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Thomas Edison introduced Christmas lights to the world in 1880.
They were vast improvement over the dangerous tradition of putting actual flaming candles in a very, very dry tree, but in doing so he also invented a new kind of headache ...
How… how did this happen? I was so careful last year…
Scientists have spent a lot of time thinking about how things get tangled.
And it turns out it's just the rules of the universe.
In 2007, physicists showed for any cord longer than about 2 meters, knots aren't rare, they're almost guaranteed to happen.
Though the math is a little complex, but think of it as the most frustrating example of entropy you've ever encountered:
There's always only one way for a string of lights to be untangled, but with a few turns, there's billions, or trillions or more ways for them to get tied up.
Stupid Edison. I bet Tesla would have figured this out.
On Christmas Eve, 1968, the astronauts of Apollo 8 became the first humans to orbit another world.
The next day, on Christmas, they radioed back a very important observation from their vantage point above Earth.
"Roger, please be informed there is a Santa Claus"
Well, if NASA said it, it's gotta be true!
According to reliable sources, Santa's sleigh is pulled by a team of reindeer, the most famous one being, of course, Rudolph.
But Rosie might be a more appropriate name.
Male reindeer, and caribou, they're the same species, shed their antlers during the winter, and that means Santa's reindeer are all female.
Reindeer vision is uniquely adapted for Santa's nighttime flight.
To cope with the months of darkness at northern latitudes, the inside of a reindeer's eyes change from gold-colored in summer to blue in winter, which scatters more light onto their retina.
So how do they fly? Would you believe that reindeer are buoyant?
(singing) Reindeers float better than people.
(歌聲) 馴鹿比人類還能夠飄浮。
But they're huge, how could that be true? Oh well it's physics, you follow?
Their hairs, they're hollow, They insulate much better than you… it's true.
A reindeer's coat contains two kinds of hairs:
A layer of short, dense hair covered with a mesh of longer, hollow hairs.
This traps a layer of air in between, which insulates them from the cold, just like those puffy jackets that we wear.
This insulation works so well, not only can snow land on reindeer's backs and not melt, with a little jog they can overheat, even in temperatures down to -40 Celsius.
Reindeer have 25% more blood vessels packed in their nasal cavities than we do, so they get rid of excess heat through their noses.
馴鹿鼻腔內的血管比我們多 25%,因此它們會透過鼻子排出多餘的熱量。
This makes their noses glow on a thermal camera, and sometimes they even look red to the naked eye.
But even with his team of flying reindeer, how does Santa get around the world in a single night?
There's only so many hours in a day. Well, luckily, he's got more than 24 of them.
一天只有那麼幾個小時。 幸運的是,他有超過 24 個。
If Santa starts delivering presents at, say, 10 p.m. at the international date line and travels west with the rotating Earth, he can circle the globe without losing any time.
如果聖誕老人在晚上 10 點在國際日期變更線開始送禮物,並隨著地球的旋轉向西行駛,他就可以不浪費任何時間繞地球一圈。
Then he can reverse course until kids wake up at 6 AM, giving him 32 hours total to deliver presents.
然後他可以改變方向,直到孩子們早上 6 點醒來,這樣他就有 32 個小時的時間來送禮物。
Let's assume Santa delivers gifts to all 2.2 billion children on Earth, because hey, it's Christmas after all.
讓我們假設聖誕老人向地球上所有 22 億兒童送禮物,因為嘿,畢竟是聖誕節。
At 2.3 children per household, that's 944 million stops.
How far does he have to travel?
There's about 24.6 million square miles of habitable land on Earth, so if we average out the space between every chimney, that gives us about .026 square miles per household.
地球上大約有 2460 萬平方英里的宜居土地,因此,如果我們平均每個煙囪之間的空間,則每個家庭的面積約為 0.026 平方英里。
If every house occupies an evenly spaced square 0.16 miles apart, Santa's sleigh has to cover more than 150,000,000 miles in 32 hours, which means an average speed of more than 1,300 miles per second.
如果每棟房子都佔據一個均勻分佈的正方形,相距 0.16 英里,那麼聖誕老人的雪橇必須在 32 小時內行駛超過 150,000,000 英里,這意味著平均速度超過每秒 1,300 英里。
That's about 130 times faster than NASA's New Horizons probe, which is the fastest of all fast human things.
這比美國太空總署新視野號探測器快約 130 倍,新視野號探測器是人類所有速度最快的探測器。
Ignoring the fact that at those speeds, Santa's sleigh would burst into flames from air resistance, that gives St. Nick less than 1/10,000th of a second between each delivery.
現在忽略這樣的事實:在這樣的速度下,聖誕老人的雪橇會因空氣阻力而起火,這使得聖尼克每次運送的時間間隔不到 1/10,000 秒。假設聖誕老人要發禮物給地球上22億的小孩,因為
Even if he stopped and got going again instantly at each house, he'd experience acceleration 1.8 billion times Earth's gravity.
即使他在每個房子停下來立即重新開始,他也會經歷 18 億倍地球重力的加速。
If we assume the jolly old fella weighs around 330 pounds, that's a thrust equivalent to about a million and a half Space Shuttle engines.
如果我們假設這個快樂的老傢伙重約 330 磅,那麼推力相當於大約一百萬個半太空梭引擎。
In other words, he'd be a bowl full of jelly. Literally.
This doesn't take into account his payload of gifts, either.
At two pounds of presents per child, that comes to four and a half billion pounds of Christmas cargo.
假設一位小孩的禮物 2 磅重,這會讓這輛聖誕貨運雪橇重達 45 億磅。
The world's largest cargo plane, the Antonov-225, can carry about 550,000 pounds, meaning we'd need a fleet of almost 8,000 to deliver Christmas.
目前世界上最大的 Antonov-225 運輸機可以裝 5550,000 磅的貨物,也就是說我們會需要至少八千架來送聖誕禮物。
Not only is that pretty bad for the environment, I'm pretty sure you'd hear them flying over your street on Christmas Eve.
Clearly, Santa uses other methods.
I suppose he could generate stocking-to-stocking wormholes, or have spacetime warp drive on board his sleigh, but I've got a different theory.
There's a prediction in quantum mechanics that says every possible observation for the universe is real, that every timeline that can happen, does happen.
The universe that we live in is just one of of infinite, parallel possibilities.
Schrodinger's cat, for instance, isn't alive or dead inside the box, it's both.
This universe contains just one of many possible outcomes.
What if on Christmas eve, Santa creates a universe for all of us, there is one of him for every home, and his real magic is that every Christmas morning, he ties all of our timelines back together, when we open the box to see what's inside.
Ever wonder why eggnog is the only nog?
The nog part of its name probably refers to a small mug called a noggin used centuries ago in England to serve alcoholic beverages.
Why don't you use your noggin, and subscribe to It's Okay To Be Smart? Happy holidays, and stay curious.
為什麼不使用你的頭腦,訂閱《聰明一點也沒關係》呢? 節日快樂,保持好奇。