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  • (Radio newscast) The Rebel Lords Resistance Army, or LRA, continues its battle with government forces in Uganda...

  • causing chaos in the north of the country.

  • (Another radio newscast) The LRA says it wants to rule Uganda by the Christian 10 Commandments but

  • it seems to have forgotten the one that says "thou shalt not kill."

  • The school was like a burial ground.

  • The clothing and books and properties of the girls were littered everywhere

  • (Radio newscast) Last May, 14 villagers were abducted there and marched into the bush. The LRA is notorious for capturing and torturing...

  • My daughter, they gang-raped her and after that terrible ordeal she came back and she committed suicide.

  • (Radio newscast) 865 women, men and children were reportedly beaten to death by the rebels

  • It was hell. The situation was hell.

  • To see these innocent, you know, children who had not done anything wrong but they're suffering like this.

  • It really touched me, it moved me.

  • (Radio newscast) Thousands of children have been abducted by LRA rebels.

  • They are taken into the bush to serve as soldiers and sex slaves

  • My daughter ... was abducted in 1996 by the Lord's Resistance Army...

  • a rebels group that used to operate in northern Uganda.

  • She was taken from her boarding school and had to stay in rebel captivity from '96 to 2004

  • When my daughter was taken, I was so angry, I was so bitter.

  • And I was not alone because so many girls were taken from the same school.

  • And when we formed a concerned parents association...

  • the group of parents realizing the need to work together, to cry together, to pray together and to advocate together

  • we realized our voices would go very far, would be loud and would be heard by many more people.

  • Nobody could protect these children.

  • Their parents couldn't protect them, the community couldn't protect them, the government couldn't protect them.

  • This is where the kids used to sleep, just on the ground. Some of them did not have even a blanket.

  • We first walked like the children who are walking. I started walking from here up to the town.

  • We don't need to mobilize anybody. Let's go ahead and sleep on the street with our children.

  • Oh, it was something the children could not believe.

  • I know the first night the rebels came very close, we could hear the gunshots in the the senior quarter north of Gulu Town.

  • The children were watching at us, whether we were going to get up.

  • We did not move an inch, they remained quiet.

  • it was rough but for the sake of the children and their dignity...

  • we felt we should do something about their plight.

  • Forgiveness is actually embedded in our culture.

  • it is cherished.

  • it is considered to be a means of continuous, continuous co-existence.

  • We had to go back and forgive those who had sinned against us, who had caused us pain.

  • In this region, in over 20 years of insurgency, where the abducted know the abductor,

  • The tortured know very well who tortured them in the bush

  • You'd expect almost the whole clan turning against one another.

  • In every village there's an LRA officer or somebody senior in the LRA.

  • He's back in the community and people are living with them.

  • This indicates to me that there is real forgiveness.

  • Forgiveness is a must, it's a must for us if we want to heal our society.

  • But if we don't forgive, there's no future.

  • No future without forgiveness.

  • (singing)

(Radio newscast) The Rebel Lords Resistance Army, or LRA, continues its battle with government forces in Uganda...


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    Zenn 發佈於 2013 年 04 月 27 日