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Look. You clicked on this video. You knew what was coming. Let's get this over with.
Naked Gardening Day is in May, and World Naked Bike Riding are coming in June, and nude and
underwear runs happen all over the world, but all this naked celebration got me pondering
the intersection of nudity, health and science. Being naked helps us form a realistic body
positive connection to the human form. People who spend time naked have a better body image,
don't objectify as quickly, and are more confident and cozy in our skin! But outside of bonus
of a realistic self-image; there ARE concrete, scientifically proven benefits to being naked!
Firstly, being naked exposes more of your skin to the sunlight, which means more Vitamin
D exposure -- which is great -- and it helps your bones absorb calcium, so being naked
will help you get strong bones. But you also have to look out for UV radiation, so remember
A study from the University of Reading claims if naked, we would have fewer parasites living
on our bodies overall. Humans are petri dishes as it is, we're constantly covered in bacteria
-- some good some bad. Clothing, like fur, promotes increased bacterial load by giving
it a comfy dark place to gather and spread. Since the invention of clothing, scientists
can point to specific evolution of lice and other human skin parasites,; though, unlike
fur we can swap our outfit when it gets too germy. But, by comparison, research looked
at the bacterial load on naked molerats and other hairless non-aquatic species and found
lower-than expected levels! So being naked, would likely decrease bacterial load on the
skin for humans too!
Sleeping nude has been shown to have myriad of scientific benefits. When the human body
settles into the sleep cycle, our temperature drops; which is why it's better to sleep in
a room that's less than 70 degrees [21C]. Research in the journal Sleep found sleeping
with clothes on prevents this natural cooling cycle. That cooling triggers the release of
human growth hormone from the brain, restoring skin and regenerating the body -- that regeneration
requires energy, which your body gets from fat -- which burns when we cool off during
sleep. Get naked, and you'll sleep BETTER because the body won't be fighting to control
your temperature. Plus, you decrease stress hormones like cortisol because you'll sleep
better overall.
Sleeping naked with a partner has some obvious bonuses… wink wink; but less-than-obvious
is simple skin-to-skin contact during sleep. When skin touches during sleep -- even in
a non-sexual way -- the hormone oxytocin is released lowering blood pressure, decreasing
inflammation and lowering stress hormones. A study in Japan found sleeping with a bra
or girdle constricts the anatomy and can raise body temperature and decrease melatonin. So,
sleep naked at least, but that's easy! The rest of the day is a challenge, but there
are benefits there too.
For instance, though this doesn’t exactly make the case for total nudity, research shows
that neckties can be harmful to your health. A study in the British Journal of Ophthalmology
asked men to wear and tighten a necktie, while doctors monitored their intraocular pressure
-- a moderately tight tie caused physical changes to the eyeball which upped a risk
factor for the development of glaucoma! So do ditch the tie. And while you're at it,
ditch the tight pants too. The science is iffy, but some doctors claim tight pants for
men can inhibit sperm development, and tight clothing for women allow for bacteria to cultivate
in the vulva and within the vagina.
Hair or fur exists to keep animals warm, AND to protect them from the sun. We don't have
the fur, likely because we have one of the best sweat systems around! Sweatier humans
needed less body covering, because it interfered with the evaporation of that moisture. Clothing,
like artificial fur, interferes with sweating… so in case you didn't get the moral of this
little story… GET NAKED MORE.
Do you like being naked? Or are you a never-nude? When i get home, the first thing I do is take
my pants off. Seriously. Tell us how you feel in the comments. And
while we’re talking about skin, have you ever wondered how your skin is being affected
by the sun? You can find out in this video