字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 [Larry King, host] Alright, let's explore the thinking of Jacque Fresco [賴瑞·金 主持人] 讓我們談談雅克·法斯科的想法 and the society that he'd like to see. 及他想看到的社會 (Jacque Fresco) The reason we emphasize machines and technology (雅克·法斯科) 我們強調機械與科技的理由 is to free man to pursue the higher things. 在於解放人類 以追求更崇高的事物 Machines ought to do the filthy, repetitious, or the boring jobs. 機械應該從事骯髒 枯燥或無聊的工作 It would take ten years to change the surface of the Earth. 可能會花上十年的時間來改變地表 To save our environment, [considering] our stupidity, our conflict, 為了拯救環境且考量到人類的愚蠢 衝突 we've got to reorganize our way of thinking and reconsider our social aims. 我們必須重新組織思維方式並重新考量社會的宗旨 We must put our mind to this as we do to put a man on the moon. 我們必須下定決心做到 如同我們送人類上月球的決心一樣 [Jeff Hoffman, retired NASA astronaut] Like many kids, when I was 6 years old [傑弗利·霍夫曼教授 美國國家航空暨太空總署 退休太空人] 如同許多孩子 當我6歲時 I dreamed of flying in space. I'm old enough that, 我夢想遨遊於太空中 而且我也夠老了 back then, the only astronauts were Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers. 因為當時的太空人只有「飛俠哥頓和巴克·羅傑斯」 I went on and became a professional astronomer. 然後我努力成為專業的天文學家 I was lucky enough to get selected in the first group of shuttle astronauts. 我也真夠幸運 能入選成為首批的太空人之一 We trained for a long time. 我們經過長期訓練 Of course, you go through many different types of simulators. 當然 也體驗過各種模擬訓練裝置 But when you're actually sitting up there on the rocket, 但當你真的坐在火箭上頭時 you realize that "Hey, this is not the simulator!" 你終於了解到「嘿 這可不是模擬訓練裝置!」 The whole vehicle is shaking a little bit on the pad. 一開始 整台太空梭在發射平台上稍稍震動 Then, you hear this roar down beneath you. 然後你聽到下方傳來的巨大聲響 The whole shuttle tilts forward a little bit. 接著整台太空梭稍微向前傾斜 Then, as it comes back to the vertical position, 當恢復到正常垂直發射的位置後 all of a sudden, Wham! The solid boosters ignite. 突然之間 「砰!」 固態推進器就點火爆發了 There's an incredible vibration and noise. 震動和噪音大到不可思議 For the next two minutes, there is just so much power 接下的兩分鐘內 就是擁有如此強大的推力 that you're sitting on top of. 將你送往天上 I was just holding on, thinking to myself 我只能撐住並想著: "Whoa! I hope this whole thing holds together." 「哇喔! 只希望整架太空梭不會解體」 Sure enough, it did. 結果當然沒事 By that time, we're looking out the window. 當時我們望向窗外 The blue sky has already turned to the blackness of space. 地球的藍天早已融入宇宙的黑暗 And I can see in the distance the coast of Africa coming up into view. 然後我能看到遙遠的非洲海岸納入眼簾 I always remember that feeling on my first flight when I realized: 我總能記得第一次飛行時的了悟之感: Wow, you're in space! 「哇 你真的在太空中了!」 You see from orbit the sunrises and sunsets 每天你都會從軌道上 16 times every 24 hours. 看到16次的日出和日落 Flying over the Earth at night, in particular 特別是在夜晚飛越地球時 gives you a real sense of human civilization. 你會真正感到人類文明的存在 During the day, you look down and you see the colors of the Earth. 在白天 你低頭看見地球的顏色 You see the forms of the landmass, of the continents. 你看見大陸板塊和各大洲 There's a lot of beautiful things to see during the day. 白天可看見許多美麗的事物 There's also the view of the impact 也有衝擊人心的景象 that humans have had on our planet, and that can be pretty scary. 即人類對地球的有害作為 這可是相當嚇人的 Over the course of 11 years of flying 在11年的飛行生涯中 I watched as the Amazon jungle was continually being deforested. 我看到亞馬遜叢林持續被砍伐 [Rondônia, Brazil 2010 24 years of deforestation] [2010年 巴西 朗多尼亞州] 經過24年的砍伐 At night, you'd constantly see agricultural burning 晚上你會看到全球各地不斷的農業焚燒 all over the world. 晚上你會看到全球各地不斷的農業焚燒 You could see harbors being silted up. 你能看到港口淤塞 You could see, in Africa, how the tree line would go up every year. 你也能看到非洲的森林線每年都在上升 We know about global warming and what we're doing to the atmosphere. 我們知道全球暖化和人類對大氣層所做的事 That's the other thing you really get a sense of from space 但從太空真的知道地球的大氣有多麼薄弱 is how thin our atmosphere is. 又是另一回事 Basically, the idea that we're seeing this environmental damage 基本上 我們通常只看到人類 on the Earth, created by humans, 在地球上造成的環境破壞 but we see it from a cosmic perspective, 但若從更廣闊的宇宙觀點來看 means that it's just not something that we can ignore. 意味著我們不能輕忽這件事 The planet is responding to the presence of humanity. 因為地球已對人類的存在作出回應了 [Carl Sagan, "Pale Blue Dot", 1994] The Earth is a very small stage [卡爾·薩根 1994年 《蒼藍小點》] 在廣袤的宇宙空間裡 in a vast cosmic arena. 地球只是極小的舞台 Think of the rivers of blood 想想看那些 spilled by all those generals and emperors 因為將軍帝王們而噴濺的鮮血 so that in glory and triumph 這樣他們才能在勝利榮光中 they can become the momentary masters 成為短暫的主宰者 of a fraction of a dot. [Earth from 3.7 billion miles] [從370萬英里看地球] 但也只是宇宙中一點的再一小小部份罷了 Think of the endless cruelties visited 想想看造訪人類文明的無盡殘暴歷史 by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel 來訪者只是這一宇宙小點中的角落居民 on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner. 對其它角落的人而言 幾乎是不可辨識的陌生人 How eager they are to kill one another, 人們是多麼熱衷於自相殘殺 how fervent their hatreds. 憎恨多麼強烈! Our posturings, 我們的裝模作樣 our imagined self-importance, 我們想像的自我膨脹 the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe 我們自以為在宇宙中擁有特權位階的幻想 are challenged by this point of pale light. 全都受到這一蒼藍小點的挑戰 Our planet is a lonely speck 在無邊環繞的宇宙黑暗中 in the great enveloping cosmic dark. 地球是孤獨一點 In all this vastness, there is no hint 在這全然的無限中 沒有跡象顯示 that help will come from elsewhere 會有其它地方來的外援 to save us 以拯救我們免於自身的毀滅 from ourselves. 以拯救我們免於自身的毀滅 The Venus Project presents 維納斯計畫出品 THE CHOICE IS OURS 《選擇在於我們》 Documentary film by Roxanne Meadows, Joel Holt Original score by Kat Epple Roxanne Meadows、Joel Holt、Kat Epple共同原創製作 PART I 第一部份 (Narrator) For the first time, we have the capability, the technology, 人類史上頭一遭 我們擁有必要的能力 科技與知識 and the knowledge to achieve a global society of abundance for all. 為所有人創造一個充滿富足的全球社會 We cannot continue as we are 我們不能再維持現狀了 or the consequences will surely be dire. 否則下場必定淒慘無比 A 2012 UN report states that a global population growth 2012年 聯合國的一份報告說 全球的人口增長 from 7 billion to almost 9 billion is expected by 2040. 到了2040年 預計從70億增加到90億人 Demands for resources will rise exponentially. 對於資源的需求將以指數飆升 By 2030, requirements for food are projected to rise by 50%, 到了2030年 預計對於食物的需求將上升50% energy by 45%, 能源和水則分別為上升45%和30% and water by 30%. 能源和水則分別為上升45%和30% We are presently depleting natural resources 人類掠奪自然資源的速度 50% faster than the planet can renew. 比地球自我更新恢復的能力還快上50% At this rate, it is estimated that we'll need 3 more planet Earths 照此速率 據估計人類將需要額外的3個地球 to keep up with resource needs as they are today. 才能趕上滿足今日資源需求的程度 What is the sixth extinction? 第六次物種大滅絕是啥? Is it happening right now? What's the cause of it? 現在就發生了?原因為何? What we, as human beings, are doing to the planet 我們人類正在對地球做的事 is changing the basic conditions of life 以非常激烈和迅速的方式 very dramatically and very rapidly. 正在改變各種生物的生存條件和環境 (Narrator) And yet, from environmental disaster to war, 然而 儘管受到自然災難和戰爭的侵襲 our obsolete value systems perpetuate insanity, 我們過時的價值觀體系 卻仍不斷滋養著瘋狂 threatening us on many fronts. 在各方面都威脅著人類 Is it the best we can do to just clean up after the fact? 最好的狀況 永遠只能是事後才收拾爛攤子嗎? Are politicians capable or even competent to manage the world around us? 政客真有能力來治理 管理我們周遭的世界? (Gordon Brown) Let me explain. (戈登·布朗 英國首相) 讓我解釋一下! Order! The prime minister. 首相 請保持秩序! (Narrator) Are we simply incapable of anticipating 人類真的無法預測並規劃未來? and planning for our future? 人類真的無法預測並規劃未來? Are we innately flawed in ways we can't change? 人類真的有無法改變的先天人性缺陷? (Journalist) Why not just use firing squads? - Aim! (記者) 何不一槍斃命就好? -瞄準! (Narrator) We often hear that human nature is fixed... 我們常聽到「本性難改」... It's only human nature! 就只有人性啦! ...and our worst qualities are inborn. ...而且最差的人類特質都是「天生的」 - How are they gonna stop being criminals? - Oh, nonsense! -他們怎樣才能停止犯罪? -喔! 胡說八道! They were born that way and there is no use trying to change them. 他們天生就是罪犯 嘗試改變他們只是徒勞! THE DETERMINANTS OF BEHAVIOR 決定行為的因素 [Henry Schlinger Jr., PhD] I think it's difficult to talk about a specific human nature [亨利.施林格 加州大學心理學系博士] 我認為談論特定的人性有困難 like we talk about fixed or modal action patterns in nonhuman species. 像是我們會說 在非人類的物種身上有固定的行為模式 But clearly in humans, learning plays the major role. 但在人類身上 「學習」顯然扮演主要角色 In fact, I refer to humans as 'the learning animal', 事實上 我將人類視為一種「學習型動物」 because humans learn more than any other animal. 因為人類學的東西比其它動物都還多 (Narrator) And yet, considering our history of aggression, 然而 看看人類的侵略歷史 warlike tendencies, 戰爭傾向 jealousies and hatred... 嫉妒與憎恨... (US soldier) Keep shootin' (美國士兵) 繼續射擊! (Narrator) ...we still have much to learn. ...我們仍然要學習很多東西 One would think it impossible to simply overlook 一個人會認為 全然忽略人類成長浸淫的環境是不可能的 the conditions we're immersed in. 一個人會認為 全然忽略人類成長浸淫的環境是不可能的 (Jacque) The culture doesn't know any better. (雅克) 人類的「文化」沒有比較厲害 They don't know what forces are involved in shaping human behavior. 大多數人不知何種力量型塑了人類行為 Therefore, they invent their own concept 因此他們幻想出自己的觀念 and project their own values into human behavior 並投射自己的價值觀到人類行為上 and say that's human nature. 然後再靠北該該叫:「這就是人性啦!」 That's where they're wrong. 這就是大錯特錯的地方! (Henry) Right now we have an explosion of technologies in our culture. (亨利) 我們現在的文化中充斥著各種科技 I think many people think that technology is going to save us. 我想許多人會認為科技將拯救我們 Certainly technology has made our lives easier in many respects. 而科技確實在許多方面 帶給我們更便利的生活 - Find parking space. - Parking space found. -尋找停車空間 -已找到 Sometimes it's good; sometimes it's not so good. 而科技的影響時好時壞 (Journalist) Drones armed with Hellfire missiles... (記者) 裝載著地獄火飛彈的無人機... How would you like to get paid to spy on your neighbors? 你喜歡付錢去監視你的鄰居嗎? There's one technology that we don't have, that we sorely need 我們若想真正改變 那麼就有一種我們急需 if we're going to really change, and that's the technology of behavior. 但目前還未有的科技 那就是「行為的科技」 The science of behavior needs to be applied like the sciences of physics, 行為的科學必須像一直應用物理 化學 生物那樣 chemistry, and biology have been. 行為的科學必須像一直應用物理 化學 生物那樣 That's that one missing ingredient in our culture. 這正是我們文化中欠缺的一塊拼圖 And that's the toughest one because 但這也是最困難克服的地方 it opposes the way that most people think about themselves. 因為大多數人仍只會主張:「問題在人性啦!」 (Narrator) Examining human behavior in the same manner 用檢視任何其它物理現象的態度 as any other physical phenomenon 去檢驗人類行為 will enable us to understand the factors responsible for shaping 將讓我們理解型塑人類的態度和行為的因素 our attitudes and our conduct. 將讓我們理解型塑人類的態度和行為的因素 (Henry) All natural scientists assume that their subject matters (亨利) 所有的自然科學家皆假設 其研究主題 are lawful and orderly. If they're not, then you can't do science. 是有規律和秩序的 若無 則稱不上科學 Behavioral scientists assume that human behavior and 行為科學家也假設人類與其它有機體的行為 同樣也是有規律和秩序的 the behavior of other organisms is also lawful and orderly. 行為科學家也假設人類與其它有機體的行為 同樣也是有規律和秩序的 To not assume that means that you accept that 若不這樣假設 這表示你接受如下觀點: human behavior is somehow separate from the rest of nature. 人類行為不知怎樣 就是與大自然的規律不同 We don't make that assumption. We make the assumption 我們不如此假設 我們假設: