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welcome to this overview
of principles of marketing. basically
many people don't really understand what marketing is.
we see advertising
and have experienced working with salespeople
but that's really only a small small part
marketing. so what we're going to do in this module
is to look at what marketing is.
the American Marketing Association in July of 2013
gave this definition of marketing. marketing
is the activity, set up institutions
and the processes. so marketing is the activities and processes
for creating offerings and when we talk about
offerings we mean products but also
services and ideas that meet
other individuals' needs. so marketing
is the processes for creating offering,
communicating those offerings,
delivering those offering,
and exchanging those offerings
so that there's a perceived value
from customers, clients, partners
and society at large. so a large part
marketing is doing all this so that
potential customers see the value in what our organization
the midwest higher education compact is comprised of a number of universities in
higher ed
and they had a team with people from
Indiana Illinois and Kentucky -- professors from
private and public two and four-year
institutions -- that looked at what are the competency
or what students be able to know
and do when they complete their degree in marketing.
and so what we're to teach you
about marketing based upon those identified competencies.
the first competency identified
is market sensing and this basically means that marketers should be
able to sense
or know what's going on in their external market
by collecting and analyzing
data and this means data about
competitors, about the economy, about changes in technology,
about changes in our society and culture
and what they value, changes in demographic
trends, changes in our legal
and political environment as well as international and ecological factors.
marketers also sense
things that are little bit more internal to the organization
like market share, what customer needs and
industry trends and data. so
the first aspect of marketing is to be able to sense
what's happening in the marketplace. the next
major competency of marketers is to
then interpret that market so that we can see
the meaning and the relationships between
consumers and our organizations
and our products so that we can facilitate
that value creation we talked about earlier
in the definition of marketing. another major
aspect marketing is, after sensing
and interpreting the market, to actually go about
creating value with our products or services
and we do that by developing what's called
a marketing mix -- we will address that later today --
that reflect both the
needs and characteristics of the markets that we
are targeting as a result of the information we've gathered.
so the major competencies that marketers
have are to sense the market, interpret the market,
create value for the market but then
also to analyze how well we did that
and get feedback so that we can
understand any gaps that might exist
in meeting the goals that we established in the previous step
and making changes so that we can better
meet needs of whoever it is we're trying to serve --
of our target market. one other major
or competency of marketers is that they're very good
at personally communicating the value
of there personal brand -- their unique talents
and strength and characteristics and
packaging those together so that
in interviewing or in other ways
they can't differentiate themselves in the market
and show the unique value that they add.
so what we're going through the study of
these principles of marketing is to study market sensing,
market interpretation, market value creation,
and market analytics feedback and control.
this next slide shows how
each of these stages are then broken-down
in to separate aspects. for example
when we study market sensing, we will be looking at
environmental analysis and researching
consumer behavior and other aspects of marketing.
when we study market interpretation we will be
studying segmentation targeting positioning
and marketing strategy. and I understand these words really don't make a lot of
sense to you now
but if we were to revisit the slide at the of this study of the principles of
all these terms should make much sense to you.
in this study of market value creation will be looking at
product, pricing, our supply change
management and integrated marketing communications
activities. additionally when we look at market analytics
feedback and control, will be looking at
some metrics and how to manage these customer
relationships. so again this isjust a little bit more depth
on these 4 major competencies
and breaks these competencies
into sub competencies.
an interesting thing question might be
why should I study marketing or what makes me different
as a marketer from other people? again
this comes a presentation that was made
from the MHEC
marketing turning team to the fall
educators conference and we've got some quantitative research
which shows there area some key differences between
marketers and other majors in a college --
are even other business majors. so let's look at some things that make marketers
different. first of all
marketers are very results driven and
we know that in business we
have financial, budgeting
and forecasting-- what's gonna happen in the marketplace,
how much are we gonna sell, how much profit are we going to make,
how are we going to achieve these sales -- so
while other people might be good communicators,
marketers are very results driven for organizations.
and companies need that. another key aspect
other about marketers is that we tend to be
futuristic. we look at how much we're going to sell
in the future and how we're going to do that. marketers
also tend to be fairly adaptable.
they are able to work in changing
circumstance. another major characteristic of
marketers is they seem to be the one person in the organization
that is extremely external or customer
oriented. they're very focused
on what's best for the customer and so this is very
key. marketers also tend to be
very interdisciplinary. they work very well and understand their relationship
other business disciplines t like accounting & finance and operations.
and they also work with disciplines out of
marketing. in fact much of marketing is based on social sciences
like psychology and sociology but these things
are applied to a business setting and so that makes marketers
very unique and very different and also very valuable to businesses.
some people think that there's no difference between
marketing and selling or advertising because actually selling or
advertising is really the only aspect of marketing
that the general public really sees very often
other than the actual product. marketing thought
is focusing on creating
that value and creating long-term relationships to meet customer needs.
so what's interesting is that while
a peddler or a sales person or a advertiser
might be interest in making this sale,
marketers really interested in
repeat sales and strong relationships to meet customer needs over time.
good salespeople, by the way, are also
very interested in making those relationships.
so what happens is marketers look at this customer
out there in the marketplace -- we might call that our target market --
and try to create and exchange
between our marketing mix -- and that is
our product, our price, our promotion,
our distribution -- to create value.
so where does advertising or selling
it in all of this? well it's very
interesting to note that advertising is part of promotion
which is part of the marketing mix which is part of
marketing. so I hope you can begin to see
how marketing is much more than just promotion
which is much more than just advertising or selling --
in fact there other ways to promote which will study this semester.
so i hope you begin to see that marketing is
much different than just advertising or selling
and and it has a much broader perspective which we will be covering
the semester.