字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 The year 2015 saw a record 2,508 mountaineering accidents in Japan. 在2015年,日本發生了2,508件登山意外,為歷史新高 A grim product, declare the authorities, of an ever larger number of people ascending to great heights 日本當局說明這是是愈來愈多人登山前 without checking the weather 未查詢天氣的嚴峻後果 With the UK referendum on Europe looming, something similar is happening in currency markets 因為英國的脫歐公投即將舉行,類似的情況已在貨幣市場中出現 Trading floors everywhere are girding themselves 各地的交易所戰戰兢兢 for volatility around the referendum result 為公投結果出來後的市場波動做準備 especially if the result is for leave 尤其是若公投結果為脫歐 sterling moves could be banked upon to be explosive in that scenario 英鎊肯定在這種情況下會大幅貶值 spreading tumult across the G10 currency basket 造成G10貨幣大受影響 But it may ultimately be the yen, and any resulting act of 但造成最大轟動最終應是日圓,以及任何 market intervention by Tokyo to weaken its currency 日本為了讓日圓貶值 that detonates the biggest blast 而干預市場的結果 The language of manipulation is already in the air 互相操縱的氛圍濃厚 and traders are dusting off their Ministry of Finance intervention lexicons 交易員重新啟用財政部做出市場干預時所使用的詞庫 on the assumption that a leave vote in the UK 因為認為英國舉辦脫歐公投 will force Japan to act 會迫使日本政府作出行動 The problem is that Japan has inadvertently built up a potentially 問題在於日本無意間 massive amplifier for big moves in the yen 已在這樣的情況之下 at around these current levels 做出足以加重日圓巨大變動的行為 Despite rising claims to the contrary 縱使愈來愈多人不如此認為 Abenomics has not been a complete failure 安倍經濟學並不全然是一場失敗 The past 3 years of yen weakness have helped corporate Japan 過去三年日幣的疲弱不振雖幫助了 accumulate an all-time record stash of overseas earning 日本企業累積史上最多 retained in other currencies 以外幣儲存的海外盈利 Analysts put the combined hoard at about 50 trillion yen, add that to the 20 trillion yen 分析師估計這些海外盈利大約為50兆日圓, of foreign stock investments built by Japanese investors 加上今年3月31日以前共20個月所積累的 in the 20 months up to March 31st this year, and you effectively have 日本投資者投資海外股票的20兆日圓 an impressively mountainous short yen position 如此一來,日本建立了非常可觀的日圓短倉 This is where the dangerous weather conditions come in 這時天氣就變得非常危險 For the moment, that huge position is not making an equivalently huge impact on markets 這個現象暫時不會對於市場造成太大的影響 The yen has been climbing rapidly against the dollar and sterling 日圓已開始快速對美金及英鎊升值 but not so quickly that this has forced Japanese corporates to unwind in a gush 但速度不至於促使日本企業迅速倒閉 Brexit could change that in the space of a few hours 這一切都有可能在英國脫歐數小時之後改變 and the once manageable mountain suddenly becomes very threatening 曾經容易控制的日圓短倉突然變得岌岌可危 The yen would surge against sterling, but could move even more 日圓將對英鎊升值 violently higher against the dollar as global Safe Haven trades kick in 但全球避險貨幣開始交易後,日圓對美元的升值或許更為劇烈 A break above 100 yen against the dollar is plausible, say dealers 交易者認為日圓有可能升破100日圓兌1美元的關卡 and could put intolerable pressure on corporate Japan to 並且給予日本企業無比大的壓力 repatriate at exactly the point when markets least want yen strength to be exaggerated 於市場最不希望日圓大幅升值的時候將資金調回本國 Given the close correlation between the yen and the equity market 由於日圓及股權市場之間的高度關聯性 the Japanese authorities may have little choice 日本當局或許別無選擇 but to intervene and sell the yen for the first time 必須干預並且自從2011年的東日本大地震 since the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake 首次出售日圓
B2 中高級 中文 FinancialTimes 日圓 日本 市場 海外 脫歐 布雷克斯可能會導致日本的日元震盪|短線觀點 (Brexit could cause yen shock in Japan | Short View) 49 1 Kristi Yang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字