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  • Take a look at these letters. They're not always pronounced the same. Take for example

  • the word 'height': here they are the 'ai' as in 'buy' diphthong. But in this word, weigh,

  • they make the 'ay' as in 'say' diphthong sound. This is why the International Phonetic Alphabet

  • does make it easier to study pronunciation. This particular video focuses on diphthongs.

  • What is the International Phonetic Alphabet? It's a system of phonetic notation, and I

  • use it a lot on my website and when I teach students. I've also used it a lot when I've

  • studied foreign languages. The IPA is especially handy when studying English because English

  • is not a phonetic language. This means when you see a letter or a group of letters, it

  • will not necessarily always be pronounced the same in each word in which it occurs,

  • just as in the example at the beginning of this video. The IPA has a written symbol

  • for each phonetic sound, so this makes it easier to read about and write about pronunciation.

  • As a student of pronunciation, it's important that you become familiar with the symbols

  • that represent the sounds of American English.

  • Ow, say that with me, ow. This sound occurs in

  • the words town, round, bow. Oh. Say that with me, oh. This sound occurs in the words though,

  • no, show. Oy, oy. This sound occurs in the words toy, moist, joy. Ai, ai, This diphthong

  • sound occurs in the words my, height, buy. Ay, ay. This sound occurs in the words fade,

  • maid, gauge. Yu, yu, this sound occurs in the word beauty, union, feud.

  • Great. Familiarizing yourself with these symbols should make it easier to study pronunciation. That's it,

  • and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.

Take a look at these letters. They're not always pronounced the same. Take for example


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國際音標(萬國音標) 雙母音 發音練習- American English Diphthongs - IPA - Pronunciation - Interntional Phonetic Alphabet

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    Zenn 發佈於 2013 年 04 月 29 日