字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 "Forty eight of the forty nine victims have been identified..." 「目前已確認了48名死者的身分......」 America has begun to attach names, faces, and life stories to the 49 victims 美國開始拼湊奧蘭多槍擊案49名罹難者的生平故事 who died in a massacre at Orlando nightclub over the weekend. 美國開始拼湊奧蘭多槍擊案49名罹難者的生平故事 Most of them were young gay Latinos and details about their characters and aspirations 死者多為年輕的拉丁裔同性戀者。他們生前的點滴和夢想逐漸浮現在大眾眼前 have added new emotion to the vigils happening across a shellshocked country. 各地民眾紛紛舉辦追思會,悼念槍擊案的罹難者 Outside the historic Stonewall inn in New York, famed as the birthplace of the modern gay rights movement, 民眾聚集在位於紐約的同志運動地標——石牆酒吧外 crowds gathered to pay tribute to the victims 他們替罹難者祈福致哀 and call for action against violence. 並要求政府正視暴力問題 At the same time, the public was absorbing harrowing new detaills, 在此同時,槍擊案的真相也逐漸水落石出 about how people died. 在此同時,槍擊案的真相也逐漸水落石出 The FBI said the attacker, Omar Mateen, 美國聯邦調查局表示,槍手奧瑪.馬汀 shot nearly all of them in the first stages of his assault. 在第一階段攻擊時槍殺了大部分的受害者 And remained cool and calm during a 3 hour standoff in which he 接下來的三個小時則不為所動 held hostages in the bathroom and talked by phone to law enforcement officials, 把人質囚禁在廁所裡,並透過電話與執法人員談判 claiming allegence to ISIS and praising the Boston marathon bombers. 他表示自己效忠伊斯蘭國,並讚揚波士頓炸彈客 In Fort Pierece, the ocean side town where Mateen lived with his wife and son, 馬汀生前與妻兒居住於佛州皮爾斯堡,一個靠海的小城鎮 neighbors were allowed back to the apartment complex, 執法機構搜索完馬汀的住處後 from which they'd been evacuated, as Mateen's home was searched. 同大樓的居民才獲准回到公寓裡 The city's small Muslim population meanwhile, is facing uncomfortable questions. 同時,皮爾斯堡為數不多的穆斯林也陷入艱難的處境 "This is the mosque where Omar Mateen worshipped, and he came three or four times a week, 「這是奧瑪.馬汀生前作禮拜的清真寺。我剛剛訪問了清真寺人員阿達爾.納非」 according to a board member called Adel Nefzi, who I just spoke to. 「他表示馬汀一週約來三到四次」 Mateen wasn't the most frequent visitor, and he didn't hang around after prayer like some others to catch up with friends. 「他不算是清真寺裡最積極的參拜者,作完禮拜後也不會留下來與人交流」 Nefzi said he didn't have any special insights into Mateen's personality, 納非表示自己對馬汀的認識不深 but he was adamant about a few things. 但是他對於以下幾點卻是堅定不移 He said this mosque does not preach hatred; it does not have any ties to any foreign Islamic groups. 他表示這個清真寺並不教導人們仇恨,和國外的激進的伊斯蘭團體也並無關聯。 And he said that if Mateen was radicalized 並且強調馬汀激進的行為 it certainly didn't happen here." 絕對不是受該清真寺的教誨所影響 In his latest statement about the attacks, Barack Obama described Mateen as a homegrown extremist, 歐巴馬最近發布的宣言裡稱馬汀為一位「本土的極端分子」 saying he'd been inspired by radical material he'd found online. 並稱其受網路上的激進言論所影響 The President urged Americans to respond by supporting tighter gun laws. 歐巴馬呼籲美國人民支持更嚴謹的槍枝管制法 "It appears that the shooter was inspired by various extremist information, that was disseminated over the Internet." 「槍手受到極端分子在網路上散布的的言論影響。」 Hilary Clinton agreed with him, as terroism surged to the forefront of the presidential election. 反恐議題也成為此次總統大選的焦點,希拉蕊.柯林頓表示支持歐巴馬的槍枝管制宣言 But Donald Trump attacked her and Mr. Obama, as being soft on terror. 但川普大力抨擊歐巴馬和希拉蕊,稱他們對於恐怖份子過於「軟弱」 "We cannot continue to allow, thousands upon thousands of people to pour into our country, 「我們不能繼續縱容成千上萬的移民湧入我們的國家。」 many of whom have the same thought process as this savage killer. 「他們很多人與這名暴力的殺手有同樣的思維」 Many of the principles of radical Islam are incompatible with Western values and institutions." 「許多激進的伊斯蘭思想和主張與西方的價值和制度水火不容。」 Precisely what the attack was, is becoming clearer by the day. 槍擊案的案情日益明朗 But there're still, a lot more to learn. 但仍然有許多的謎團尚未解開
B1 中級 中文 FinancialTimes 槍擊案 清真寺 奧蘭多 激進 歐巴馬 奧蘭多槍手奧馬爾-馬特恩是誰?| 縱橫天下 (Who was Orlando shooter Omar Mateen? | FT World) 168 15 Kristi Yang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字