字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hey guys, Dr. Axe here. In this video, I'm going to talk about what gluten sensitivity is and how gluten is affecting your life. 大家好,我是 Axe 醫生。在這部影片中,我將會講解什麼是麩質敏感,以及麩質會對你的生活有怎麼樣的影響。 So gluten sensitivity symptoms, gluten sensitivity side effects, and I even read an article recently that said gluten sensitivity might be a myth. 我們會說到麩質敏感的症狀和麩質敏感的副作用。我最近還讀到了一篇文章,說麩質敏感只是空穴來風的謠傳。 And the truth is that's not true. 其實這樣的說法並不正確。 Gluten sensitivity is a real thing, and here are the top warning signs that you might be gluten sensitive: 麩質敏感是真實存在的現象,而你能從下列幾個警訊中察覺自己是否對麩質敏感: If you have any type of digestion issue, it's a clear warning sign you've got gluten sensitivity. 如果你有任何種類的消化問題,這便是你對麩質敏感的明確警訊。 If you have food allergies, whatsoever, allergies to dairy and wheat and eggs, that's a clear sign you have gluten sensitivity. 如果你對食物過敏,不論是對乳產品、小麥或雞蛋,這便是你對麩質敏感的明確警訊。 If you have autoimmune disease, it's a clear sign you have gluten sensitivity. 如果你有自體免疫性疾病,這便是你對麩質敏感的明確警訊。 If you struggle with chronic fatigue, fibro myalgia, weight gain, joint pain, arthritis, brain inflammation, 如果你有長期疲勞、纖維肌痛、體重增加、關節疼痛、關節炎、腦炎等問題, or if your child has ADHD or autism, or if you have thyroid issues, like hypothyroidism or hormone imbalance. 或是你的孩子有過動症或自閉症,或是你有如甲狀腺機能低下症或荷爾蒙失調等的甲狀腺問題 Those are all clear warning signs that you are probably sensitive to gluten. 這都是你可能對麩質敏感的明確警訊。 And what gluten is, it's a sticky protein that is found in wheat, barley, and rye. Mostly in wheat today. 麩質是一種能在小麥、大麥與黑麥中發現的黏稠蛋白質,而現今常被發現在麵粉之中。 This gluten today, it's been hybridized, so this isn't the same gluten that our ancestors were consuming a couple hundred years ago. 我們的種植的榖麥經過了雜交配種,因此今天我們吃到的麩質已與數百年前祖先所食用的麩質大不相同。 This is a new breed of gluten that our bodies are highly sensitive to, 我們的身體對這種新品種的麩質相當敏感, and here's what happens and here's how it affects your body, is when you consume gluten, it's an inflammatory protein. 而當我們將它吃下肚後,它會成為一種具發炎性的蛋白質。 It gets into your gut and it will start to cause intestinal inflammation. 在進入腸道之後,麩質便會開始使腸道發炎。 It will eventually actually rip a hole in your gut. 最後它會在腸道上鑽出一個孔來。 Your gut acts like a net, and so it will tear a hole in it, then gluten will leak through and it will start causing inflammation throughout the body, and actually cause autoimmune disease. 我們的腸道就像一片網子一樣,所以當腸道被扯出一個孔洞來的時候,麩質就會從該處流出,並開始讓身體各處發炎,並導致自體免疫性疾病。 And what autoimmune disease is, due to gluten sensitivity, is when your body starts finding gluten at protein, it sees it as a foreign invader, 因為麩質敏感而導致的自體免疫性疾病的形成原因,是因為身體在蛋白質中發現了麩質並將它視為外來的侵略物, but your other tissues in your body are made up of protein, including your thyroid and your joints and things like that. 但身體中包括你的甲狀腺、關節與其它的組織也是由蛋白質所構成的。 So your body, after it attacks gluten long enough, it says, "Oh, well there's some protein that looks like gluten on the thyroid. I'm gonna start attacking that as well." 因此你的身體在攻擊麩質一段時間之後,便發現「喔?甲狀腺上好像也有一些看起來像麩質的蛋白質。我得趕快去攻擊它。」 So that's why gluten sensitivity has been linked to Hashimoto's thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, and a number of other health issues. 這就是為什麼麩質敏感會與橋本氏甲狀腺炎、類風濕性關節炎、阿茲海默症與其他許多健康問題扯上關係的原因。 So again, if you have any of those issues that's a clear warning sign that you are gluten sensitive. 在重申一次,如果你有以上任何問題,便代表著你對麩質敏感的明確警訊。 So let me teach you know how to go gluten-free and how to follow a gluten-free diet. 讓我來教你如何避免攝取麩質,並實行無麩質飲食。 First off, it's not as bad as it sounds. A lot of times people think, "I'm going gluten-free, this means I can never eat bread again." 首先,其實這並沒有聽起來的那麼糟。很多人會心想:「我如果要實行無麩質飲食,就代表我再也不能吃到麵包了。」 The good news is there are natural flours that are gluten-free. 好消息是,其實有許多天然的麵粉是不含麩質的。 Some of my favorites are coconut flour, almond flour, as well as sprouted spelt flour. 其中我最喜歡的幾種包括椰子麵粉、杏仁麵粉,還有發芽斯佩耳特小麥麵粉。 And at least the sprouted spelt, it says it's gluten free. 至少發芽斯佩耳特小麥麵粉我確定是無麩質的。 Also, sourdough breads are much easier to consume. So, it's not that you can never have bread again. 另外,酸酵麵包也更好消化。所以你並不是再也不能吃到麵包。 Now you still just want to consume those in moderation. 你只是要注意得適量攝取才行。 But you do want to lower or completely eliminate your consumption of gluten the best you can. 但你最好盡可能地降低或完全消除麩質的攝取量。 And have the one of the best diets to heal from gluten sensitivity. 並且套用一套最好的飲食法來治療麩質敏感的問題。 So if you're wondering, hey, how do I⏤you know you're gluten sensitive, you've got Hashimoto's, or you've got rheumatoid arthritis or food allergies, you struggle with food intolerance or allergies, 如果你有麩質敏感、橋本氏甲狀腺炎,或是有類風濕性關節炎或對食物過敏的狀況, the best way to overcome that is by following a diet called the GAPS diet. 要克服這些問題的最好方法就是遵循一個叫做消化道痊癒飲食法 (GAPS) 的飲食習慣。 The GAPS diet really supports healing of your digestive system and it includes things like bone broth, organic chicken and any type of meat really. 消化道痊癒飲食法能夠治療你的消化系統,菜單中包含了大骨湯、有機雞肉以及任何種類的肉類。 Fruits and vegetables, squashes, really, it comes with a large amount of food. 它還包含蔬菜水果、瓜類等等的大量食物。 But if you want to heal from gluten sensitivity, I really recommend you look into the GAPS diet. 如果你想要治療麩質敏感的問題,我真的很建議你遵循消化道痊癒飲食法。 It's one of the best diets, if not the best diet for healing gluten sensitivity. 這是能治療麩質敏感問題的許多飲食法中最棒的一個。 Also, if you want to heal from gluten sensitivity, taking certain supplements like L-Glutamine, digestive enzymes and probiotics. 另外,如果你想要治療麩質敏感問題,你也能攝取如 L-麩醯胺酸、消化酵素與益生菌等特定營養補充品。 Specifically, you can get digestive enzymes that can help your body heal from gluten sensitivity. 特別是消化酵素,它能幫助你的身體從麩質敏感所造成的傷害中恢復。 It can also help you digesting gluten. 它也能幫助你消化麩質。 And if you do all those things, I guarantee you are gonna notice an immediate difference in improvement, in your overall gluten sensitivity symptoms. 如果你照著我以上所有的建議,我保證你能立刻看到改變,感受到整體麩質敏感症狀有所改善。
C1 高級 中文 麩質 敏感 麵粉 消化 腸道 甲狀腺 麩質敏感的症狀和副作用 (Gluten Sensitivity Symptoms and Side Effects) 15033 176 NNN 發佈於 2023 年 08 月 25 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字