On the Town, 現在也是百老匯的音樂劇 which is back on Broadway now. 但是我演的是1997年的再版 But I did the 1997 revival. 那是很棒的一年 - That was a great year. 劇院裡很棒的一年 - It was a great year for theater. 那個時候我正在成長茁壯 - I was alive and thriving. 是嗎?? -我那個時候是國小三年級 - Were you? - I was in the third grade. 是喔?! -恩哼 - Were you? - Uh huh. 你在小三的時候 我已經在百老匯大放異彩了 - You were in third grade and I was kicking it on Broadway. 大放異彩 - Killing it. 現在 除了演出"摩登家庭" And nowadays, besides doing Modern Family, 你還同時身兼了一個叫做 you are also I would say an entrepreneur "結婚吧!"的主辦人 (字面意思是打領帶結 但也被使用成結婚的意思) with Tie the Knots. 對對對 - Right, right, right. 和大家解釋"結婚吧!"是什麼 - Explain to the people what Tie the Knots is. 就是呢! 我對時尚非常的有興趣 很明顯吧! - So, I'm very interested in fashion, obviously. 我也有博愛的理念 And I'm very philanthropic, 我也致力於LGBTQ的族群 (註: Q代表Questioning) and I'm very passionate about LGBTQ, 名稱越來越長了 it keeps getting longer. 每個人都很歡迎加入 - Everyone's welcome. 而且大家都很重要 - And everyone's important. 所以我想要為了大家多少做點什麼 So I wanted to sort of do something 慈善事業那種的 philanthropic around that. 所以 比我聰明的我的丈夫 Justin And my husband, Justin, who is smarter than me, 比我年輕也比我聰明 younger and smarter. 他是一名律師 He's a lawyer. 有了一個念頭 就是自己品牌的領帶 He had this idea of creating a bow tie line 而且收入的來源都會花在保障LGBTQ and having all the proceeds go to 的團體之中 LGBT rights in general. 這些領帶的銷量...... The sell of these bow ties, which-- 等等,我想給大家看一下你的領帶 - Wait, I wanna show you some. 喔我們有非常多種款式 - Oh we have so many. 像電視的拍賣節目一樣推銷他! - Sell them like it's an infomercial. 像QVC一樣嗎? -恩哼 (註:電視購物零售商) - OK, like QVC? - Hmm mmm. 他是個狐狸尾巴 -好可愛喔 - It's a fox tail. - It's cute. 喵~ - Meow. 這個領帶上有一些小馬 This has little horsies on it. 你講起來像4歲的小女孩個 This line-- 這款上有小馬跟獨角獸 - (laughs) You speak like a four year old girl. 喔我好愛這個 - This one has horsies and unicorns. 這款是大家一定要收藏的 This one I love. 哈哈 你還在推銷喔 This is something every collection needs. 我試著把它賣掉 - (laughs) Are you still selling it? 那大家要怎麼找到這些東西 - I'm trying to sell it. 輸入thetiebar.com/jtf 或者 tietheknot.org - So where can people find these? 那你就可以找到一些.... - thetiebar.com/jtf or at tietheknot.org. 總部阿還是其他一切東西 That's where you can find out about-- 那就是總部而切有關的一切都是關於同性戀 - Headquarters and everything else. 我覺得我們應該深入的了解對方 來玩場遊戲 - That's the headquarters of all things gay. 好 -你準備好了嗎 - I feel like we should dive deeper with a little game. 我準備好了 - Yeah. - Are you ready? 我們要問對方越多問題越好 問得最多的獲勝 - Yeah, I'm so ready. 誰會有圓頂禮帽阿? - We're gonna ask each other as many questions as we can. 我有... - Who has a bowler hat? 別用你的帆布針對我 - I have a bowler hat. 我們兩個都有1分鐘 Don't come from me in your denim. -OK -所以不要想太多 We have one minute each. 就是回答問題就好 -OK - OK. - So don't over think it, 我有個特別嘉賓幫我們計時 just answer the question. - OK. 來打聲招呼! - And I have a special guest timing us. 嗨! Come say hi. 3.2.1開始! - Hi. 最喜歡的調味料? -黃芥末 - Hey! 愛是神馬? -我老公 - Three, two, go. 你是哪一個慾望城市的主角? A favorite condiment. - Mustard. 米蘭達! - What is love? - My husband. 如果你可以有一種超能力 會是什麼樣的超能力? - Which girl from Sex in the City are you? 能夠飛 - Miranda! 讀了哪一本書只是因為 - If you could have one super power, what would it be? 大家都在讀? - To fly. <控制> - What was a book you read 如果你可以和一個人交換一天 because everybody else was reading it? 你會跟誰交換? - Gone Girl. Cynthia Nixon (飾演慾望城市的米蘭達) - If you could switch lives with somebody for a day, 哪一首饒舌歌你知道他所有的歌詞? who would it be? 沒有 -少騙了 - Cynthia Nixon. Beck - Where It's At 歌詞 - Which rap song do you know every lyric to? Beck - Where It's At 歌詞 - None. - Don't lie. 那算饒舌嗎? - ♫ Two turn tables and a microphone 你最喜歡的名人? ♫ I say where it's at ♫ 你! -歐買尬! Is that rap? 有什麼是你會讓人覺得你是怪胎? - (laughing) Who's your celebrity crush? 我喜歡歌劇院 - You. - Oh my God. 那不會讓你變成怪胎! What's something geeky about you? 最喜歡的桌上遊戲? "妙探尋兇" - I love musical theater. 最喜歡比薩上面有什麼配料? That's not geeky. 美..美...美式臘腸 -美..美...美式臘腸 - Favorite board game? - Clue. 試一下你的英國腔 - What's your favorite pizza topping? 我不會英國腔(使用英國腔) - Pepperoni. - P-p-peroni. 天啊....天啊...天啊 Do a British accent. 你回答了13個問題 - I can't do a British accent here. 我們要記住分數吧?! 是吧?! - Yikes, yikes, yikes. 沒有分數啦! 但是我會贏的 You got 13 questions. 好吧....喔天啊 - Oh, we're keeping score, huh? 準備 3.2.1! - There's no score, but I'll win. 三角褲還是四角褲? -都穿 - Alright. Oh Jesus. 喔好吧 最喜歡的字? Ready, three, two, one. 門廊 Boxers or briefs? - Boxer briefs. 最喜歡哪首Lady Gaga的歌? - Oh OK, favorite word. 歐買尬 - (laughs) Vestibule. 憑直覺! - Favorite Lady Gaga song. <HAIR> -好 - Oh my God. 我不是故意的 我不是故意的 - Got to your head. 呃...你都說出來了 - Hair. - OK, alright. 多久你會穿一次西裝? - I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it. 滿常的 -好... - Well, that's a go. 你的精神動物? How often do you wear a suit? 我曾經說是Lady Gaga了! - Often. (laughs) - OK. 我就知道你會說這樣 What is your spirit animal? 不過.... -沒差你說過了 - I said Lady Gaga before. 如果你領養一個小孩 你會把他取什麼名字? - I knew you were gonna say that. 李維 -那很貼心 - But-- - No, you already said it. 簡短的給大家一些正經的建議! If you adopted a kid, what would you name them? 歐, 想辦法實踐你的夢想 - Levi. - That's sweet. 你明天要做什麼? Quickly give some serious advice. 明天要錄最新一集的廣播 - Oh girl, just live your dream. 實踐夢想Tyler - What are you doing tomorrow? 用1-10評量你對於人生的期待度 - Tomorrow I am recording new episodes of pod casts. 10 -喔...不要太期待 - Live your dream, Tyler. 站在舞台上或者在螢幕上 -舞台上 Scale from one to 10, how excited are you about life? 如果你可以和一個人二重奏 - 10. - Oh OK, settle down. 你會找誰和你一起? (Tyler laughs) 歐~我愛你 Stage or screen? - Stage. Beck - Where It's At 歌詞 - If you could sing a duet with anyone, 麥克風(接歌詞) -接到了! who would it be? - You. 你收過最棒的禮物? - Ah, I love you. 歐天啊 - Two turntables and a-- 我相信一些在後面這的東西 - Microphone. - Got it. 時間到! 安全上壘安全上累 -12題 - I said where it's at. 對於Connie Britton的看法? (美國恐怖故事演員) Best present you've ever received? 喔我愛她 -我也是! - Oh girl. 誰會不喜歡她? - Something back here I'm sure. 我賭她一定喜歡"結婚吧!"這個概念 - Time, saved, saved. - 12. 是阿她很喜歡! 我真的有跟他說過這件事! - How do you feel about Connie Britton? 真的假的!! 真的! - I love her. - Same. 等等 你認真的嗎? - Who doesn't love Connie Britton? 真的啦! 她知道這件事情 - I bet Connie loves Tie the Knot. 我超愛Connie Britton -她超棒的 - Yeah she does, I've actually talked to her about it. 恩哼 -是的 - Shut up! - Yes! 我們問了一輪的問題 - Wait, are you being serious? 做得好! 那很棒啊 - No, I have. She knows about it. 等等 我只有回答12題? - I love Connie Britton. - She's awesome. 你只答了12題 - Wow, huh. - Yeah. 聽著 我們要找個機會再比賽一次! - That brings us full circle. 大家可以在哪裡找到你? Good job, that's beautiful. 你們應該在推特上追蹤他 Wait, I only got to 12? 我的地址是.... -恩哼 - You got 12. 2 沒有啦! - Listen, we'll have to do a rematch some day. 我有推特 對 推特 Where else can people find you? Jessetler @jessetyler You should follow him on Twitter. 還有在instagram @jessetyler - My address is-- - Uh huh. 喔! 帳號名稱同樣耶 2 (laughs) no. 真美! -是阿是阿 I have Twitter, yeah Twitter. 全部的連結都會在底下的註解欄位 Jessetyler, @jessetyler, 如果是我 會去看一下"結婚吧!"的網站然後買一個領帶 and on Instagram @jessetyler. 然後把照片寄給我們 - Wow, just synced up. 自拍神器永遠都是很推薦使用的 That's beautiful. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. 你真的很潮流耶 All the links are gonna be below, 你真的是走在潮流尖端 but I would check out Tie the Knot to get a bow tie 非常感謝 -謝謝 and then send us a picture. 愛你! -我也愛你 - Selfie sticks are always encouraged. 你是最棒的 - You are so hip. 下次再見啦! You are just the hippest. 掰掰! Well thank you so much. - Thank you. 這個我們都怎麼說 - I love you. - I love you too. 染布 - You're the best. 不我不會叫這個染布 I will see you guys next time. 飛濺染色? - Bye. - Bye! 塗鴉! - What do we call this? - Tie dye? - No, I wouldn't call it tie dye. - Splatter paint? - Graffiti!
A2 初級 中文 領帶 歌詞 迪士尼 百老匯 樂園 買尬 FUTURE RAP DUO (ft. Jesse Tyler Ferguson) | 泰勒-奧克雷 (Tyler Oakley) (FUTURE RAP DUO (ft. Jesse Tyler Ferguson) | Tyler Oakley) 405 17 G ao Jing 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字